General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you theory craft doto when you're not playing? work, school or soc...

Do you theory craft doto when you're not playing? work, school or social events? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Thoughts? based on your experience, how do you go about it? and what kind of things do you theory craft recently?

    casual gamer

      you can either look at overbuffed/new items (travels, solar crest, etc) and think of new ways to apply them, or look at an underplayed hero and try to find a better standard build

      usually you'll be off the mark by quite a bit, but that's just the nature of the beast

      example: moon shard instead of AC as the new extension on DK, maelstrom -> yasha medusa, skipping blink on brew/wk (disclaimer: awful), abyssal gyrocopter when vs troll

      plz do

        if i have time (i have a lot of time lately), i read up on interesting theories and try to understand them. I'm not good enough at dota to craft my own good builds, because a good build/guide from a superior player still teaches me a lot about a certain hero. But i realize since i am more active on this forum, i am actually learning a great deal about mechanics and playing styles. Also i profited so much from actually reading patchnotes in depth.

        Theory helped me a lot lately i think. Since i started implementing the ideas into my practical gaming, I made huge jumps forward and filled some noobish gaps.

        tl;dr if i dont play dota, i think about dota.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Yeah, pretty constantly tbh... I'd love to talk about my theories... but 2k strats ain't worth shit man :)

          but morphling hybrid techies suicide is a funny thought haha. Quite a lot of my recent thinkings have been about the hybrid ability... offlane strength morph getting aghs is reasonable... but you would really need the team comp to pull it off... silly things like double tombstone, double bear, double netherblast, double riki etc... 20s is a surprisingly long amount of time to fuck with people before waveforming out of vision and tping away.

          cookie monster

            Glimmer cape on PL is sick, you should try it!

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              i hvae a very active brain...... so thing come into my head........ most of them a properly absolutely terrible ideas.......

              sven battlefury comes to mind......... that ursa BF i havent tried yet

              but yeah i think about playing dota and then i come up with bad ideas that no one in their right mind would actually try

              Look at me, Hector.

                anyone who theorycraft is always 2k-3k mmr

                i wonder why xD


                  Because the top people know what works...... And generally stick to it?


                    Really the top players do more theorycrafting... a lot more. But they don't tell everybody about it. Why give away your advantage?


                      if im not playing im sleeping


                        I'm always thinking about Dota. How to change my existing builds, how I have an idea for an item thats "so OP on x hero" (Diffusal windrunner, never again).

                          Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                            Relentless I think part of that is higher level ayers are more confident in their judgements and play so they don't feel they need to ask for advice as much