General Discussion

General Discussionguess my mmr guys please

guess my mmr guys please in General Discussion

    im currently level 13 and im planning to have my calibrating games since i cant go back to the very high skill game. whats my hidden mmr guys? and does wins matter in calibrating match or does on kda matter?


      you are 4k+ relax you are doing fine


        ~3500 probably


          thanks triplesteal


            no problem, but keep in mind im not valve and can be mistaking :)
            also, your calibration games can change ur mmr by ~300 pts or even more


              If you win 5 of the calibration matches, you'll get the same visible mmr as you have hidden mmr. I heard you get/lose 50mmr per match at calibrating, so it's double as normal ranked games. You will be around 3.4-3.5k mmr imho, but it could be more/less. Gl :)


                deadweight i was on normal skill bracket on my main account when i calibrated. i lost 8 calibrating games averaging about 2kda ratio while on my 2 wins i only got 1 death each game and 10+kills and 10+assists and i got 3215 mmr which people say is a high skill bracket,which makes me think wins doesnt matter in calibrating games.

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                    The way I understand it is when your calibrate those 10 matches have a higher uncertainty then your games normally would meaning winning or losing those games counts for more

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