General Discussion

General DiscussionSilver Linings Within the Current Meta

Silver Linings Within the Current Meta in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Since every match is now littered with trolls, snipers, axes, juggers and the guys who just will not leave the top ten no matter what the meta like pudge, pa and slark, let's look at the bright side.

    None of those heroes are as annoying as when tinker and invoker were mid every damn game. Invoker's like barely a top 20 picked hero now and tinker HAHAHAHA good riddance you piece of shit.

    casual gamer


      invoker mirana meta was cancer times a million


        Mirana was barely nerfed? Like vision on her arrow was reduced and slightly shorter point blank stun big woop. I don't mind sniper but holy shit that troll is OP as fook. Like when non of space cow's spells could be interrupted or when drow had insane agi gain from her ult. Its frustrating having to shut down a hero so much but then he just rapes you with a morbid mask and keeps your perma bashed or afk farms while buffing his whole team for ganks. Needs more of a nerf than any hero for a while now.