General Discussion

General DiscussionGuys typhox got 50% winrate on OD!

Guys typhox got 50% winrate on OD! in General Discussion
    all he needed was some unranked mm spam! let's congratulate him! xd

    5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

      i don't understand how someone with over 5k games of dota 2 is still sitting at 4800-5100 mmr (trash tier)

      not to mention if he goes mid all the time he should find it much easier to climb

      if i had enough time to play 5000 matches i'd be fucking 8k

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      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

        oh nvm, he has close to 6000 games LOL

        yea this is autism for real


          no. you wouldn't

          oh and you should be careful Sano. His lawyer might see this thread and bring charges against you.

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          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

            if u were remotely decent at dota i would probably take some time to formulate a detailed response but alas

            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

              it's really sad dotabuff doesn't have an ignore feature so i have to acknowledge certain types of people exist


                like anon smurfs posting on dumpster accounts? about how they would be the best dota player in the world if they played 5k games?


                  why all this hate on smaug?^^ you kids and your ways.


                    i will keep telling that 4k OD picks are bad for ur health


                      idk, everyone just plays in the way he/she enjoys most. if this guy loves playing one hero, then why might it be bad for him?




                          idk why would he sue me i'm congratulating him because of his amazing feat


                            jokes on you Sano, he almost 6k!

                            (meaning six thousand total matches played no keepo)

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                            Pom Pom 🍕

                              OD isn't that good anymore anyway, so good job on finally getting that 50%~

                              Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                The only reason why I wasn't at 50% was because I wasn't abusing unlike all of you. Playing unrankeds or Party matches or Team MM, getting a high winrate is absolutely no problem. And OD is just a shitty hero for solo ranked, Phoenix is way better. This forum is just punishing me for trying to do the impossible and climbing the ladder with OD. Noone of you has ever done that. In fact nobody has ever done that.

                                But apparently everyone in this forum is just busy with dreaming of their "if I played", "what if" and so on daydreams believing that they would be any better.

                                Guess you just need to hate on people to give your pathetic lives a purpose.


                                  Dude dont take this forum too seriously, same for your mmr. Just enjoy the game. Nobodys gonna suck your dick at 8k.


                                    Apparently if you have over 50% with a hero, you are an abuser.



                                      my slark is 90% solo queue and i have decent winrate and kda and 200 games.
                                      i could still keep a >50% winrate if i only picked slark, i would say even close to 60 without any abuse.
                                      i could understand a low winrate with od, but you could have high kda, i mean its easy to kill with him if you know how to play, and easy to not die imo (If you know how to play the hero)

                                      and dude, noone "hates" on you, there is no such thing as "hate" cuz you like to play one hero

                                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                        None of those with more than 100 games on the hero actually has a 5k+ rating.

                                        Also claiming that most people on that list wouldn't play unranked nor party with other people is just outright stupid.

                                        But what do YOU know about winrates, you were the guy who said a winrate of 76% wouldn't even be close to 70%.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          I think you lawyer gave you the wrong information. If you give me his number I'll explain cherry picking stats to him.


                                            i just checked, i have 70% winrate against od


                                              so proud of him
                                              good job

                                              kanye went to uni

                                                +1 sir

                                                smaug barely brags about his od any more idk why you guys still antagonise him


                                                  He obviously has some kind of real problem, did you see his posts talking about murdering people for taking mid from him? Don't flame him it's kind of a low blow

                                                  Mortimer Smith

                                                    @Smaug, don't worry about you tier, worry about you lost almost a year of your life playing dota...

                                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                      ^ I'm more worried that I lost half of my life in school.

                                                      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                        God i fucking love people xdddd


                                                        Ta slark tinker, wp, be proud! O wait there's more storm, sf. Yeah well typical midder making shitposts i'm fucking surprised


                                                          when did wave return


                                                            if you think you lost your life at school then yeah you have issues

                                                            Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                              Meh, school is boring tho. Just learning shit that doesn't interest you with lambda people, 8/8


                                                                I think Outworld Devourer should have a higher winrate just for how awesome his voicework is. Just hearing his menacing tone should send Sniper running back to the fountain where he will just curl up into a ball and sob quietly for the next 45 minutes. And still have nightmares by the time the next game starts.


                                                                  ODs voice is indeed very alpha and well spoken.

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    good on him i cant get 50% am winrate for my life

                                                                    win 8 in a row and it shifts 3% what the fuk

                                                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                                      ^ If I win 8 games in a row, it shifts by 0.1% :D


                                                                        ok so I still don't think that smaug is the 3rd best OD players in the world, he might belong in the top 100 though. really why so much hate for him? he is around 5k, he has a 50 % win rate with the hero, sure not everyone with high win rates on a hero is abusing, but lets see you pick OD every game and go 50/100 at 5k. there are some super hard counters to OD and he's not even that strong uncountered.

                                                                        I completely understood the hate when he was low 4k and complaining about how he wasn't ranked higher on a hero he was sub 50% with, but that hasn't been the case for half a year.

                                                                        @ smaug why would you ever make euls on OD?

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                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          Can someone explain me this new circlejerk ? Why exactly do we hate him ?

                                                                          MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                                                            nah forums got boring and sano made a thread a bait typhox ez


                                                                              Smaug is actually few of the non-retarded people on this forum. He does and plays what the fuck he wants and he's living his life. Its HIS to "waste" on things he likes doing, haters just go back to your little holes and observe how living looks like.

                                                                              And YES. School as we know it is mostly waste of time learning useless facts and information you wont even fuckin need in your life.

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                                                                                  Did nobody ever socialize in school or what? School is not just for learning facts people...

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                                                                                                Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                                                                  I played with Smaug and he's a great player tbh, he just tries to play a hero that is countered by the current meta and pub picks, that's why i stopped playing jakiro for a while.