General Discussion

General DiscussionA lot of questions about Dota 2

A lot of questions about Dota 2 in General Discussion

    1.- Does Drow can use skadi (and get the buff)?

    2.- Does AM can use skadi (and get the buff)?

    3.- HoT or Skadi on AM?

    4.- Why i can't use MoM on windranger?

    5.- Does Viper can use skadi (and get the buff)?

    6.- Sniper headshot is like a mkb? (i mean, does it hit wr while windrun?)

    7.- Does the mirana arrow stun 5s even if u are not in the loooongest range? (can it stun like 4.75 if u are not in the max range?)

    8.- Can u dodge a sniper ulti with forcestaff?

    9.- Is blunt 6k?

    10.- Beastmaster ult: stun near enemyes and push the enemys who are far. Are the pushed enemyes pushed aswell?

    11.- Why if a sentry blocks a camp ppl use a ward for block pullcamp?

    12.- When brewmaster use firs skill on u, u miss some hits. Do u still missing if u buy a MKB?

    13.- Antimage ulti dont do damage to the targeted enemy if he is using bkb. Does it the damage on area?

    14.- Why is ta not piked on pro scene? (she is ez counterable, yeah but u can lastpick she)

    15.- Is double skai on PL good?

    16.- Why qop become so popular (she's not imba tho)?

    17.- Does Skyrat mage ultimate divide his damage to all enemyes under it?

    18.- Why can slark remove bounty ult??????????????!?!?!?!



      1- No
      2- No
      3- No
      4- Cause her skills are practically the same thing
      5- No
      6- No
      7- I think it caps out at some point. Like way before the longest range. 5 sec is just the max stun set for that.
      8- No
      9- We have a thread for that
      10- You answered your own question
      11- Yes
      12- No, MKB grants truestrike and you will never miss
      13- No, If the target takes no damage, then the area takes no damage as well. Same goes with linkens.
      14- She was for a while, but Storm is currently the Meta Mid at the moment.
      15- Depending on the enemy line up, yes
      16- Pure damage ult, nuff said.
      17- Yes, read his skill
      18- Cause fuck you and your happyness.

      Polkadot Piranha

        Drow CAN use Skadi, as long as one does not use her Frost Arrows every attack - juggling a frost arrow into about every second or third attack will apply both the skadi and the Frost Arrow slow.

        Pom Pom 🍕

          Uhm, sniper headshot does have truestrike.


            1.- Does Drow can use skadi (and get the buff)?

            yes if not using her orb, if she does, skadi wont work

            2.- Does am can use skadi (and get the buff)?

            No his mana break is uam

            3.- HoT or Skadi on AM?

            HoT is superior to skadi on am for the reasOn am can get out and in the fights with his blink using the most of the regen, but in theory skadi makes him tankier to physcal dmg but the passiive doesnt help him much he have no problem with getting kited , dont get it unless in 6.84 they make 1 of them not uam anymore

            4.- Why i can't use MoM on windranger?

            U can but its not helpful u will get brusted fast and ur ulti already gives u max as , but it helps u farm , imo maelstorm is better since it helps u when u ulti

            5.- Does Viper can use skadi (and get the buff)?

            Yes if he doesnt use his orb, if he does skadi wont work

            6.- Sniper headshot is like a mkb? (i mean, does it hit wr while windrun?)

            7.- Does the mirana arrow stun 5s even if u are not in the loooongest range? (can it stun like 4.75 if u are not in the max range?)
            Mirana arrow can reach 5s after 1.5k range(1500) the max is 3000 so yes,
            For every 150 distance the arrow travels, the stun duration upon impact increases by 0.5 seconds
            I believe that it cant stun for 4.75 , not in 0.25 time , its like this , 0.01 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 depending on distance
            8.- Can u dodge a sniper ulti with forcestaff?


            9.- Is blunt 6k?

            To be honest i dont care , but to answer your there is no proof that he is, and no proof that he is not.

            10.- Beastmaster ult: stun near enemyes and push the enemys who are far. Are the pushed enemyes pushed aswell?

            It pushes and SLOWS the enemies between u and ur target

            11.- Why if a sentry blocks a camp ppl use a ward for block pullcamp?

            1) sentries used to deward there own camp
            2) obs can give u nice vision of the supports sometimes
            3)sup not giving u sentry

            12.- When brewmaster use firs skill on u, u miss some hits. Do u still missing if u buy a MKB?
            its his second skill and no u dont miss heroes or creeps but u miss buildings

            13.- Antimage ulti dont do damage to the targeted enemy if he is using bkb. Does it the damage on area?
            antimage ulti deals the dmg u did to the target in aoe , if he have bkb the dmg is 0 so its 0 in aoe

            14.- Why is ta not piked on pro scene? (she is ez counterable, yeah but u can lastpick she)

            She is picked from time to time , but troll and sniper and few other early pick materials shit on her

            15.- Is double skai on Pl good?

            Id rather a hot and skadi, but everything is situational and i can see situations where double skadi is better

            16.- Why qop become so popular (she's not imba tho)?
            alot of buffs made her viable, the best ones were her blink and her ulti
            17.- Does Skyrat mage ultimate divide his damage to all enemyes under it?


            18.- Why can slark remove bounty ult??????????????!?!?!?!

            He can


              question #9 LOL


                I'm saving these ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                11.- Why if a sentry blocks a camp ppl use a ward for block pullcamp?
                11- Yes <- Soul Eater 676

                18.- Why can slark remove bounty ult??????????????!?!?!?!

                He can <- F!RE

                casual gamer

                  If you am ult a 0 mana storm his entire team will die even if he has BKB on

                  Linkens stops the spell from actually casting, BKB does not

                  Slark can remove bounty ult because op fish


                    slark's skill 1 can remove any negative buff on him (maybe even positive buff, idk exactly). Even eul on slark can be removed if he used his skill 1 before he got eul on him.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      ^ There's actually quite a big list of debuffs that Slark's Dark Pact can't remove.