General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting high mmr

Getting high mmr in General Discussion

    if I wanna get high mmr I should just get high kda and heros damage on all heros or I can just spam meepo ?

    explain everything about high mmr pls everything...

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Play what ever you feel like. If you spam certain heroes to get a certain bracket you will eventually fail since they will all be better then you and you will lose your time, mmr and self confidence. If you can achieve the highest mmr that you can by just playing whatever you feel is good for you not just to get that mmr( as in spamming hero damage, kda) you will fail.


        I see people usually missunderstand the general concept of mmr.
        You can get a bit higher if u have high KDA, HD, and winrate, but the core is HOW YOU PLAY. If you are better with meepo and its fun dor you to play it all the time, the result in this case gonna be higher.


          not sure how relevant this is now but before it was computed by taking your current hidden mmr as a base point. in the calibration games is where you can actually earn or lose a lot of points from your hidden mmr, most important is hero damage and win rate with (KDA/TD) mixed into it. it most likely takes into consideration duration of games/gpm/xpm/HH as well but i'm not so sure. so basically do whatever makes you win games

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            this guy is my Cousin's smurf account
            as u see he got very low kda on his most seccesfull heros and even he lost most of his calibrating phase games but he calibrated as 4400 mmr
            and this one is my old smurf i dont really know why it calibrated as 2800 :))) wtf ?

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              you can have 100 kda and sitll get 2k mmr it is not related.


                mmr = wins