General Discussion

General DiscussionJust had one of the most kappa games.....

Just had one of the most kappa games..... in General Discussion

    Afk sk sitting in the fountain for the first 3 min, 0-6 puck on the offlane by 10 min crying over the fact I took mid. I'm literally nonstop buying wards and dust but yet my toxic team feels the need to criticise my item choices (4k scrub here).

    Our safelane was a IO,oracle,SK trilane since the SK hovered over tiny though the picking stage and then goes support.

    Literally thought the game was a fucking loss... GG WP +25.

    I really do feel like the trench is never gonna end.... pls volvo.

    waku waku

      you have several ranked games where your own inventory is full of iron branches lol gj


        Lmao the io so bad