General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you carry 3.4k?

How do you carry 3.4k? in General Discussion
Niskara Fucking stupid people honestly, Lion threw the game into the garbage by feeding because doom didn't have any 'items' Jugg is a dumbass, omnislashes when creeps are around scouts and then dies. Bristleback 5k hero damage. I don't think I did anything wrong in this game its definitely not me. And if you ask how do you lose with a score like that? Because you can't fucking fight them 1v5, so was this just an unwinnable game or do you think I could have carried them?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      and you're much better i guess?


        I never said I'm better I don't know how to carry these idiots... No matter how hard I try I cannot carry these idiots maybe I'm just as bad I just watch that jugg play and I get worried looking at how much he sucks

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          When you call all your teammates "fucking stupid" you are implying that you beleive you are better than them. If you then say you are not claiming you are better than them, then you are basically calling yourself fucking stupid. Good job. Now thing about what you've done.


            From his farm and damage he looks descent. I wouldnt say lion lost you the game tho, that jugger was complete garbage with pretty much 0 impact on the game. If you get passive teams that are hard to win with i suggest you to push a lot, cause people in this bracket cant deal with good splitpushing.


              split push


                I come from 3k5 to 3k8 and I'm pretty much carried by 3k5 3k6 3k7 teammates. I think I'm really lucky. Hope my fortune never ends. Cheers!!


                  Well your ranked winrate is 58%, so you'll be out of this bracket very soon.


                    58% is the winrate that drag him to this bracket, so I think we should just wait for his upcomming performance. Just a little bit of trivial opinion. Skip me! CHeers!!

                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                      skadi ta = hard game


                        Coming in Dotabuff and asking for help how to get out of 3k is loking for some trouble.


                          skadi ta rofl


                            1. lasthit creeps
                            2. carry the game


                              Wagamama goes MoM-Skadi. I also think build without Meld early on gives u nearly 0 kill potential, so I wouldn't skip meld. It was a hard game for TA - Axe + Slark + WR, even Storm is v. good vs TA, because Overload dmg takes 2 instances of refraction. I also think u were kited really hard in this game - phase+yasha imo is not enough for mobility. You either go phase+drums+yasha or Blink or MoM-Skadi or u should just make S&Y if u really wanted to skip drums. I also think that if u go for Skadi on TA u aim for the late game, making ur mid game much worse. I disagree with that choice in 90% of the games, coz TA's peak is around 15-20min, when u get that Desolator. This is the timing u should aim for to finish games - as soon as u get Deso, u go Rosh & after Aegis u go for rax or even finish the game. You should focus more on what u did badly in that game than on ur allies. Some games are unwinnable, but u don't need to win 100% of games to climb.


                                ta is not going to win a prolonged manfight against melee bashing carries no matter how she itemizes

                                if you're the main carry getting skadi is suicidal since you sacrifice much of your burst potential for sustain; it's okay-ish as a 2 or even 3 position if your job is to kite around and draw aggro with damage as the secondary objective, and even then that's slightly questionable

                                i believe waga also made a recent video about how ridiculously good desolator works on TA and how it should be gotten nearly all the time

                                i've played a fair bit of TA myself and tested most viable builds, yes even MoM Skadi and i personally feel it's a fair bit weaker, though YMMV

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  Ahhh & if u want to fight 1v5 it's better to go full dmg & kill them in 1-2 hits than deal no dmg & tank for 5 more seconds.


                                    I'm gonna ignore the skadi since everyone else mentioned it

                                    imo investing 5.4k gold to counter one hero (pos 3/4 wr) wasn't really worth it
                                    and the bkb wouldn't help much because they have 4 heroes who deal phys dmg

                                    I'd go something like:

                                    1) Boots of choice
                                    2) Deso
                                    3) Mobility item - Silver Edge / Blink
                                    4) Daedalus
                                    5 - 6) two of the following: Abyssal (synergyses w/ blink, good vs heroes who rely on escape like Slark/Storm/WR) or Butterfly or AC if brislte isn't getting one

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      you can't go skadi, you were mid not safelane, deso>>>skadi in your game.
                                      you might have won with deso


                                        you had no deso

                                        ->much lesser potential to push towers and do something
                                        your team pushed 4 towers but you had summed 1.3k tower damage

                                        i'm not saying that your teammates weren't bad but i think that with different itemization you could've won the game


                                          + improve your farming

                                          some here may say your farming was decent but i KNOW it is bad, you should farm x 1.5 what you got early game.


                                            Benao got it.

                                            It's all about farming.

                                            Slark with s y and shadow blade in 20 min can pretty much end game in 3k alone...

                                            it is about farming at the ned of the day


                                              21 kills 5 assists nice ks dude.

                                              CAN'T WIN

                                                For me it was all about suck dicks.


                                                  So you are here to show that u tryed ur best and ur team mates r losing u the games , im not here to flame u , im here to open ur eyes to this: if u play better then ur team mates and enemy CONSTANTLY you will actually win more then u lose (seeing ur ranked wr ur doing that) the more constant you are , the faster u grind , easy as that.

                                                  As i said im not here to flame you , look at your dotabuff , look at the games you did poorly in and remember just like you lost this game because of poor team mates , there r games where your team lost because of your poor gameplay, i wont look at your games since i dont believe that stats show who played the best in a game

                                                  Anyway i would like to give u some mistakes u did in this game since i think you would like to improve,

                                                  First of all i can see you were doing well early game , did u stack ancients ? If not thats 1

                                                  I feel u needed a blink dagger here since u could blink away as soon as u get pounced by slark (before his q blow ur refraction) and they had alot of mobilty heroes like slark storm wr , and alot of them can be blew up from u + lion if u actually didnt flame ur team all game(i believe u did) and u tryed to cooperate with them.

                                                  Skadi , skadi was good at the early stage of comeback since the games were going to go late and snowballing was hard i believe that's why waga did it , at late 6.83 and now its not good since u could end the game aggressively and snowball with kills

                                                  No deso , waga showed , and its obvious that deso is super good on ta in most situations

                                                  Tower damage , why u dont have td u was winning early game

                                                  Tip: flaming wont make ur team play better it will make them less interested in winning and less motivated to play this game so u better show them a reason to try by saying we can still win this by doing x (the x most likely in this game would be , farm find pickoffs with lion when possible fight when we have doom with smoke let this jugger get fat )

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                                                      ^ i said in most situations , he wasnt behind , and even then ur dmg is low and tbh , id rather do the maximum damage before i die , then delaying my death few seconds but dealing minimal damage , if u have a s&y skadi ta id actually ignore u and kill ur team first