General Discussion

General DiscussionTreant: how to make game impact and how to prove it?

Treant: how to make game impact and how to prove it? in General Discussion

    I think this was a very interesting game with Treant and also an interesting item build.

    We won very easy. But my stats was 0-1-2 before we started to base rape. Then they became 1-2-3.

    I healed towers and defended them from creep waves and Broodmother. And I did many saves on my teammates around the map with the Living Armor spell.

    But how can I prove that I actually made an important contribution when the hero and my play style give so low stats in Dotabuff?

    For example, the Living armor only heal for around 200 hp but it can shield up to around 500 damage - which the Dotabuff doesnt show at all. You can even see how the experience graph changes to our favour at the time somewhere around when I get level 3 and 4 Living Armor.

    Stacks: Lina+Void and PA+Brood

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        Treants contributions in a match are very subtle but extremely decisive. I like playing the hero for that reason, every once in awhile the team will notice and the recognition from those players who realize Treants value is really nice to get.

        Look at me, Hector.

          i dont play this hero but there are ways to rosh around 8-9 minute mark with treant only

          i could stream it but i'd want something in return for doing it since im not the one requesting it

          Look at me, Hector.

            u should check out zenigata, probably the only good player who knows how to play treant since he played it from 4k to 6.6k one month after ranked came out


              Mb start out maxing your W after living armour and skill it on lvl 2 instead of stats.


                Just check what hero i have been spaming to climb MMR, yes you did have a big impact in the game. But us supports never getvthe glory


                  i actually won this game on so many levels even if it doesn't look like it


                    Yeah don't get stats. His w is so good. And save your skill points because you could use that for an easy first blood in an aggressive tri/rune battle.

                    Also, I don't think this hero is good vs brood at all. The spiderlings would take away so much of your damage block instances.

                    On topic, treant is one of those heroes that you can't just pad your stats with. Just play him properly, your game impact is analyzed from your plays and not stats.


                      @hheaheahe ur retarded
                      Quelling blade doesn't work on rosh now so I don't think roshing would be viable


                        Here is another similiare game with treant. This time I played mid vs sniper which means I could start spamming the lvl 4 shield earlier in the game compared to last game.

                        The experience graph is 100% red :)



                          The heal+slow spell is very mana costly for treant. That is why I do not use it very much in the begining. I save the mana for the shield anyway so therefore I try to skill some stats instead.

                          I would skill the invis spell faster if I had players in my team that new to use it or at least let me know they want to have it. Sure, I give them it to them many times even if they dont ask. But in the begining I do not want to waste the mana on someone that break the invis in 2 sec.


                            what about yourself? you can use invis to initiate with ulti until the enemy gets sentry/gem.
                            and you can save teammates with it also, not necessarily give it for initiation.


                              True. But that would require team play. I assume we dont have team play. So I split push, and heal people on the other side of the map that get into trouble.


                                pub games are invalid
                                mmr is invalid
                                only team captain games are!

                                  Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                  Look at me, Hector.

                                    im aware qb doesnt work on rosh, u can still rosh at 8-9 minutes regardless


                                      With mana boots or clarities or mangoes, you should be able to always have mana for your spells. It's all about proper spell usage and management. The slow+heal is just too good for early game ganks/diving towers.


                                        Summoning Avidity


                                          Pilot, I dont like arcane boots.
                                          I rather get fast Vlad