General Discussion

General Discussion6.84B Team/Captains Mode Meta Discussion

6.84B Team/Captains Mode Meta Discussion in General Discussion

    I'm about to attend a LAN tournament in a couple days and am doing everything in my power to try and increase chances of a win.

    We have avg MMR 5k team so I'm probably over preparing but anyway, I want to discuss 6.84B meta for team games.

    What do you guys think is good for high MMR team?

    I'm thinking aggressive builds. Either gank or push mostly. Maybe some aggro tris with alch/jak/sd or something. Undying if he can get picked. Stuff like that.

    What are your opinions?

    Im the Bully of my School

      undying solo off. if he can decay good. if ennemy smart and ur defensive get the soul rip option even if it cost more mana. alway level tombstone and cary tps first. for the rest id say qop mid and some ursa and stuff like omni to be really gay and fuck them up. ALCH IS APROVEN BAD CARRY DO NOT ALCH. jakiro and SD are fine esp sd now.

      Im the Bully of my School

        wk or slark as a carry imo depend the bans and shits. yes im high skill mmr on this account but im 4.6k on another1 so take my opinion or not idc . also Wind ranger is still one of the most picked hero in vh skill if ur team is good with wr take her or lina. they super gay .

        Im the Bully of my School

          but undying is a must be he will probably first ban

            Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

              Yeah gyro is super strong.

              I dunno I disagree about alchemist I think he is fantastic. He is useful early because of stun and acid. Mid game he should have an enormous gold lead, and late game he can still go toe to toe with a lot of hard carries.

              I tested alch vs spectre 1v1 max farm and alchemist wins. not like spectre should ever outfarm alch anyway.


                Bloodseeker mid/solo safe, contest their safe lane

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  If I were you I'd pick aggressive offlanes and pick a hero that can handle safe solo gyro pretty flawless.
                  If you don't like that go with dark seer if they pick a melee safelane carry or duo lane him again if melee safe carry.