General Discussion

General DiscussionMain reason to introduce solo que again

Main reason to introduce solo que again in General Discussion

    I just realized how stupid and/or deliberately extremely rude some players are.
    They make party with serious MMR difference(>800), and than let lowest MMR one take position 1 or 2, and those guys cant get more than 2 out of 4 creeps per wave while uncontested (I play on ~4k, am tallking about 3,4k+4.5k). Those are examples, 2/2 games I played today: - 3.3k DF, lost mid lane vs that lineup. How?!?!? His partymate played position 4. Lina and did ok. - 3.4k Alche, was supported by me, and i clearly saw how many free last hits his missed(despite having axe).

    I didnt pay any attention before on this problem, since when i play with my sub 3k friend i am 1 or 2, witch i think is only natural.
    I dont claim support isnt important in competitive play, but in pubs, if supporter buys courier, ups it, and buy all obs when they are ready and doesnt die more than once in 5 mins(on average, situationally deaths by support are ofc desired) he did 95% of his job. Any smoke ganks, dewarding, or any good play is considered extra by me, not necessary for victory since after those basic stuff its to up cores to carry that game.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      It's about people, not the system. I Q with my 3.9k friend (almost 2k difference) and I don't want him to play carry but when he does and plays bad I never defend him or anything. He knows he played bad too.