Low prio is to stop normal people from having to play with awful people.
Either it's ineffective or there are a lot of awful people.
i have a lpq bot :) it runs down mid and its depressing to see matches last longer than 10 minutes
when are you sharing it with me? i tried the one from nadota but it didnt work...->because of my settings i believe
pls wave god share it wth me; you already got me added btw
The last two times I got low prio for abandoning (usually happens due to connection issues) I lost the motivation to play completely, I think LP is really cruel ;(
ye last time i got low priority was 2 months ago
last time i played dota was 2 months ago
coinsidence ? i don't think so
Not really. I go into lp because I abandon when my team is getting crushed and the enemy could easily finish 20 minutes in but dont even bother to push they just farm for another 30 minutes until they are 6 slotted and then they take roshan and when they finally do get to the base they just stand around next to the fountain trying to get kills. That's poor etiquette imo and I don't have time for it so I inevitably end up in LP. Note that i'm not saying I rage quit when my team (or i for that matter) feed like crazy, that happens and is a part of dota, im fine with that. But be a good winner and end the game when it is over is all I ask for.
Never been muted and I only go to LP when my computer crashes and makes me disconnect.
That didn't make my computer any better, so no rehabilitation.
@endless.nameless http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1016006440
I stacked with my friends and went retard drow build lol
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Did it? I think chat bans makes a doto player more aware of his actions not sure bout low prio where u sometimes vent our your frustrations?
Thoughts and exp?