General Discussion

General DiscussionGuess MMR

Guess MMR in General Discussion
Fillip Riisk

    hi guy, i rly would appreciate if u guys could guess my mmr for this smurf account. i like to know if this account is worth it but the mmr of my teammates is quite varying between 3,6 and 4,5 k mmr. i am aiming for above 4,3 k. ty much

    Look at me, Hector.

      i'll calibrate for you but i want something in return, you'll get 4600-4800

      Fillip Riisk

        oh that high? there are often games where the niveau is not set quite high and my mates often claim to be 3k. hopefully i can keep your mmr. i can give u my friendship in return XD


          please don't

          Fillip Riisk

            oh and one question. can i play with friends that got mmr in normal/high skill bracket? or does it affect my hidden mmr much? cause playing alone 150-200 games is quite tiresome...


              @Fillip Riisk
              Playing with friends in Notmal Matchmakig won't affect your future ranking. Solo mmr is based on calibration and SOLO hidden mmr you got by playing alone in normal matchmaking. Hidden solo mmr and hidden party mmr are not correlated.
              However, stacking with lowskilled friends may affect your future party mmr, in case you care about it.

              Fillip Riisk

                i am grateful for the fast answers. nice community here :)

                the realm's delight

                  not sure if you're a troll, or actually new to dotabuff

                  Fillip Riisk

                    i analysed my accounts for a long time on dotabuff, but actually never posted something in this forum here. its not common to expect a nice behaviour in each forum especially in the somewhat toxic dotacommunity. nvm


                      We almost look the same rofl :D

                      Fillip Riisk

                        haha, i try to get a better gpm to become your mirror image. maybe we will end with the same mmr ;) what are u aiming for?

                        [TP] Pho Fucks Sake

                          Hey guys add me!
