General Discussion

General DiscussionWinning mid lane against QoP mid

Winning mid lane against QoP mid in General Discussion

    any ideas?


      Set 'requesting a gank' chat wheel option. Be sure to spam it when u die.


        [size=3]ho ho, ha ha[/size]


          lina > qop
          puck > qop
          storm > qop

          TOO BASED

            well that was my main problem everytime i pick storm i always lose on QoP
            can you help me to overcome it?

            King of Low Prio

              by more regen and contest runes


                winning mid vs her is pretty hard, I'm fairly sure viper's corosive skin procs on every proc of her shadow strike (30 damage every 3 seconds vs vipers 32.5% magic resist and 30 magic damage every second that gets refreshed for the whole duration of shadow strike).

                but to get a kill on her you'll need a silence or enough nuke to kill her in some other cc, which isn't hard considering how squishy she can be.

                I reckon you'll just trade farm with her in most cases though.


                  how to ss against qop

                  before lvl6 u can just farm with remnants and abuse bottle, meanwhile stacking jungle. once u get lvl6, qop cant kill u anymore cz u dodge pretty much everything except 3rd spell.

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                      skywrathmage mid lane recks her


                        Windrunner does well vs qop


                          invakir is not bad as well btw

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                              as what hero?


                                Storm is not > Qop


                                  in blitz's storm video he basically tells to consistently shift the creep aggro and absolutely never get in dagger range, which is pitifully small and qop shoulnd't be assraping you, but im 2k so what do I know


                                    @chinese nickname (cany copypaste it on ipad)
                                    if both ss and qop are good enough (5k+?) storm wins way more often

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I don't mid and am not good at dota but here's my thoughts for you to confirm or dispute.

                                      Silencer, 600 attack range vs qop 550, last word 900 range, curse 800, vs qop's dagger range of 450/475/500/525. You should be able to harass her a lot more than she can you and with a good last word you might be able to kill her, or use ult at 6. Issue is probably just runes if her team helps deny them.

                                      Sniper, you have a huge range advantage once you get points in take aim, and with shrapnel she can't dive you. At level 6 she can possibly kill you if you aren't careful cus she'll burst you down, but before that she won't have the dmg or range.

                                      Viper, as someone mentioned, the dmg tradeoff between her nuke and your corrosive skin is awful for her, at like level 3 skin vs level 3 dagger skin comes out ahead cus of the increase in viper's resistance. Add on top every time she gets close enough to dagger you should be able to hit her with a poison spit too, and it's not worth it for her to harass you.

                                      Pugna maybe? Netherward's a bitch.

                                      Lina, honestly how does qop kill a lina? Lina has better range, right click steroid, stronger nukes. Only way for her to lose is if she gets harassed down and qop blinks in for kill right?

                                      i love u butt

                                        pro sniper > pro qop


                                          Storm winning mid vs QoP... How the fuck are u 5k ??? You have no idea what u're talking about. If players are similar skill, QoP should stomp him. Only way for Storm to not lose is to outplay QoP. Goodluck farming with remnant, when u eat dagger+rightclicks. If QoP gets a better block, she can totally shut u down. Seriously I have no idea how ur 5k, it just shows that you don't need proper knowleadge, just spamming 1 hero (in ur case Timber).

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            Viper and silencer is really awful to her if midlane
                                            But maybe pro invoker or sniper maybe can out farmed her


                                              When im playing meepo qop is one of my favorite heroes mid to lane against.


                                                Qop is pretty easy. If there's no highgrounds advantage feel free to harass qop a few times. Storm has 5 armor at level 1 and qop has. Don't be conservative with remnants, hell, feel free to use a remmant just to get an overload proc to get a last hit. At level 5, you should decide if you want to kill the qop at 6 or not. You try to setup the kill before you hit 6. Either you're saving enough mana or you get the qop low enough to get killed the moment gou hit 6.
                                                tl;dr: qop is an easy matchup for storm.


                                                  I suck at mid and I beat a 5.5k qop as panda.

                                                  so maybe panda is good???


                                                    Any melee hero sucks against QoP @marlan. Your QoP either had a bad game or was bad at the game.


                                                      Some decent match ups:

                                                      Lina v QoP: Approaching you for shadow strike opens her up to be stunned. You can also dragon slave most creeps and line them up to harrass her. QoP will in most cases won't be able to blink at you since a stun + slave w/ 2 fiery soul stacks is too much to fight against. The downside is 1 rotation and lina will probably be useless. This death likelihood is highly based on your ability to land your stuns in both her approach to harrass and blinking at you/to avoid the stun.

                                                      Sniper v QoP: Initially lower attack damage which means for 0-2mins you will most likely be several CS under. The benefit is with 1 point in range it becomes pretty difficult for her to get into shadow strike range without copping too many hits. The instanteous hitting animation will help you get cs and deny. The benefit here is that (from what I've seen) from level 2->5, if QoP blinks on you, she'll lose a head on fight (shadow strike + hits + scream vs. shrapnel + headshot ) under shrapnel with (1+) headshot proc. The risk is @6 when you can be blown up by scream + sonic. If you're building treads, it's good to have the belt component for extra survivability.

                                                      Viper: I haven't actually watched this match up but most QoPs i've seen skip the early shadow strike and just go with scream. You can probably out-harass her provided the creeps aren't always sitting on her high ground. The first time I played this match up it didn't occur to me that corrosive was constantly procc'ing on shadow strike. Funny enough, I chose to get 3 points into SS and it was enough to over-harrass the viper and win the lane. Although on review i'd probably go with blink,scream,scream for my 1st 3 points.

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                      plz do

                                                        i guess the general idea is to harrass qop so hard that she doesnt dare to make a deadly move on u - eg w shrapnel or right clicks. next to that: high ground ward, fuck around with the creep balance and getting/denying runes is super important. if u suck, can supports win mid for u.


                                                          just pick viper.the lvl 2 corrosive skin is enough to make qop stop throwing daggers into you
                                                          then goes puck with phase shift,ember that absorbs mag dmg and chains(qop cant blink out when chained) and there are some more but not so relevant as these 3


                                                            qop> storm
                                                            like idk if ppl who says storm>qop are trolling or just that bad

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                            TOO BASED

                                                              i thought that i suck playing storm against qop
                                                              but the fact is qop>storm lol




                                                                  qop > ss only in early game stage, however ss is still able to farm
                                                                  as time goes, storm becomes more and more strong in comparison to qop


                                                                    hes talking about mid lane match up, not which hero has the most impact on the game, just sayin

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                                                                    TOO BASED

                                                                      i agree
                                                                      but the struggle in playing storm against qop is which will you buy first orchid or bloodstone