General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    They got rolfstomped. Good game.

    stupid fuck 2000

      Oracle was such a good pick in that game. It's insane with slark and it's so good against ember and necro. Good job.

      Pootie Tang

        You carried that game hard with Ember Spirit


          pity your team's bounty hunter feeding. np snowballing put of control


            The other team had no supports, four mid heroes and only one of them actually did anything. That was an easy stomp.


              Easy 5v4 win in normal. Don't have much to say tho. OK bh


                Plays techies on ranked nuff said
                you deserved to be executed


                  zeus stomp.

                  PREPARE THINE ASSHOLES

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                    people so bad in normal skill you can still win with od.

                    Vicious D.

                      Your 45min Radiance as necro sure pay off the same as when you reaper scythe a full HP Omni wp

                      stupid fuck 2000

                        Played well. Ls and slark did their job.


                          Seems like you´re really good with ember, you should maybe increase your hero pool if you wanna climb in mmr..


                            Very good Timber, impressive numbers (GPM, XPM, HD). That game must have been bit rollercoaster and your whole team recovered nicely from bad early game(judging from xp graph). You participated in 41 out of 50 enemy deaths so I guess your sense for ingame action is great and you were everytime on the right place. WP


                              Stomp game with Mirana and you're team didn't have problem winning that game! Riki and Sniper in the other team tho >.< ..

                              Rektdalf the White

                                Nice game as phoenix, dat 43 assists.

                                Swap Commends

                                  Canser timber saw.One sided game.wp


                                    Picked a greedy carry when you already had AM/Tinker, nearly outfarmed the AM but he had far more kill participation, at least you did your part pushing towers.


                                      They didn't punish your offlane solo hard enough and didn't put pressure on you, probably why they lost since they had a BH.




                                          ^Good beastmaster in normal skill. U won the game even with a mega noob spectre. Your farm is a little poor though.

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            Seemed like a pretty even game till minute 20, then you went full stomp mode... Also you had more lh in that game then medusa! Feel bad for those solo supports on both teams. Got hurricane pike for the escape I guess?

                                            stupid fuck 2000

                                              Gotta love it when you play necro and nobody buys linkens or glimmer cape lol.


                                                your team had good teamwork to win

                                                Creamer ni Don Cantoni

                                                  Ez sven game, teammates made it ez for ya


                                                    ez mid gg

                                                    Creamer ni Don Cantoni

                                                      Game is hard , back and forth game but stayed composed. GJ DK


                                                        Nice choice of maelstrom for ember to add on more damage for your sleights of fist.


                                                          I got the hurricane pike because its a nice item against the furion. @Midou Ban: Godlike performance on dazzle. Your entire team was very poor though except for tinker.

                                                          Rektdalf the White

                                                            Classic good sven perfomance, farm like madman kill everything late game. WP

                                                            Gregor Samsa

                                                              Rekt face as puck, I liked the choice of buying aghs to limit enemy teams already limited mobility.

                                                              Gawr Gura

                                                                Interesting KDA. Guess you made alot of space for your team. :p


                                                                  For the creator of this thread
                                                                  Your puck is great from hero damage to tower damage. Great kda with kill participation %.
                                                                  Stomped so hard!


                                                                    Guess I can't complain too much about your es. You did pretty good and nice kda! :D


                                                                      Recent nerfs didnt stop you from pretty much making half of enemy team useless. Great job on item decision, Spectre+Zeus is imba

                                                                      Swap Commends

                                                                        Highest HD & TD in team.Carried.wp

                                                                        Do only good everyday

                                                                          Sucesfully infected the enemy team. Judging by the enemy itens, that was probably an easy match. Nice assists.

                                                                          stupid fuck 2000

                                                                            Did about as much as a venomancer is expected to do, gj.

                                                                            Thijs Thijs

                                                                              Pretty gud, not much to be said about it only judging by the stats. Maybe levelling remnant might be fully irrelevant, instead of those two levels (giving you up to 150/300 burst damage) having a bit more normal damage and health will probably do more.

                                                                              stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                Night stalker and slark is pretty evil. Easy vision. It's pretty impressive that you managed to deal with late game constant push from the naga.

                                                                                Rektdalf the White

                                                                                  You managed to rekt them in early game, both stats around 800, managed to deal almost the same HD as the whole opposite team, nice one there.


                                                                                    By looking at the entire match xp difference it was a total stomp

                                                                                    Best Treant EU

                                                                                      ez roflstomp with ck. proves that 4 cores > 3 cores. Maybe try 5 cores next time for ultimate destruction. well played :)

                                                                                      Thijs Thijs

                                                                                        Terrible Bloodseeker player, didn't even get Dagon-Eblade, of course you lose.

                                                                                        Swap Commends

                                                                                          Canser timber.wp


                                                                                            pa abandoned ez game ez life

                                                                                            Creamer ni Don Cantoni

                                                                                              Good PA performance, rekt normal skill keeds with a classic deso vlads combo


                                                                                                what to say to that ember game. insane. 26 minutes :) Never seen anything like that!


                                                                                                  Dat 73-20 stomp. Well palyed but it looks like riki and ursa did most of the work. Oh well ggwp


                                                                                                    Ez stomp Jugger. Wp