General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Jacques Lacan

    you carried your team nicely? idk
    im just here to learn from my my mistakes lul


      were you playing offlane tiny? No way in hell were you winning with that lineup. Don't think you could ahve done much except pick a diff hero. Even though they have hard counters to sniper and ck

      Jacques Lacan

        nah I went safelane with WD but the asshole that shaman was came over and tried to steal all the last hits. being tiny I still managed to get the creeps but I was extremely starved for xp. enemy, with a gold and xp lead started pushing and for some reason CK led some fights and we basically lost.

        eh, as for you, I'd say you guys had no counter to weaver till you got orchid and spectre got farmed? do take my words with a grain of salt.


          you did kind of well in the laning stage but then got rolled over cuz of tard team + wd abadoned

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Team was probably retarded and fed Windrunner. FeelsBadMan

            Fee Too Pee

              just usual "balanced" OD in pub normal skill cough2

              Phantom Renegade

                Owned with balanced devourer

                stupid fuck 2000

                  Trashed kids with slark and weaver. Their lineup was terrible.

                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                    Good: a lot of kills
                    Bad: Puck OP hero

                    add master chief to multi...

                      Bad Riki smurf


                        interesting brood build haha

                        also nice name salsa

                        Waku Waku

                          buy a bkb and u own the world

                          Fee Too Pee

                            U did well but that fail jagger and shadowblade od on your team lmao. Tough luck m8


                              VHS player stomping at normal skill bracket, spare us some mercy please. Can't said much as it was a 1 side stomp


                                hit creep win dota


                                  You leaving won your team the game lmao


                                    Smarter then Rubick!

                                    stupid fuck 2000

                                      With your team composition, that bounty build was very bad imo, stop trying to play him as a carry, he's terrible at it. You should've bought mana boots, mek, greaves instead of letting that poor tinker do it because he's utterly useless as a support. Nyx also went for that stupid dagon build so frankly i don't think you ever had a chance to win that game. If you actually went for proper items, i think you could've won rather easily against that super greedy lineup.

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                      Jacques Lacan

                                        You guys did well to bring the spectre down and take a win, I guess.


                                          that OD and clinkz sure owned u and your team. better luck next game


                                            Wp Earth Shaker U Shaked Thier Ass Haha


                                              @bukkake Nice ES build :D. Crit shaker ftw


                                                7.8 K hero damage in 38 minutes as a Sven. How is this even possible? You did win tho, gratz.

                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                  because you , the game win, only you hit the buildings lol. WP man


                                                    Nice Sven you got there. :D
                                                    Perf build and highest HD, well done.


                                                      Nice KDA. 2 drums a team, why? Especially late game.

                                                      Mr. Pickles

                                                        Ur team end the game fast. Lucy mid got owned

                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                          talking about "balance" q and w zeus in pub games. Well played stomp man


                                                            VHS guy killing noobs in normal, heh, well played
                                                            good skill / item builds, but not enough lasthits for sven with dominator.

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                            SHINRA TENSEI !!

                                                              ^2ez for the guy above me

                                                              never seen a maelstrom on weaver before though


                                                                considering you did so well I was disappointed with ur cs

                                                                gods bravest soldier

                                                                  u just wanted to show off that last qop game didnt u lmao

                                                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                                                    AM and Invoker in the enemy team, rough game for a dusa.


                                                                      Did well, had a nice line up, good synergies from random draft based god


                                                                        Omg, the wombo-combo on your team is insane. Void + Lich + QoP ? Yeah, that really is nasty.
                                                                        That game should have ended faster if the rest of your team (except Lich) don't feed really hard.

                                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                          You coulda done better in securing kills.

                                                                          Optimus Drip

                                                                            your a joke.


                                                                              Wow, that Lina is reallyyyy FAT. Seems like your able to hold them quite long, but that Lina (and Spectre after she has some item) just wreck you all.

                                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                                nice oracle gameplay right there, you make sure your teammate is alive in dire situation make zeus basically killing everyone when your teammate still alive giving AM space. WP


                                                                                  at last somone is buying blink dagger instead of shadow blade on legion


                                                                                    Kinda weird build you got there as Morphling. Support-ish morphling ?
                                                                                    Well, i guess you have your 4 second stun as support but that's about it. If you play him like that, maybe pick another heroes that can works better instead of Morphling


                                                                                      consider urself lucky coz bh bonus gold track and everything bring u all to victory . 2 meks build pogchamp


                                                                                        never surrender dude. never surrender
                                                                                        and yea, report bh for rage quit Kappa

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                          SFvs OD mid? ez MMR ez lyfe.

                                                                                          stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                            Bought good items, was probably rly annoying. gj


                                                                                              Actually, i'm the one who bought the Mek first. Quite annoyed by that "support" Razor after knowing he/she built another Mek, but because we're already winning when he/she finished it, i don't really care anymore :v

                                                                                              Your team composition as a whole is not really good. Maybe next time go with another heroes that can benefit from Void chrono. Nevertheless, you guys still managed to win it ... although i think it's also because of WD abandon / troll on the enemy team.

                                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven


                                                                                                Considering that match was Low Priority, there may not have been good choices for FV synergy.

                                                                                                Your game:
                                                                                                1) Nice job on the fast stomp. You provided a nice distraction for Alchemist and Razor to freely attack the enemy in teamfights.
                                                                                                2) From the looks of it, Invoker couldn't punish Alchemist's 0-2-3 or stop him from geting guaranteed farm with acid spray. From there, Alchemist rushed radiance and your team snowballed. The enemy team continued to be greedy: Medusa wasted money on midas and was fighting AM for jungle farm while both died to ganks.

                                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                  Pretty much just snowballed and crushed the enemy so completely and utterly that the Ursa either rage quit or rage sold all his items.

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven