General Discussion

General DiscussionRelentless's Thoughts Part 2

Relentless's Thoughts Part 2 in General Discussion
5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

    He doesn't visit/rarely visits so I will be his liaison.

    Empire: i've noticed
    Empire: in almost every single loss
    Empire: i had recently
    Empire: it was unfair
    Empire: i had 2 dogshit players
    Empire: who picked worthless heroes
    Empire: like "support potm"
    Empire: and didn't do a damn thing
    Empire: all game
    Empire: just feed over and over after failing to land arrows
    Empire: meanwhile the other team's trash palyers
    Empire: with ~4.9k mmr (lowest mmr in the range)
    Empire: pick shit like lich
    Empire: earthshaker
    Empire: sand king
    Empire: i.e. just click a few spells
    Empire: and you can provide impact
    Empire: to the game
    Empire: oh and
    Empire: i actually had to work
    Empire: for my wins
    Empire: i didnt' get
    Empire: any free wins
    Empire: at all
    Empire: if i win it's cuz we outplay the other team
    Empire: and the game is actually pretty even
    Relentless: free wins?
    Empire: i haven't
    Empire: gotten any
    Empire: trust me
    Empire: if i did i would be jumping for joy
    Relentless: hmm i get free wins sometimes
    Empire: well i didn't
    Empire: the only time
    Empire: i got a free win
    Empire: was when the enemy 5.4
    Empire: got mad
    Empire: cuz someone picked riki
    Empire: and went mid
    Empire: to steal exp
    Empire: for 2 waves
    Empire: and then he ran down mid LOL
    Empire: my losses are
    Empire: 2-3 retards usually, almost no impact at all (other than feeding like autists)
    Empire: sometimes 4 retards all being useless trash
    Empire: and enemy team has 2 or 3 retards but they pick ez to play heroes
    Empire: so they can still be useful
    Empire: it would be a fair match if the retards on both teams picked
    Empire: useful heroes
    Empire: or if they BOTH picked non-useful heroes
    Empire: not one team's retards picking useless shit
    Empire: like jungle legion xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    Empire: and then we lose map control 15 min in, so i have nowhere safe to farm
    Empire: and then they die to every single gank due to 0 map awareness
    Empire: also cuz people refuse to buy wards
    Empire: and this is 5500-5600 mmr
    Empire: i don't even understand what is going on
    Empire: 5500 isn't pro or even excellent by top tier players' standards but u would expect people to be SOMEWHAT good at dota
    Relentless: well... they are
    Relentless: but
    Relentless: doesn't mean they are good at that particular hero
    Relentless: or
    Relentless: playing to win
    Empire: or maybe they don't want to support?
    Empire: yea idk what to say
    Empire: if u are 4k trash in a 5k match u SHOULD support, that's just common sense.
    Empire: i support in almost every game if i'm lower than avg on EU West
    Empire: when i watched swiftending replays in solo q
    Empire: a while back
    Empire: when he climbed from 6300 to 7000
    Empire: he had supportive teammates
    Empire: in over 70% of his games
    Relentless: i find dramatic 1k MMR equvalent changes in play from one hero to the next are common
    Empire: i'm not saying i'm 7k skilled like he is
    Empire: i'm saying i don't get people who are supportive at all
    Empire: they just run around
    Empire: and are useless
    Empire: 0 impact
    Empire: don't stack camps
    Empire: don't carry TPs
    Empire: or any of that shit
    Empire: i can tell my 3k mmr friends
    Empire: on teamspeak
    Empire: to stack
    Empire: so i can farm faster
    Empire: and they would do it
    Empire: but miraculously i can't tell these 4.9k idiots
    Empire: for some reason
    Empire: ego to skill ratio too high for certain brackets???
    Empire: i just lost it
    Empire: i don't know how to remain calm like u usually do
    Empire: i'm also getting pretty old
    Empire: for dota
    Empire: if i tell beesa this
    Empire: he will just tell me to
    Empire: "get good noob"
    Empire: one team's players are playing like they are -1000 mmr
    Empire: from what their actual mmr is
    Empire: and that makes the game imbalanced
    Empire: and unenjoyable unless u are MUCH better than ur current rating to compensate for their trashiness
    Relentless: well, the thing is
    Relentless: dota is a team game so
    Relentless: really you are not playing dota
    Relentless: if you solo que
    Empire: true
    Empire: you are playing
    Empire: an asymmetrical co-op
    Relentless: solo que is just for practicing skills
    Relentless: if you are going to be serious about dota
    Empire: join a taem?
    Empire: yea idk
    Empire: i'm quitting soon
    Empire: i'm gonna be like u
    Empire: actually
    Empire: probably poke my head in
    Empire: every 6 months
    Empire: and play a little with whoever is on
    Empire: that's fine with me
    Empire: i will have 6k mmr soon to get further away from the trash
    Empire: and i'll be satisfied
    Empire: it's just the process of playing solo q is insufferable
    Empire: i don't complain about losses if it seems both teams are relatively even and it's a back and forth game
    Empire: not one where we get raxed 15 min in
    Empire: cuz the guy who instapicked mid is a shitter and complete garbage truck
    Relentless: dota provides an opportunity to practice life skills
    Relentless: like patience and tolerance
    Empire: looks like i'm failing (flailing) hard
    Empire: LOL
    Relentless: like many things it is simple (not easy)
    Relentless: simple, but the fact is you are the only one who decides what makes you angry
    Relentless: people can't make you upset unless you let them
    Relentless: why give them that power over you?

    tl;dr i'm a complete retard for getting mad at pubs

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        please post more

        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

          it's buried in here somewhere, dotabuff forums doesn't have a search function

          i didn't label it part 1 either, but i just posted whatever our conversation was


            Relentless: dota provides an opportunity to practice life skills
            Relentless: like patience and tolerance


            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

              i'm fairly certain i'm not the only one whose patience and tolerance levels have DECREASED since playing dota habitually


                #wisedoto #2kadvice #relentless


                  @omega, search it with google if you know the keywords "dotabuff whatever you wanted to search"
                  more often than not I find what I'm looking for

                  5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                    never mind i'm a liar, this is part 1