General Discussion

General Discussioncan people use the mute function

can people use the mute function in General Discussion

    when there's someone being a bitch at you, rightfully or otherwise, PLEASE JUST MUTE THEM. i am so sick of people getting into stupid game-losing arguments when they could have just muted each other and played the damn game. you'll get more enjoyment out of the game and you're less likely to lose, it's a win-fucking-win.

    Miku Plays


        > Affirmative


          as a side note, pretty sure if people did this there'd also be a lot less people muted by valve


            The valve mute is a very bad thing. I used to be muted 24/7 before it was changed...

            And I did nothing, I'm just talkative and people usually find it annoying because it's unusual.

            I don't flame much, or none at all lately.
            I flame when I'm in a bad mood, or if someone really deliberately does provocative stuff...


              I never understand why the mute button isnt enough so they also have the reports for chat abuse (which in turn, everyone abuse)

              The single best thing with Dota2 compared to Dota1 one besides graphics and and bugg fixes is the mute button.

              Sometimes I just mute all 9 during the loading screen.


                Many games my team did lose because I had chat abuse mute due to reports.

                Who got punished - me or my team?


                  And since we lose and I cant speak to them they report me more so I get into low prio.
                  Which made me so mad so I started to flmae when not muted anymore. So I got reported for flame which resulted in 3 weeks more as muted. Which resulted in mor loses and more low prio.

                  It never ended so I started new account.