General Discussion

General DiscussionYour Real DOTA PERSONALITY

Your Real DOTA PERSONALITY in General Discussion
Village Whore

    Since the one on db doesn't fully reflect the type of player you are, feel free to join me in creating your own Dota category as well as a personalized description.

    Be Brutally honest my lovelies...

    My Dota Personality: The "One-Trick-Pony" (OTP)

    Early acknowledgement of the competition between one's potentially toxic team for the role of mid and carry, The OTP calls for the offlane, where the grass is greener and the birds sing louder. Carefully analyzing his opponent's/team's picks with his self-proclaimed 12K mmr mind, he decides to dive into his deeeeeeeeeeep pool of 2 heroes (STRENGTH MELEE) Timbersaw and Bristleback in the hopes that he may have ez cut-ka and not get quilled in the line of duty.

    Rest of the picking phase is spend re assuring team-mates that his selection of timber to counter silencer/doom/necro/(ANY HERO WITH SILENCE OR GOES AN ORCHID) is simply new meta and as a wise man once said: "once we know our weaknesses they cease to do us any harm". Infused with this new-found wisdom, his teammates unite as one and enter the game in an euphoric state with optimism leaking out of their every pore. Everyone is happy and kind, sunshine lollipop rainbows, farts smell like fairy floss and bubblegum.... until he gets Ganked by 9 at rune- FirstBlood - GGWP, I'm Out.

    40mins later, games are hard, tears are shed, Toxicity levels: Chernobyl.... RINSE and REPEAT.


      So, you're a pony too, huh.



        You see mistakes people make, you often avoid it. You know when people are taking bad desicions, items, fights but these spongebobs don't listed to you. And they often make problems to you. You even know what to change in yourself to get better and climb but you won't do it because wan't to stay yourself. But you don't complain, you are happy with your results.
        In the end of the day, you all still work at crusty crab....

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