General Discussion

General DiscussionHow was your doto weekend guys?

How was your doto weekend guys? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    How was your doto weekend guys? was it a very positive one? same? disastrous? thoughts?

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        Found a couple people to play with in a stack..... I feel like playing with them improved my gameplay itself .......

        Jungle CM and tusk both clicked so my hero pool is steadily expanding

        Found out I'm a TERRIBLE ember spirit

        And overall had fun so id say it's a net positive for me

        But how was yours OP?


          played 0 games
          won 0 games
          lost 0 games

          i rate it 11 out of 10 would do it again next weekend

          Bad Intentions


            Ahh ember spirit, i think im terrible with that hero too, havent played him in ages.

            Was ok, but only played a few games, but it was entertaining.

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            Bad Intentions

              @vaikis y u no play doto on weekend :(

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                His last match says it's from 2 months ago :P

                On topic. I played a couple of normal skill games, because a friend who's getting started kept nagging me to play with him. Lost one because I discovered that I play way too passively when I'm with lower skilled friends.


                  cuz doto is bad gaem

                  i go pro in heroes of the storm


                    ^ Good riddance :3


                      my weekend was csgo weekend, not doto, kappa


                        I fed like a pizza hut for 2 games on Saturday, aside from that gud.

                        Low Expectations

                          ^lol were you that 0-16 dark seer from my game with tripple? :D


                            ^well 1-16, but yah. I cant even say that I got ganked a lot, or misjudged where the other team was or anything. I would think to my self, "I should be standing farther back, I am going to die here" or "jug will ult me if I go near him when there isn't a creep wave" and then I would run in like a lemming and die anyway. It takes skill to feed like that.


                              Pretty bad , I was one game away from high skill but went 3-8 this weekend so 6 games off now :(

                              Low Expectations

                                ^^Its fine dude, but i think you might want to consider jungling once you are like 0-2/0-3

                                Filthy if you want to get better you need to improve farming rate. If you play carry a 2-3 cs per min is bad. Aim to double that at least. Dont forget that there is also a jungle :)


                                  Ya.. Seemed like all day my jungle got taken over with enemy wards , not sure which hero I wanna try next, maybe I should try ganking more since this patch. Vaulues it so much? I think I shoulda just limited my play time this weekend just couldn't seem to stay focussed enough I didn't feel abnormally tired in real life tho, especially today.


                                    In theory Id like to slark it my win rate is so low with him. Any hero suggestions?

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                                      Bad Intentions

                                        Yo filthy, you should try manly heroes, you need to force the issue in this patch.


                                          Sat.: People playing TI5 Open but getting rekt, then on pub rage quitting and afking randomly

                                          Sun.: Bulldog+7ngmad tryharding with their Viper picks.

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                                              i didnt post anywhere lately

                                              Found some shit i need to practice so i'm not actively looking for a team until im confident with my game. Had some trouble with stacking multiple camps at the same time, so now im practicing stuff like 5 camp stacking with Naga (without boots, with boots, etc.) and some other stuff.
                                              I just kept the LFT behind my name so friends can call me if they need a standin, or if someone on pub thinks im good and was looking for a supp for his team.

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                                                my saturday was like a sunday and sunday I either rekt or got rekt. I hate weekends

                                                and i still can't win a game with NS, even after ganking ganking mid twice and killing the carry first night.

                                                but went +100 from wednesday to friday, so that's a plus

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                                                  slightly positive, +100 or smthng like that, although some of the games were complete garbage


                                                    bullshit weekend, -100 mmr

                                                    plz do

                                                      super start on saturday w a stompin 8-1 until i got too tired and got 6 losses (2 nmm so its ok). but overall +100 partymmr w triple boy and held my solo mmr on same lvl. So actually im happy. still have the feeling that im getting better by just playing, which is deeply satisfying. (i know i suck lol)


                                                        I think I won 9/10 coming back from a Friday losing streak, So I would say good
                                                        Best thing about this weekend was all the DOTA I watched :D