General Discussion

General DiscussionBane mid

Bane mid in General Discussion

    So I came across a bane mid today as a viper, and I felt absolutely worthless lol, every 10 seconds he spammed enfeeble and I had like -10 damage. I picked viper cause I thought slark / lina was gonna go mid, but I got caught off guard. I haven't faught a bane mid before but I got absolutely crushed!!!!

    Anyone know what to do with a bane mid? Just switch lanes with a support early game or what?

    King of Low Prio

      swap lanes


        just max nethertoxin first. get Aquila as your first item, unless you are going phase boots in which case u get those first, either way you will have enough damage to actually last hit creeps which is more then most heroes can say against a mid bane.

        you wont be able to zone him so don't try, just get farm. you win the lane by default if you both get the same amount of farm since he cant use it that well. basically the only reason people put bane mid is to fuck with the other mids farm. be really careful of ganks when he gets 6 if he ults you when he has a team mate around you r dead.

        it is not that bad of a lane but if you don't adjust bane will win.

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        Look at me, Hector.

          u p icked viper cuz its what bad players pick when they know their mmr is inflated and out of league compared to the other players

          i'd say viper is the most least skilled hero in the game after something like ursa


            I don't know how to play viper. every game im playing it im loosing mid to some shadow fiend etc. guess my mmr?

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