General Discussion

General DiscussionHero you love but don't always find success on

Hero you love but don't always find success on in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    For me this has always been Tusk. Just seems he never has had a great role on the team. Plus at best I get to run him in a 3-4 slot because I almost always cede mid to the players who will cry about it plus pick a more obvious mid hero.

    Side note pro game wise he is 99% of the time a 4 position.


      SF, hehehe..

      I love pugna because he's a badass but I suck at him and tend to go yolo for some reason..
      also abaddon, I'm having some success with him lately but my stats with him are horrible so far


        Faceless Void, i just fucking suckass, not as a carry, i can flash farm, i can give myself gold..
        but.. the chronospheres man, the throws are real, and i am quite defensive player, i rarely wanted to iniate the battle, which in return we got ininated on and we all died.

        Not gonna play this hero again.

        No giggities?

          I fucking suck with Batrider.


            storm spirit, i just can't make the opportunities to farm or kill :(


              Invoker, i know the spells but i just cant react fast enough if caught off guard. I guess i have slow fingers. I can pull the eul sunstrike emp meteor 1 times out of 10 when im warmed up.

              I guess i would need macros for instant spell, is it legal in the first place? Like typing X and it automaticly invoke cold snap so you just have to cast it after, not having to QQQR in the first place.


                brood. i have no trouble winning with other micro heroes like meepo and visage but for some reason i tend to suck (relative to my level) with mother.


                  Earthshaker and sand king, I love those two heroes, but I don't find myself useful in games

                  Dire Wolf

                    Lifestealer- 25 ranked games, 32% win rate. 43 normal games, 76.7% win rate. I have no clue what happened but since ranked came out I cannot win with this guy and he was by far my favorite hero a couple years ago pre ranked play.

                    Sven- 31 ranked games, 40% wr
                    Dragon knight- 21 ranked games, 38% wr
                    Luna- 21 ranked games 42% wr

                    I think on all these guys I farm too much and don't pick the right fights. Sad cus I love to play all of them.

                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                      Just realized my two favorite heroes both have a roll ability.


                        enchantress, now I cant even blame the patch for my losses.


                          One of my favorite heroes is disruptor. But I just can't make him win difficult games. 62 games, 48.39% winrate.

                          Aghs Static storm should be so powerful but so often the team does not play around it. I win the early game vey consistently and then lose later on. Its a weakness I find with a lot of heroes that do not develop any really tower killing power. If the carry refuses to hit the tower and dives the base instead, I can't seem to fix that sort of late game feed with disruptor. And I often fail to farm enough to have the Aghs anyway because I don't stack enough and don't get many towers with this hero.

                          Actually looking back over the games - 62 games and I only got Aghs 4 times, won 3 of 4 with it. I really need to rethink my item priorities on this one.

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                            For me it's dazzle and omni. I have very low winrates with both, but lately I got better with them :)

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                            Miku Plays

                              Tusk and Veno

                              Tusk fun hero but i cant win games on him

                              I lost my venom touch sometime in 6.81, i used to win games easily on him but now its hard for some reason.
                     loled at evasion stacking

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                              kvasius # KSVM

                                Skymage and WR. IDK why. I tend to do alright, but it seems not enough for our team to win. who knows?

                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                  ^----WR is most my unfavorite hero to have someone pick they almost always suck. Use shackles that do nothing etc. but a good wr is a huge pain in arse.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I forgot chaos knight too. Love that guy but 3-7 ranked lol he's so hard to play if you always play farming heroes. Guy has to get early kills.

                                    I also love terror blade but he's garbage right now.

                                    And I don't think 48% over 62 games on Disruptor is that bad, you're like 30-32. The overall win rate of disruptor is about 51.5% so if you were only 2 games better at 32-30 you'd be exactly average.

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                                      Doom. He farms effectively, but I otherwise just feel useless with him. Every time I use him I end up dying almost immediately in every team fight.

                                      Chen because I micro like a chump.

                                      Pugna kinda too, though I've gotten a bit more cautious with nether blast's rather short cast range.

                                      Edit: Also, Razor. But again I've found more success now that I understand his powerful ganking prowess and also starting to build SnY on him. That static link fucks up Phantom Assassin, Ursa, and most other right clickers.

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                                      Mortimer Smith

                                        Sf, windranger, slark.

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                                          Pom Pom 🍕

                                            Shadow Demon, Oracle and Lina (although not played her since she became a strong mid, just support).


                                              about 100 heroes

                                              anything shorter

                                                Lion for me.


                                                  Meepo, storm, Ta.


                                                    Mine would be techies, night stalker & Death prophet


                                                      ^Also razor

                                                      Mortimer Smith





                                                            Sand King 7 games no win ...... Maybe I should revisit him now that I actually understand how to play the game




                                                                Ahh, Tiny and Windranger are my favourite heroes atm, but win% less than 50%. I do not know why I stumble with them. I also love Omniknight and have around 55% winrate, but yet I find him pretty difficult to play effectively. He is kinda sneakily effective I guess, you do not even notice the usefulness... :P

                                                                Edited: oh, Tiny Winrate 53%, still it could be higher...

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                                                                    Legion commander, I love that hero so much but I find it so difficult to win games with it unless I've had an incredible early game and the snowball becomes real. (47,95% win rate on 73 games).

                                                                    Then rubick is giving me troubles at times, I do make some nice plays early game but as the game get to minute 20~ im just so easy to kill that I cant stay live long enough to counter initiate the other team, there are also games where i've been almost unkillable but its very unlikely. (55% on 165 games)

                                                                    casual gamer


                                                                      started playing him when i was fairly new, facetanked 25 losses over ~40 games

                                                                      even though i know the hero is great, most games feel like a real struggle to maintain decent farm while creating space and being positioned to split push


                                                                        slark , my win rate with this hero is very bad but he's so fun


                                                                          Infaka, Meepwned, Batfeeder Im suck with those -_