General Discussion

General DiscussionBest support at supporting?

Best support at supporting? in General Discussion

    I've recently started stacking with my 2k/3k irl friends and its been so much more fucking fun than solo queue ranked. The problem is the games are based off my stomping or carrying. It doesn't get fun after awhile and if I was in their positions I wouldn't want to constantly be a support with a shit score every game.

    So which heroes do you recommend I support with? And I truly want to support and not be a support who carries the game with some 12-3-23 witch doctor thats 5 slotted.


      there is no such thing as a "hard support"

      in these kind of games where you outskill your teammates by such a large margin it isn't your fault if you end up outfarming your cores. the truth is that optimally played you are still supposed to utilized untaken space, given that you have already created enough space for those who require it. at the same time coming out on top from rotations and ganks can easily put you at a higher economy than your other cores.

      tl;dr just play a non-core hero and if you end up carrying the game so be it.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        earth spirit is effective with no items, sky, lion is good (disables, good nuke, but dagger = must have), you can try lina support and just press r, good stuff, shaker probably can work well , just get a dagger, also ogre is good, but still need dagger.


          oh that part with no 12 3 32 - unless you do this you will lose, because it should be pretty ez to outplay lower mmr people.

          Last picking is 4 pussies

            If range carry could go abaddon/tree/omni

            If melee carry your supporting could go dazzle/ww

            that's if you want to keep them alive etc. more than roam/gank/zone out.


              Oracle, WW, lion, omni


                Shaman, NP, Silencer, Veno, Kotl, Anti Mage, Riki, BH, Gyro


                  ^small kitties cries eviri teim pipl feil to joke this hard.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    IO is fun & it's hard to carry with him without communication.

                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      Venge, CM, Treant, Omni, Abaddon and dazzle sounds best for that situation. They normally have low damage impact (unless you get a lucky cm ult) and mostly utility. Wisp too if you don't mind being someone's item.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                        anything shorter

                          Earth Spirit

                          I play primarily supports, and get a massive feeling of accomplishment if we finish the game and I've felt that the sacrifices I've made in terms of farm won us the game. For random instance, I was playing a SS with a Drow into a Viper / ES lane. Obviously they have much more kill potential, so I theorised on what was going to be the way to win the lane. Get Drow to level six as fast as possible. So I sat out of the lane as much as possible, pulled, stacked and rotated to harrass Viper and ES before getting back to it. We won that lane once Drow got her Ultimate. Even though I'd died twice and hadn't gotten past lvl 3, it was still a wonderful feeling to know that my contribution had secured our lane.

                          Give it a shot and see if you also get the feels.


                            Among all the suggestions, the most fun to play and feasible ones seem to be Lion, Dazzle and Venge in the sense that their okay in all aspects like zoning/saving/killing.

                            huehuehue thanks for the suggestions!

                              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                A good oracle is fucking shit hot, that hero takes some learning though...

                                If you're getting farm on supports and still supporting well euls/aghs supports are pretty good, like shaman or witchdoctor... if you carry too hard as witch doctor... you have no problems lol :P .

                                IO is pretty difficult to play well, but amazing with friends since there is usually more coordination there. A good one to learn though.

                                Earth Shaker is shit hot at ensuring others get kills with good blocks... abbadon is similar... his passive + OoV is a pain in the arse, and his shield n heal makes sure your friends are good to fight.

                                Disruptor is also fits that category, ensures people can run from your friends damage more than damages himself.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  Skywrath Mage, Dazzle, Vengeful Spirit, probably Lion too.



                                    Well, give me an explaination for why AM and Riki is not good support?

                                    If WK can support. Why cant these two?

                                    yung griphook

                                      play some rubick.

                                      you have play making potential, and that's what appeals to me most about supports.

                                      AA is fun as fuck too. Ice blast inbound


                                        what is play making?