General Discussion

General DiscussionAn era of Templar Assassin.

An era of Templar Assassin. in General Discussion

    Several stealth buffs to her, namely;

    1. Cheaper deso and phase means easier and earlier snowballing.
    2. Nerf to the attack speed meta. Less MoMs, less troll, less sniper, less jugg.
    3. Rise of strength/int heroes who have low armor and get rekt by her.

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      mb in normal skill games. but ta is still countered by a billion heros and last meta promoted how to counter her ezly even in lower skilled games. Sentries cost basically half the money and are more accessible than ever. on a second thought i might agree actually, because of refraction and glimmer cape.


        She was already fairly strong in Normal games, you could really deal with sniper with blink and refraction helped early vs jug... troll was a PITA though. So much early tempo control and space created from ganking and just wrecking... couldn't close out a game worth a shit (or I couldn't close out a game worth a shit with her, which is probably most acurate) phase deso was pretty core for my build though, so I'm happy :D, the new gayblade... I mean silverblate will be pretty stronk on her too I reckon... dunno if you get it over blink or with blink... but it's defo a broke sounding item.


          You obv have no idea what you're talking about if you think TA is countered by plenty of heroes. By that logic I could say Storm or QoP are countered by a billion heroes. Wtf.

          She wasn't played because even if she went BKB, the big 3 (troll/jug/snip) were in every game to melt her. She's been repeatedly stealth buffed so people haven't realized how strong she is and with the latest changes to the games, she's definitely gonna do well in this meta. You can tell most people still play her wrongly with safelane TA or rushing midas/going racecar in midlane.

          If you don't believe me, ask TA regulars like Waga and ask them how much this patch buffs her. Its not a minor buff. Its a huge one.


            Yes, in 6.83, TA was really hard to play because of troll sniper jugg, cheaper deso will definitely increase her farm earlier and as you said snowball faster.

            plz do

              oh boy. sea rage..

              OFC she profits from this patch.

              Would be interesting to hear Wagas side of the story and not ur halfbaked ideas and arguments like: who are most people who play her on safelane or rush midas? are you referring to normal skill games? Only idiots would do that in VHS games. Also Waga probably can play TA with a lot of skill, which will ruin any average troll/jugg/sniper meta picker. (he surprisingly only has 50% wr w ta this month and almost only builds phase/dagger/deso/ac/daedalus) So if u refer to Waga then argument pls with his arguments.

              Its just simpleminded to talk of an ERA of templar assassin with 3 weak arguments and sayin "but Waga said".
              The big 3 had an ERA because of frequent picks and strongness in every single stage of the game. TA wont get picked that frequently and wont be that strong. TA will still drop in late game. Also this will be a meta of deathball and counter initiations - due to massive gankin potential, which is not optimal for her.


                TA will get stronger

                i lost count of how many games (at least ~25) where i lost because i got capped at being six slotted

                desolator being cheaper is okayish, silver edge is going to be fucking strong on her, roshan still dies to her roughly as easily and other carries gonna have a harder time killing rosh since QB doesnt work on rosh anymore. rise in meta of int carries, which accentuates the strength of refraction early-mid, while ensuring she doesnt get outscaled going mid-late. etc etc

                and what the fuck is wrong with safe lane TA, imo its actually one of the stronger ways to play her with a coordinated team especially since she can easily dominate the matchup against most offlaners (barring the likes of Phoenix and Dark Seer), while being an unexpected strat in general

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                Giff me Wingman

                  Just no. It will not be an era for TA, since you obv. don't understand what the new meta is about.


                  the realm's delight

                    definitely not an 'era' for ta, but she'll be fine..


                      i forgot, '6k' player who doesnt play TA obviously knows best

                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                      Giff me Wingman

                        It has nothing to do with what i play or not. It's obvious as fuck that the new patch is a deathball patch of doom. In which case TA is not the best pick, hell even DK will be more useful than TA in the new patch. I never said that TA is getting weaker. I'm simply stating that TA will not be a hero that will be spammed like sniper, jugg and troll were in this patch. At least try to read for once.

                        There are much better picks that can benefit the new meta a lot better like qop.


                          Feel like the veno buff will stop her from much comp play by itself.