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General DiscussionPost your funny Steam conversations

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5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

    TNM: i love how
    TNM: including myself
    TNM: everyone started putting
    TNM: their profiles onp rivate
    TNM: once they dropped below
    TNM: what they deem an acceptable range
    [Friend]: no I just kept on getting counterpicked
    TNM: ya
    TNM: don't fp
    [Friend]: bc Ive been spamming techies
    TNM: techies
    TNM: u get
    [Friend]: ROFL
    TNM: chen
    TNM: enigma
    TNM: visage
    TNM: lmao
    TNM: u don't do shit
    [Friend]: O.o
    TNM: against those heroes
    TNM: they just send their summons
    TNM: :(
    [Friend]: but its so meme-ful
    TNM: that guy camuxee #tinker
    TNM: was like 5100 mmr
    TNM: when i was 5400
    TNM: now he's like 5700
    TNM: what the fuck
    [Friend]: that dude
    TNM: god i hate everyone
    [Friend]: is so shitty
    [Friend]: honeslty
    [Friend]: Ive played w him like 10 times
    TNM: everyone makes
    TNM: me wanna die
    [Friend]: yeah my old mid player XD
    [Friend]: 5.8k
    TNM: welp
    [Friend]: well
    [Friend]: it depends on how much weed he smokes before queueing
    [Friend]: if hes blazed
    [Friend]: hes like 4.5k
    [Friend]: if sober hes around 6k
    TNM: i actually do'nt think he's that bad, but like honestly
    TNM: i didn't think he'd be high 5k
    [Friend]: :-D
    TNM: then again cristiano- is like
    TNM: 5800-5900 mmr
    TNM: and everyone says he's complete garbage
    TNM: why isn't 747
    TNM: going to TI
    TNM: that guy is so good
    TNM: at dota
    [Friend]: yes
    TNM: he's as good as arteezy
    [Friend]: hes nuts
    TNM: honestly
    TNM: i remember him
    TNM: from dota 1
    TNM: amazing player
    TNM: he was #1 in nadota league
    TNM: for several seasons
    [Friend]: yeah im a big fanboy
    [Friend]: hes
    [Friend]: on voidboys
    [Friend]: and I think they could make it
    TNM: i hope my low 5k friends lose their matches soon
    TNM: their "ti quafliers"
    [Friend]: :-D
    TNM: so i can feel better
    [Friend]: ROFL
    TNM: about myself
    TNM: schadenfreude#
    [Friend]: yeah I was about to sya that lol
    TNM: i'm better than them
    TNM: i will get high 5k mmr soon
    TNM: so i don't have to deal with tards
    [Friend]: theres like
    [Friend]: a 5.5k+ bracket
    [Friend]: where u queue into the 6k's during peak hours
    TNM: it's so weird, i feel like someone like bananaslamjamma (6.3k) can play safelane and his other lanes won't feed
    TNM: if i get queued with 4500 players and i go safelane we lose the game outright
    TNM: cuz they are fucking trash
    [Friend]: ive been doing techies
    [Friend]: offlane
    TNM: bsj seems to get queued in 5.5k avg games often
    [Friend]: hoping that if I kill their carry a few times early
    [Friend]: will outirght win the game
    [Friend]: but
    [Friend]: I rely so ehavily on my team to hit creeps
    [Friend]: and sometimes they just dont want to for some reason
    [Friend]: so I made
    [Friend]: this yesterday
    [Friend]: im so proud of myself
    [Friend]: we did it reddit
    TNM: :O
    TNM: we did it!
    [Friend]: we defeated toxic players
    [Friend]: in dota 2

    TNM: i had a game recently
    TNM: where i dual'ed mid
    TNM: cuz some retard picked invoker
    TNM: and i knew he was going to be trash
    TNM: and we still won
    TNM: like 99.9% of people who pick invoker are just complete garbage
    TNM: they use 2 spells
    [Friend]: yes
    TNM: tornado + emp xDDDDD
    TNM: much impact
    TNM: much wow
    [Friend]: XDXDXDXDXD
    [Friend]: I DRAINED 1/3 of their mana
    [Friend]: XD
    TNM: xDDDD
    [Friend]: IM le-ferrari god

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

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      like srsly TL