General Discussion

General Discussionmmr disparity

mmr disparity in General Discussion

    This isn't a QQ I should be 5k mmr thread, this is just a commentary on 3.1-3.3k mmr....

    This is more about how, some people are FANTASTIC at this mmr, and some people are god awful, like just completely terrible. Not sure if it's people on their way down in the mmr rankings, but I either completely stomp a team, or we're even and I can usually pull off a win, or I get like 2-16 peruvians at the 15 minute mark lol.


      But... I wanted to flame people not understanding mmr system... mention Dunning-Kruger... try to seem clever and show off...
      *runs away in tears*


        nadota player ;') ahahaha

        "I can pull off a win" ahahahahah

        "peruvians" AHAHHAHA


          i would play some games on us east and i am 100% sure that i won't get 9/10 peruvians


            today seems exceptionally bad though lol.... did peru's servers go down?

            and yes Benao, at even strength, or even slightly behind I can usually turn the ship around. I never said I was gods gift to dota, but 99% of the time I'm playing the best on my team lol. Games seem either SUPER easy, or damn near impossible lol..... only like 20% of the games seems competitive, and it gets old. I don't mind losing, but getting stomped or stomping is zzzzzzzzz.

            Big Daddy C

              Benao only plays low priority, don't mind him.

              THICC BABY SHUM

                normal skill better then lp?

                Big Daddy C

                  depends on your personal preference on whether being a piece of shit is better than playing average skill dota I guess.


                    Peruvians were out in force today runing games.

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                    5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                      nobody at 3.1-3.3k is good

                      people play better/worse based on a lot of reasons (attitude/mood/picks/confidence), this happens at every mmr

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        I won a game that was 2-13, they had the kill lead all the way til throne fell and we was almost 1:1 parity in kills at the end finally. It just takes about 3 people to really mesh to take lopsided games. Yea no more rubber-banding but games are more lopsided. Just look at the amount of games that finish 30-50 minutes.

                        From what I see in 3.1k it's like the multiple trench MMR that people tend to be in. You could get 5k smurfs in there to 2k drugged out fiends. Once u pass 3.1k to 3.5k people either give up faster or they actually know how to play and u get up in MMR faster back up to 4k or back down to 3K. Another trench is 2.8-2.9k mmr. IT's like the 3.1k MMR trench, You could have people that only played like 10 games and LPQ trolls who just got back to normal ranked games and ready to throw again.

                        Then again MMR don't matter. There's bad players all the way up to 5k MMR considering from the amount of 5k trolls and account buyers.


                          I think Its like that:
                          0-500 mmr are Trolls that just want to lose
                          500-1500 are guys that play 100 % for Fun they dont care win or lose
                          1500 - 2500. This guys try to win but just dont have the Know how
                          2500 - 4000 serious Players try to win while having Fun and Know how the game Works
                          4000-5500 tryhards
                          5500-8000 this are the real pro
                          8000 + Well guys... Get a live

                          Livin' Real Good

                            If i don't play perfect in 3K MMR, then we probably lost, only once in a blue moon someone else is doing the carrying, I shouldn't have to play out of my mind just to carry the garbage and barely win .-. But that's dota 2. Not saying i'm pro so fuck off, just saying 3K is shit.

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                              Actually there is a difference between 3.1 and 3.3-3.4k.

                              Both sucks, that's for sure, nothing new, but players in 2.8-3.1k sucks more.

                              They can't lane properly, they can't last hit(at least most of them cant), desicion making is god damn awful and what separates 2.8k from 3.1k is just a fucking number.

                              It's pretty much same skill-level, with different number. Exceptions may be found but are just a few.

                              When it comes to 3.3-3499 range, they do suck aswell, but they tend to understand game at least a little bit better then low 3k players.

                              They can lane at least to some decent level, they are able to use advatage then got and they can play some heroes also on decent level.

                              Getting out of 2.8-3.1k is easy.

                              Step 1: learn how to snowball with proper mid hero - for me its SF or Slark
                              Step 2: Win games. How? If you got advatange, push it. Punish their mistakes, cuz they make like mistakes in 10 secs interal.
                              Step 3: Learn how to splitpush/play from behind, devolop some basic level of patience and game knowlage.

                              That's what it takes to get out of 2.8-3.1k range. I've already proved this by boosting some friends several times.

                              Now for 3.3-3.4k things tends to be a little harder in terms of everything, because mistakes are punished more then in normal skill.

                              Of course, better players would be able to win much easier, but in order to do so, MMR difference needs to be at least 1500 MMR.

                              Example: 4500-4700 MMR player would dominate with at least 70% winrate in 3.3-3499 MMR range.

                              But sadly, 3.8-4.1k players would-not be able to win majority of their games in mid 3k bracket,because skill diference isn't that big.

                              I had actually pretty rough time getting out of 3.3-3.4k range when I went 500-600 MMR down couple months ago.

                              It's not because I got bad team-mates, it's because I'm not good enough to carry games.

                              I go on tilt, I give up to early, I fail item builds, I do stupid things, etc..

                              So, just play..

                              lm ao
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                                    he said "you should try playing on sea servers" keepo

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      That is the case for every MMR because some people get there because they deserve it, some get there by getting carried and some get there by getting boosted. It's the nature of this game.


                                        "I never said I was gods gift to dota, but 99% of the time I'm playing the best on my team lol."




                                        I guess those all fall into the "1%" huh?


                                          @artemis it usually looks like a drafting problem "i'm going to pick this hero cause I want to play it/ hero challenge"

                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                            If your position 1-2 it's easier but yes 3-4k has some frustrating trolls, retards, and etc.

                                            Just the other day had an ogre magi feed, ward our own jungle spawns and etc. luckily his report went through before even the game ended.

                                            I repeat though if you feel your more talented then this bracket play the OP meta heroes or 1-2 slot heroes.

                                            I can't help but always plays 3-5 position and typically 1-2 slot is whined for.

                                            Schwanzus Longus

                                              To be honest I dont think there´s a big difference in individual skill as a number called MMR is concerned.

                                              Finally decided to play ranked again. Went up from 3.5 to 4.4 in two weeks. Still dotn feel a major difference. Only the chance to get two horrible players/trolls in one game is remarkable lower.
                                              Incredible plays in 4.4 are as rare as in 3.5... maybe 1 out of 10 games.


                                                there is massive diffeence between 4.4k and 3.5k..

                                                Natural born jungler

                                                  Dude if u think that u should be like 5k just go buy 5k account if u survived there that mean you are 5k player
                                                  just like what i did i was 2k mmr on this account ( its my oldest account ) then i calibrated as 4.1 on my smurf account and 4145 on second smurf account :D then i said what the hell is wrong with this mmr calibrating system i should be 5k at least so i bought 5k account ( 5050 mmr ) then i lost few games and now i'm struggling between 4.8-5k mmr i got back to 5k few times in this few months but boom i lost again and im 4.8 again so i said fuck it im not tryharder im tired of staying at 4.8-5k mmr for months so i should go play with my old account and try to climb from 3k to 5k

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                                                  Trade Prince Gallywix

                                                    Your mission is to carry the Peruvians. Don't listen to life
                                                    dancer. He's 4k matches with like a 50% winrate. FFS.

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