General Discussion

General Discussion6.84 - is ganking worth it now? How to play & win?

6.84 - is ganking worth it now? How to play & win? in General Discussion

    It feels to me like afk farming for 20min, split pushing is not that good anymore. I dropped 350 MMR (4400->4050) & that was my play style in 6.83 (I wasn't playing Jugger/Troll/Sniper, so it wasn't what gave me MMR). So how do u play in 6.84 as mid & safe lane carry ?


      Same here, now I mostly play mid and I try to roam as much as possible early game, so I pick mids that can flashfarm later (TA, Lina, QOP).
      Your hero pool is good for 6.84 imo, just try to be active on the map
      Carries that can farm their first core item and go fight are all good in this meta (PL, Gyro, Slark)

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        Yeah after the update I feel like the game outcome is pretty much determined by the amount of succesfull ganks early on. So you gotta make shure you have at least one roamer/ganker on your team.


          If you want to carry go for Ursa, Slark, Bloodseeker, PL and you get farm on enemies

          Royalon ZZ

            If you read the patch notes, creep, jungle, and ancient bounty has been reduced. Technically, this means that ganking is more worthwhile in the beginning until you can farm at a fast rate later in the game.


              Late game carries like medusa and am doesnt get picked often this patch, i like to play late carries but i preffer to end games early like 35-40mim so get mid game carries like gyro luna dk lycan lifestealer and after boots and a medium item team up and push.


                something like bara or gyro or es (even nerfed) is pretty good this patch, imo


                  i wanna see if teams run dk luna enigma style lineups, been pretty succesful with the ones I tried, the push is back

                  ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                    "the push is back" lmfao

                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                      are you one of those retards that spam undying every game hoping to auto win?

                      ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                        no? good for you. the push isn't back, the INSERT XX isn't back, INSERT XX is never gone. circlejerks make things disappear, pretend to be magicians.

                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                          if icefraud has any iq in him he's not having the best time of his life making patches cus you peasants keep circlejerking over troll sniper boredom yet you are the ones picking them yourselves.


                            why are you so mad dude, I just put a suggestion do you have to go all retard for no reason also love how u automatically assume im an undying spammer :)) idiot

                            Pom Pom 🍕

                              Afk farming doesn't feel worth it anymore unless you play Alchemist. Mud golem change actually buffed him slightly over other heroes with the camp giving him 6 greed kills now and the lack of armour makes them melt even easier to acid spray.

                              I tried afk farming as medusa a couple days ago and even with over 450 creep kills and 20-ish spiderkills (very careful brood, so barely got to kill any) I still lacked an item slot since I barely participated in fights.

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                heroes that have early to mid game killing potential seem to be the once that good now aka Gyrocopter, Tiny, Ursa, Undying etd

                                anything shorter

                                  Personally I've found that the patch has given hero's like Clock a minor buff because he never farmed anyway, and was just a ganking hero. Especially in Mid. Admittedly haven't played him a /huge/ amount this patch, but it felt like I got gold faster from the ganks.

                                  With the new experience dispersal rules I feel like this is pretty important, as it allows your whole team to get a net advantage over the enemy. This patch isn't as 4 protect 1 centric as 6.83 I think. idk.

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