General Discussion

General Discussion3 account buyers

3 account buyers in General Discussion

    in the same game

    and we almost won!


      looks like people having a bad game, sure their hero damage and CS sucked, but axe didn't buy a battle furry and no one fed 0-27.

        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

          how much is a 5k mmr account? how about 4k? just asking

            Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
            bum farto

              ^ I would actually buy that to have some fun with it.


                not this shit again... stop buying acc's pl0x ;'(


                  5k acc used to be arround 40 euros.
                  nowdays cause calibration cap , fresh 5k's gonna be more expensive .

                  bum farto

                    ^ Yep that totally proves he was an account buyer cause as a lion he died a lot and timber had a good game.


                    You're in no position to call out players at least 1.4K MMR ahead of you regardless of what you think. You queue Russia late at night you're going to get a massive rating disparity. Also you forgot to mention the 4-13 troll who I would consider far more detrimental than a 3-14 lion.

                    By the looks of it you pushed a much better player off a core position so you as a low 4k player could take it. Why would you do that? Take the humble seat and support better players instead of putting them on supports and playing cores yourself.

                    Also the bat rider in your game consistently beats high tier teams I think had you gone for a support knowing the players in your game were far above your skill level you probably could have won that.

                    Someone feeding doesn't mean they bought an account.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                    Mortimer Smith

                      Havoc, dont buy that i cana give you my first brother acc


                        I admit that i played bad and should had totally abbandoned lane for jungle like i did in this game (2x carry lane @top); i expected too much from my russtard team (was failed by the expectations/ fight-flow) that was muted in 5mins.

               (we had another 5.7k dude in; magnus) because lion only kept pulling creeps and i had to solo vs timber; tanked lots of creep dmg.

                        Lina was so fat she just would ult me for instagib; most deaths were from laguna. Only me, for fun. I went afk later, was a lost game anyway.

                        Lion was flaming us all since loading screen; we offered him mid but he decided to ''support'' (no wards/dust) me, and i saw some 2k people supporting better. He either was intentionally throwing or just bad. If someone plays super bad and also flames , i dont give a fuck about his mmr, he is account buyer to me. Also instead going solo mid/offlane he tried to support (while feeding timber) and get win, many acc buyers do that in hopes getting carried.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                        bum farto

                          No one in your bracket buys accounts. Calling someone out for account buying while playing troll only on multiple accounts and toggling match sharing to reduce the amount of losses that show is just as bad.

                          You're linking a game where again your poor performance shows while you're passing blame of to others. Magnus played pretty well there and has good items and a decent amount of involvement overall while your performance overall in that game is pretty poor and it looks like you simply opted for split farming with troll.

                          I would also flame people if I was forced onto a role I wasn't comfortable with to allow a team 1k below me to pick what they wanted and then blow hard with it. You really need to fix your attitude towards others in your game who are the same or a lot better than you. You are not by any means and amazing player and you basically main a pretty strong meta hero on multiple accounts and nothing more.

                          Your ego is horribly out of check and you need to come back down to reality which will make you a better person to play with, better at working out your mistakes instead of complaining about those of others, and you will improve over time. I think you're taking this game far to seriously for someone who isn't probably ever going to get above mid 4k so just relax and enjoy. If it's going to happen it will happen.

                          Mortimer Smith
                            Tento komentář byl smazán

                              you misread me again. I said i should had ingored my hopes of trusting lion and should had jungled like IN MAGNUS game. It worked out. It was good example. Dude was communicative, flamed most of the team when they woul fail but i added him and we two talked in PM when i should ult/help with fights and pushes; when to rosh or USE SPACE TO FARM since he disliked slark a lot.... He trusted me.

                              Trusting lion did wasn't good example. He was also a flamer himself and that was also detrimental to the win no matter what.

                              He was yelling at everyone pre-game.

                              Simple as that.

                              Bad sign to support dude like that.

                              Or even trust him/ his mmr. Having good mmr isn't pass to be ass....

                              Also; everyone has some back-up plan in case you dont get your lane/hero. That lion dude should had tried that; maybe he did. No one knows if it was bad day or he was letting his friend play or whatever.

                              And i am above mid 4k's already and climbing; your argument is invalid. Also don't blow bubbles; i work on my self way more than i blame others for loss. You dig too deep. Guy performed like shit among other shits so he can be questioned about buying 6k account. Flamer attitude also makes more questions regarding buying accounts.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                              bum farto

                                Again you're in no position to question anyone in your bracket and higher. Most of your games on both accounts you have extremely low impact and are relying on your team to lead the way and picking up slack where you can. Very few games do you actually shine as a star player so stop acting like you're in a position to talk bad about players that you had to smurf/meta pick in order to play with.

                                When I ever solo queue I go into my games letting my team know that I will support, I pick support and stay quiet. I don't all chat, I (for a lot of them) don't even trash talk my team because we're all in the same boat. We're all thinking that someone else is the noob, and that someone else should listen to my superior knowledge etc.

                                Just play the game at stop worrying about other people that you're fortunate enough to play with. I would rather have someone a lot higher rating than me in my games then a 4K who insta-picks a meta core and doesn't do anything useful.


                                  @flame/kid/noob that guy had +almost2k over you mmr, he wanted to carry, and you forced him to support you.
                                  lion is lion afterall, if he is a solo support he will have 0 items(no fast dagger) die a lot and contribute with 1-2 skills in a fight before getting killed.


                                    i forced no one to support. His own decision.

                                    Also i was 1st to call lanes, first to pick. He didnt even said "no, i am carrying"... He just picked or ranfomed lion after that; idk

                                    Also he is around 1k; not 2k higher ffs... Its just typical "op os a f**" mindset - i could play with 2k people; pick carry and get flamed because "its better for weaker players to play their best roles since you are good anyways and make impact elsewhere" stuff and such - it happened before!

                                    Someone just always wanna feel right; have the last word. Its internet

                                    bum farto

                                      His icon looks pretty first, and I don't think you would have picked anything different. Most people have just kind of given up on winning and if someone picked a role/lane I was already in, I would probably half assed afk a support as well.

                                      "carrying, said pre-game" so that makes it justifiable? You kicked the highest rated player out of the carry lane and because he wasn't going to argue you did it anyways. A slark picker probably would have won you that game.


                                        so far 8-1 w/l

                                        will let 5.5-6k players from now on to carry instead of me if they ASK and i will post the results :)

                                        that was the past. Just for curiosity i can do this test


                                          ok; game 1 :

                                          asked 5.3k dude if i can carry. He said yes. Despite first blood and pretty ok early game we fucked up mid-game really hard. Then people kinda gave up

                                          game 2:

                                          some dude picked void so i was a good pup' and i went supporting [my worst role] instead of duo-carry lane.

                                          Turns out he wasnt really great carry, rq 5 mins pre-loss

                                          1 game with guy who went carry instead of me. I wanna see how this experiment will pan out...

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                          bum farto

                                            How is this an experiment, there is equal risk of winning or losing when you carry or if someone else carries. You don't have the holy grail that somehow sets you apart as a carry player and gives you a competitive edge.

                                            When will you get it, you're just as bad, or good as the players in your bracket and if you were better than 5K players you would be there now. Your carry is pretty poor given that you're playing one of the strongest heroes in the current meta.

                                            No excuses this is all on you....

                                   40 minute game 7K hero dmg, and no items worth mentioning
                                   30 minute game 6K hero dmg, and no items worth mentioning
                                   40 minute game 6k hero dmg, good farm this time but you did nothing with it.
                                   44 minute game, you farmed less but did more.
                                   40 minute game, 7K hero dmg as Void, spent all game farming with BF
                                   25 minute game, 12K hero dmg, good farm, this is how you should perform.

                                            For someone who plays so much troll there is no excuse for such low performance. In fact looking at your past games you haven't played a convincing troll game in about 5 months this could possible be due to you being lower MMR 5 months ago which allowed you to perform better, if you want to go higher you have to step up your game.

                                            Also how was sky a good support option in that game? No more excuses, stop being salty and egotistical about the players you meet who are better than you but perform badly. I have played against players 10x better than myself and beat them but that doesn't make them any less good or me in any way better than them. It's simply luck of the draw and sometimes even on heroes you're good at you have a bad start, bad day, bad whatever.

                                            You really need to get over yourself. I don't know why I have bothered telling you this over and over cause you will just make another excuse post about how 5.8K's are account buyers if they perform badly blah blah....i am out.


                                              I listed some support options and team voted for sky. And i don't know what you mean by ''low performance''; most of the time my teammates have very poor stats (I AVOID MANY DEATHS compared to them) so the fights are not in my favour/very risky to take but they happen; and i must be there. I can't just ignore everyone and afk farm when enemies 5man deathball off someone fails.
                                              Or should i? But then i have very low hero dmg and just better farm.

                                              Lose-lose situation in your stat-book.

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                              bum farto

                                                You avoid all risk cause you think a farmed troll is enough to win a game. If you have weakened your other 4 player through ignoring them in preference of farm then there will be no late game for you. Most of the games you win with low stats as troll even though your team are doing well.

                                                I can understand not taking bad fights or risk but this is what you seem to do even in games you're winning, or could have won. You dodge fighting constantly in favor of farming where in an ideal situation you should be able to do both effectively. Its like how some people play lycan/terror some opt for splitting, but do still fight and farm. While others go for pure farm, and rat style dota which will only win you as many games as your team are able to hold it together 4v5.

                                                "5man deathball off someone fails" I can almost gaurantee that a lot of that is your failure to do anything of worth in games. What's the point of giving that much farm to a core if he isn't willing to use it (even if risky) to help the team pull back. Instead you farm and split giving a further advantage in most of you games to the enemy who know you won't bother to help because your team is "failing" and it's to risky to fight the team beating your rax down.

                                       Like what happened? How did you have no impact when your team were basically on top all game?



                                                  this - magnus/wraith fed few kills to ta; she got fast deso, they just 5man roflstomped midas void

                                         or where 5k player (kotl) stacks with 3k pudge; both drunk. Feed many kills, they 5man roflstomp again


                                                    Wow. Tried eu w again; was mad at russia


                                                    WHAT A GAME!!!

                                                    bum farto

                                                      What relevance does that magnus game have to do with your "experiment" this was in no way the voids fault and he was involved as much as he could have been contributing to about 12/15 kills your team got. A bad game with a TA that got out of hand due to laning against an unfavorable match up.

                                                      Also it's perfectly understandable for people to do that. I sometimes also go party ranked and if it's not in a 5 stack I will usually just random and go ham all over the map which a lot of times doesn't pay off cause solo queuers aren't really comfortable playing wrecklessly in their solo whereas in party very few people give a shit.

                                                      You're veering off topic though were you're calling out high tier players for "account buying" where you are sat on a smurf performing under the bracket in about 70% of your games. Just accept that you're lucky to be where you are and go with the losses as if you cannot take losing well then don't bother playing the game cause you will lose about 50% of the time.


                                                      If you really want to win ask yourself what you could have done to have won that game or at least improved the outcome.

                                             Who was offlane? Could you have maybe left the Void solo and gone and just sat mid with the Magnus? Could you have stacked the jungle for WK? Was there any times you could have optimized on space to have ganked Mid or Safelane?

                                             Was Crit first really going to help you? Was 20% chance to do a low dmg crit really worth buying over durablity, or even an escape? Could you have TP'd in order to even the odds for your team? Could you have forced a tower push to get your team gold?

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        OP how did you win that game ? against a troll and a sniper

                                                        it doenst make sense to me