General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion


    NB : I'll skip the Practice Match and focus on your WD Match

    Easy game for you guys, although i don't know how could that IO ended up like that. Oh well, at least u got the aghanim fast enough and you guys win so that's good.

    4дауна = -25

      Very strange game because you had the 10k advantage since like 16 min but the game was finished only on 41 min. Your team must have been afk or smth. Otherwise I see no reason the game did not end in 20 mins.



        Well, i think it's because our team got some bad pick up at that time. Nyx picking us one by one is really dragging us at that time.


        Anyway, good job there as the Tinker. Judging from the kill count on booth side, you really does a great job at split pushing the lane which led your team to the victory.

        NB : That Tinker pick count though D:


          The enemy is feeding on purpose iguess? and then all of them abandon. Ez.

          lm ao

            I will skip u u r shit essentially


              I will skip you too. WHOOLYYSYS SHIETTT NYAMSS SOGHDU

              lm ao

                3 curasses last game EleGiggle


                  Destroyed enemy like it was np.



                    Slardar game, 5stack right?
                    Played well, least deaths, even though you had to initiate in.
                    Amazed at the fact that you guys were actually able to play a 54 minute game, where only one person in the entire game has over 200 cs. Thats some real 2k level shit right there.
                    Draft is cancer, but you have ebola spirit and cancer doom, so its okay, it cancels the cancerous draft out. ;)
                    Solo support Earth spirit though. Unless the pudge was a support too, but Ill assume it wasn't.

                    Enemy team went for a drow ranged aura 5 fragile af lineup. And you guys had riki and a pudge. Their lineup was actually worse than yours, if thats even possible.

                    But you guys still played well, disregarding the draft.

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                    lm ao

                      how could i miss afeects last match


                        You're normal skill, you miss a lot more than just afeect's last match ;)


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                        lm ao

                          yeah right


                            Feel free to go post what you thought about it in the post hanter made though.


                              looks like quite a good game, but your teamfight was just better at the end/ ember highground def?


                                looks like you carried an account buying gyrocopter


                                Player 124137522

                                  shadow blade support veno thats when you know you're in the 2k shit tier bracket lmfao. You and slardar carried your team hard. Kudos to you for the highest impact with hero damage and tower damage. Nicely done shitstain.


                                    @X' nah to be fair he was ok. i had a pretty tough lane with ES against lina wr and gyro was solo top vs wk silencer. they grouped pretty early with global and dp ulti so our team pretty much just had to xp and not feed, letting invoker and doom farm. his calldowns and shit were pretty on point tbh


                                      Descent hero and tower dmg, i guess you contributed to your teams victory.


                                        I don't get it, why you lost so early? tiny can handle NP push with avalanche I think. SF snowballed too hard? Sad game


                                          We got ran over like donkeys, i dont understand what the fuck happened. Just one of those games...

                                          Descent CM game in normal skill, you didnt die that much.


                                            sick roaming slardar, looks like wk got dumpstered really hard.

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                                            Business Goose

                                              YOu didn't die as am vs that team.... rofl


                                                Not sure how blink works on your veno since you got TA and axe already, although axe was pretty shit judging by his death and hero damage. Else you might already got your scepter. Nothing can be done actually since AA went for wrong item, TA and axe sucked big time not doing anything to fights.

                                                Remember there are games not meant to be won.


                                                  You guys did quite good at the start, but then get wrecked mid game. Lack of stun is probably what makes u guys losing at these stage. I could also say the same with the enemy line up, but looks like WR managed to land many good Shackle.

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                                                  Player 124137522

                                                    Nice support Undying. Nothing really much to say, but good game well played on your part as an Undying support. Could have gotten some farm on creep waves in small stages of the game and could of done more damage.


                                                      That's a real nice come back win. Almost single handedly won the match. Nice item choice specially with refresher+diffusal. Makes it almost 100% kill even in 3v1 situation. GG

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                      haru yo koi

                                                        Solid tide performance. Your team was ahead throughout the game, but you did your job i think.


                                                          Game was kinda one sided, you did well. Won a few fights back to back in the midgame and snowballed from there. (As far as i can tell from the graph)


                                                            Nice game but I guess you kind of died a lot for a tusk. good thing thar you went for a dagger this game andm


                                                              Don't max spell shield against physical heroes, don't take mana break past level 2 over early stats.


                                                                Nc VHS luna game, great TD and Decent HD but void seems to be doing most of the work


                                                                  Lol how did you manage to lose with that KDA. I would suggest you to go for objectives next time instead of fighting. AM is pusher, if you pushed more instead fighting, i asure you that you would win the game :)

                                                                  cookie sem dota

                                                                    I'm surprised you won, after playing catch-up the whole game. Guess QoP had a bad game? solid fights, high ground defense and objectives. Was Nyx non-existent in team fights? Maybe agh's would have been better than dagon.


                                                                      I just tried my best to win, try to make as little mistakes as possible and i proved that Alche can outfarm and outfight pretty much all heroes in lategame. At least in 4k bracket.

                                                                      Descent Bane game, your all cores were pretty farmed so i guess you did fine your job as a support :)


                                                                        Seems like it should have been easy game with jug - good farm and kda and also ta snow balling.But how did they held on for so long , your team seems to have out farmed them and with better cores


                                                                          75 Mins... Nice Game.. come back I guess. That Carry Dazzle though....


                                                                            Ez game as Alch. With two enemy abandoning the game, they can't stand a chance against yours.

                                                                            Pale Mannie

                                                                              A bit poor positioning of Tombstones i guess which wasnt that punishing to your towers and it was a good decision to do megacreeps to prevent Medusa to happen.
                                                                              I dont get that Viper how dumb he can be.
                                                                              And i recommend not to rush GG Boots :)
                                                                              gg wp


                                                                                Very courageous (2nd pick)
                                                                                Gave fb on 00:00:14, but kept a cool head
                                                                                Nice usage of blade mail
                                                                                didn't leave your comrade es to die

                                                                                Not enough flame, very poor chat performance

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  1/7/16 poor performance for kotl normal skill
                                                                                  your team carried ur ass


                                                                                    bb being a man and raping


                                                                                      Nice carry omniknight rofl.


                                                                                        You pretty much owned the match. Keep it up! You'll get out of normal skill in no time. Also, your bh sucked. Those items rofl, probably lucky that it didn't go late

                                                                                        @Bottom: Naga almost threw the game. We could've ended at 40 mins if we wanted to but naga kept farming our own jungle and not split pushing

                                                                                        Also, she had no bottle and got midas as first item further delaying the game

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                                                                                          Naga splitpush win games. Nice comeback after (nearly?) megacreep-ed. Your opp must be salty af because that throw even with brood lesh kunkka SF push lineup. Morale of the match: don't overstretch games when you can end it.

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                                                                                          Hide The Pain - Herald

                                                                                            Flap those icy wings, hopefully the new patch does not affect your winter too much. seems like you got all the items u needed and pa making butterfly + es abandon. ez rares


                                                                                              lmao that treant 0 - 14
                                                                                              You mad at trees dawg?
                                                                                              Very solid Timbersaw performance and in VHS bracket.
                                                                                              Nice abyssal and hex lockdown

                                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                New account ez isn't it? Come back with a new account!


                                                                                                  Had really bad start (fb,+ had terrible time against clock)
                                                                                                  Still had nice farm
                                                                                                  Game was very close
                                                                                                  The only str hero on team was Legion = everyone, esp Gyro had to tank more than they should
                                                                                                  Lack of support items like mekan or pipe also didn't help the game
                                                                                                  Good farm but was outpicked


                                                                                                    sf going around 2 hitting everyone

                                                                                                    SSR Formula AERO MESH

                                                                                                      Lots of back and fourth action for a 40 min game. Looks like you barely managed to pull ahead due to a mistake or two they made.. Also the fact that only 3 people had a positive KD rly makes me confused :P