General Discussion

General DiscussionAre you satisfied with your MMR?

Are you satisfied with your MMR? in General Discussion

    What's your solo/party MMR at and do you like it? Do you think you deserve better rating?

    Why you can't get it?

    Let's start:

    Solo: 3900 atm. I'm not fully satisfied with MMR since I went down from 4k, but I'm fine with it.
    Party 3300 - I don't rly give a fuck about it, since most of my games are solo q. ranked, but I'd like to have a bit higher party tho

    As a matter of fact ,I think MMR is pretty accurate at least for me. I'm where I belong more or less.

    Need to practice heroes/stuff to get better, and MMR will go up. :)

    never toxic under any cir...

      Solo: 4674

      I used to be 5k but I got depress then I fell to like 4.4, but recently I started climbing back up.

      He's an A-star student, y...

        considering my main was floating between 4800 and 5000 for 2 years i am happy that i finally broke 5k and that im now at 5.4

        all thanks to this patch, fucking love it


          5308: i need to be 6k

          party: 4300

          game is bad

            5433. I am mostly a support player, so being that high as it is is good enough.


              No. But I'm beyond that now. I have more fun in unranked anyways.

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                waku waku

                  im so gud why can't i climb in mmr?


                    I was in 4.6K and went down to 3.3K. That's 1.3K MMR worth of raging, flaming, shouting, and stupidity.

                    i decided to climb back up about 6 weeks ago. I'm @ 4.2k at the moment and my goal is to reach 5K before TI5 starts.


                      5085. I want to get to about 5k3 this week. After that I'm quite OK with it, and probably I will stop grinding MMR.


                        I Think I should be higher :(
                        It's 1.6k at the moment but I am climbing slowly, I will be happy when it is like 3k
                        My skill is probably lower then 3k though, but I still think higher then it is now

                        [DFG] Whale King

                          I'm at 3860 solo and 4060 party, and think it's rather accurate... I'm around 3900-4100mmr skill level which is frustrating because I'd like to be stable in 4k range eventually maybe even make it to 5k :\ Hoping 4300 by TI, but odds are I'll be sitting around 4k


                            Solo: 2.4k mmr.
                            I dont play enough ranked to know if I deserve this MMR.


                              i play party only and got 5300 there, and im pretty much satisfied with it cz I dont think I deserve being higher

                              Livin' Real Good

                                I'm at 3.1, i climbed 1000MMR in just over a month and a half, and this is my main, only and first account, I honestly think I belong in 4K, not cause I think I'm pro, i'm not saying 5 or 6K like most people, just 4K. I tend to just be better than most of the players in 3K, i die ALOT less, and have great positioning and map awareness for a "3K" player. Most players play too slow in this MMR? If that makes sense? I feel like they execute things too slow, the enemy was out of position for a bit, and my team was too dumb to capitalize on killing the enemy Luna who wandered a bit too far from her team, once they realize that I need help with this easy gank, Luna has already left cause she realized she was too far out alone. If that makes sense? (this is my opinion) One thing i'll NEVER DO is blame someone for something I know was my fault, i know that's one thing that separates me from the cancer.

                                I could easily take that lazy route, and calibrate high by making a new account, but don't want to do that. One thing i have to work on is last hitting, I don't do it well enough, and i can accept that. But for only playing a year, I think i'm pretty good, if i climbed MMR 1000 MMR that fast, that means I can probably run over 3K too once I get my last hitting up to snuff, lets see how it goes. Gonna try and get to 4K by the end of summer, should be easy cause this summer i'm actually going to make an effort to get good for once. It's one thing to play, but it's another thing to play and consciously try to get better, which i have never done, until a few weeks ago. If i got to 5K, I wouldn't care anymore, I could die in peace. XD

                                Go to my Dota buff, and look at my GPM, if i could increase that even by 100, i'd probably win wayyyy more Q.Q *goes to last hit mode to practice*

                                PS: played a few very high skill games on my friends account, felt fine, went positive on like 3/5 of them

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                                  solo 3993, party 1,4k ( i stopped party for a year rofl)

                                  Well considering that i dropped 700 mmr because i refused to play troll and sniper at the end of last pick and went from 4400 to 3700 . I am climbing now back to it again and will probably hit 4,5k soon if i keep playing pos 1 or support and stop playing mid...


                                    Solo 1375, Party 1278

                                    It's probably about right...I know what I should be doing and I can stack and triple pull and things like that but during team fights I lose track of whats happening sometimes and/or go yolo and make bad decisions (like laguna blading someone with 100 health just because yolo).

                                    It's going up (my solo) fairly steadily so hopefully that'll continue.

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                                      Currently I'm at 2860 solo, and 3350 party. I've been up to 4.1k and down to 2.3k on solo. Most of my heroes could play at around 3.5k if I put my best effort in, but it's really more fun to be able to play whatever hero I feel like playing at a lower MMR and still have a moderate chance to win. Currently I'm working on trying to get the winrate on my horrible drow up to 40%.

                                      I see that everything gets easier if you just go down a few hundred MMR. Lasthitting is easier because opponents have less skill to contest it. Ganking is easier because opponents are slower to react to attacks. Pushing is easier because opponents do not control the map as well and are less likely to tp to defend in time. Warding and dewarding is easier because supports at lower MMR failed lasthits and can't afford tp rotations and counterwards. I see this lot when watching 3k MMR supports on replays - if they have gold from kills or towers they counterward and tp around the map - if they just tried to pull camps and then missed the lasthits on the creeps in the camp, then they can't do anything to control the map. Some try to compensate by stealing farm in the lane, some just quietly lose control of the map and die from lack of positioning items.

                                      The one drawback of playing lower MMR is the carries are much worse and I like to play support heroes. Supports almost always die from having low movespeed and no escape move. Carries die from bad positioning and just as often kill their team by going forward (forcing their team to move up) then retreating at high speed and leaving their team to die. They never seem to understand that they do this and like to call "back! back!" when its impossible. If the support hero moves to help them, they live, the support hero dies - then they call the support a feeder. If the support hero does not move to help and just watches them feed, then they blame the support hero for their death. I suspect that people who habitually play heroes with extremely high move speed fail to understand the limitations of lower movespeed heroes. You have to check to see if your support can follow - if they don't have a blink yet, then you will be attacking alone unless you wait for them to catch up.

                                      Conversely as you go up a few hundred MMR everything is harder. Maybe I really should get multiple accounts for various heroes I want to play. That would be more fair to the people who get randomly assigned to games. If I happen to play one of my 4k level heroes in a 3k level game its a massacre. If I happen to play a 2.5k hero in a 3.5k game my team has no chance to win.

                                      Some people have hidden their stats, but for those who have not I find the hero-winrate is almost always an accurate barometer of a players success in a game. When I get someone who feeds badly, I check their stats and find that they lose a lot of games on that hero. When I get someone who dominates a game, I check their stats and find that hero is one of their most played, high winrate, high KDA. But few want to play the same hero all the time. So people are often quite mismatched to a game's MMR depending on their hero choice.

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                                      lm ao
                                        Tento komentář byl smazán

                                          What's your solo/party MMR at and do you like it? 6k - dont really like it - think i could get much higher

                                          Do you think you deserve better rating? yeah if i didn't have a job

                                          Why you can't get it? work full time


                                            solo 1.9 - 2.1k (I pretty much sit in this range when I ranked)

                                            party 2.1 - 2.2k (don't play ranked party enough to know how acurate this is)

                                            I'm not happy, no. But there is only one thing to do about it. Get better. My farming has improved and continues to improve game by game, my early and mid game positioning/movements and decision making are better than average for my MMR but my late game fighting/decision making/movements and positioning get me wrecked every time I play a core... not played much of the new patch due to holidays and a broke assed PC though.

                                            My support play has actually got worse recently, but I think it's because I've been playing unranked stacks for about 6 months now and can usually rely on someone else picking up the slack if I need it.

                                            I gotta get back on the dota horse and continue to improve... maybe take a few months of only solo ranked... since 99% of my games are stacked unranked these days.

                                            Do I deserve a higher mmr? obviously not, or I'd have it...

                                            what do I need to do? play more dota... specifically solo ranked. Narrow down my hero pool maybe... jack of all trades and all... I have over 1k games but my most played hero doesn't even have 60 games...

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                            Mortimer Smith

                                              I dont know what my real mmr is... I feel like a orphaned :(

                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                btw i think i deserve 3.8


                                                  some games i play like 3k some games i am amazed at how i play, so idk if i should be satisfied.
                                                  but i guess i am not since i used to be a lot higher than now


                                                    I stopped caring, so I guess the answer is yes.

                                                    Lord Mushroom

                                                      Solo 3K and Party 2,9K. I think at i belong to this level. First i was really happy at my MMR. I always got good supports etc, but right now i always meet dual carry lanes and 5 carry teams, so i dont want to play solo ranked anymore. I would play support by myself, but i dont think at i am good enough.

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                                                        If you got people doing dumb things in your games recently, don't worry. It's not your MMR level, that happens from top to bottom at all levels. It's just bad luck recently. Keep playing and things will change.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          I don't really care what my mmr is, I just want to win games because winning is a lot more fun than losing. Actually I sometimes wish I was magically 500 mmr lower without having to suffer through losses to get there cus I'd probably win more lol.

                                                          wasted penguinz

                                                            4,6k solo, trying to go to 5k , but i think its allright . party 4k party: dont rly care about though


                                                              solo 2.5k, its eh

                                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                                What's your solo/party MMR at and do you like it? 5.3k, no

                                                                Do you think you deserve better rating? no

                                                                Why you can't get it? no time BibleThump


                                                                  When i see some trash that are in the leaderboard, I'm not satisfied with my mmr (even though i know i don't play enough to claim much higher than what i've)

                                                                  kvasius # KSVM

                                                                    I dont care about my 1.6k trashtier. So Im kinda satisfied and not. Because I'm so low there are literally 2 guys I can stack with. So it's both yes and no.


                                                                      Solo mmr 3141 I don't like it but do t hate it , I only hate when I drop below 3k. I don't think I deserve higher rating altho I know if I smurfed I would be a lot higher but fuck that, my goal is 3400 in next two weeks. One reason I can't go higher is I usually play with 4 hours of sleep At night , other reason is I can only handle 4-5 hot keys so if hero requires more hot keys then That I have to click the item. Thirdly I mess up one team fight at least every other game due to positioning depending on which hero I am playing some heros I don't have this problem with. When I am tired I suck at watching mini map which I really noticed this weekend since I wasn't tired for once and was constantly watching mini map like every couple seconds. Which brings me back to main reason I am not raising is due to the fact that if I wanna play Dota it cuts into sleep Time since I work in military / have family to take care of. O and I am 2550 party mmr but I hVent tried raising it yet altho when I do party mmr I either practice something new and stomp hard or fail but still kill a lot or I play a hero I am good at and its gaurenteed God like. One day when I am happy enough with my solo mmr I'll raise my party mmr.

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                                                                        but i have to say i'm satisfied with the size of my dick :laugh:


                                                                          ^lie spotted


                                                                            ^my face atm


                                                                              3924. Started with this MMR, at one point got to 3.7k, claimed points back and probably will finish with it since I almost exclusively play in parties now.


                                                                                What's your solo/party MMR at and do you like it? Do you think you deserve better rating?

                                                                                S: ~6400 P: ~6100 I dig it; I deserve more ofc

                                                                                Why you can't get it?
                                                                                Because DotA 2 is a game of 5.


                                                                                  My main 1600 party 2400? Forget but I think in China its different. At 1000 to 2500 MMR. I think a lot of people just want to click stuff... No wards, no chicken, spam skills. low level of teamwork.
                                                                                  It's better if I normal solo matchmaking. Unranked. I think I'm a 3000 to 3500 player but value doesn't think so. Maybe new account is better, but I'll just keep playing and learning to improve on game sense and heroes and in different situations.

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                                                                                    5822 climbing 6k just because i think i deserve it. lol

                                                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                      Nope closing in on first goal though.


                                                                                        how to climb when ur teammates do this:


                                                                                        even worse, he one of my real life friends sitting in 3k mmr bracket :(

                                                                                        Big Daddy C

                                                                                          2668 solo 2927 party

                                                                                          I usually hover around 3k, I lost 500 MMR when i was drunk and it's been a challenge to get it back up.

                                                                                          I think my MMR realistically is something between 3.5k and 4k. I created an alt about 6 months ago and every game was very high skill and I carried most of the games winning the majority of them I just couldn't be bothered grinding to lvl 13 or whatever to see the MMR I would have been given and I've improved a huge amount during those 6 months.

                                                                                          My problem with raising my main MMR is twofold, I refuse to grind broken heroes to raise it as it bores me, and team mates in this bracket are very hit and miss some of them only have 100 games etc ( I have 2.2k), They make stupid item choices for example I had a necro rush radiance a few games ago, and they generally have very little core knowledge of the game and their opinion is 'FACT'.


                                                                                            Solo mmr - 5082 ( Was once 5.6k and top 10 leaderboard of SE Asia)
                                                                                            Party mmr - 4.4k ( idgaf cos my friend trolling )

                                                                                            Struggling to climb up my solo mmr and i guess i am outclassed in that ranged currently. Gotta improve otherwise i am out of the 5k bracket


                                                                                              solo; 5,5k
                                                                                              Party: 5k

                                                                                              ive been around 5,5 and 5,9 on solo for like almost half a year.
                                                                                              I wanted the sweet 6k, but no. I probably dont deserve it, yet!


                                                                                                no , mid 4ks, play at night on USW, keep landing in way too hard games like 5.9k avg both teams with 6.3k on both teams, and get flamed hard all game

                                                                                                had more fun in like 4.0k tbh

                                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                                5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                                  @ murs

                                                                                                  wait didn't u grind a bunch of games back in 6.83c? how did u find time to do it lol

                                                                                                  @ matrice

                                                                                                  oh god, someone else thinks the same way i do, finally

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                    Im 2.8k in Solo mmr and i had 2.2k 5 days ago i think i could bring it to 4k mmr ez.

                                                                                                    But how ever theres nothing more funny than play in 100 mmr games u wont stop laughing anymore If u Played there once.


                                                                                                      5109 right now. I don't think I even deserve 4k5 because I'm a dirty Abaddon picker :D But still I'm trying to reach 5k3 by next week.

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