I don't think that slardars skillcap is high at all. Only things that could be optimized on him is learning his stun range (which bites me in athe arse ever so often), and judging when to use your Q as it can be used as initiation, escape or just as an convenience while moving.
His bash is PRNG, could be manipulated to proc and his ult his pretty much "use on carry"
zues. sure, pressing R is easy. but u dont JUST want to press R. U want to use his OP passive. hes like sniper. without proper positioning u don't get the most benefit out of him. I think glimmer cape is pretty good for him in team fights, for the positioning
Viper is quite easy, but I think doom is hard sometimes. I have trouble pulling off refresher dooms and hitting the right targets.
Tidehunter is insanely easy, lich is insanely easy, lifestealer and wraith king are quite easy too. PA, troll, jug aren't really that hard, a lot of melee carries are relatively straightforward because their positioning is so much easier. You don't need to kite people at all, just go in for kills, run when not killing.
Sniper, drow both much harder than they appear. Basically the heroes that are harder than they seem are ones that don't have a lot of abilities to use but require solid positioning and awareness. A lot of ranged carries fall in that category. I have never played shadowfiend but I'd assume he's the same way. Viper is like the one ranged carry that doesn't really give a shit about positioning cus he's a tank, that's what makes him easy.
For supports, any super squishy disabler support I find more difficult than advertised: crystal maiden, shadow shaman, lion. They aren't hard to play, they just look like automatic, straightforward heroes when you first try them but the nuances of good positioning and staying alive while pulling of clutch disables is hard to master.
Lich doesn't suffer there cus he's not as squishy as those guys with his armor and he doesn't need to time disables, just spam his nuke.
^ lol i find jugger and troll much easier than drow. she's so squishy. with troll and jugger u just go in and rek ppl, with drow u hav to have moves
Nature's prophet. Even though he's been weak for the last few patches, most people suck bollocks with the hero hence the 44% overall winrate.
would love if people started playing furion better at lower brackets, is it that hard to use ur w to actually be useful to ur team
Do you mean "hero that is thought to be easy to play but really hard to win with?"
AM, Clinkz, Lifestealer (not 2013 Lifestealer, at least) come to mind.
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