General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying carry with lower MMR players

Playing carry with lower MMR players in General Discussion

    If i play carry with my team that are all lower MMR than me and much less skilled, what kind of carry should i play? I really hard carry to get lots of farm and 1vs5 or a fighting carry to snowball from early kills? The mid doesnt semi carry and the offlane does a bit but its just me and him, the supports do well in lane so i can farm so what heros do you guys think i should play?

    casual gamer

      its rly fucking hard if ur smth like medusa and ur mates spontaneously decide to go on the feed train 8 mins in

      its best to pick carries that scale well because noob games go late, but also carries that can gank and control tempo. The best is probably slark, but things like WK, AM, CK, sven, etc are all good if ur experienced with them

      its usually easier to just go mid and rape enemy mid, then win game


        pick something that is better at snowballing/killing than afk farming (slark, wk, ember spirit, storm, riki). the other would be rat type of carry which is independent of ur teammates' performance (antimage, f.e.).

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            My team mates try and do place wards and gank and shit but they have little sense about the game and get caught out and dont know how to team fight right, its hard to predict the game, the other team may be scrubs but if they just 5 ball us my team crubble and get caught out to lose the fight or don't use a mech or a ulti or just fuck up in some way, am and pl work because split pushing is great. But i just dont know how to give us the best chance of winning


              The answer on all you questions is... Gyrokopter Hes broken as fuck at the Moment strong all game


                Snowball outa mid is Easyiest way, other than that is say a carry that can fight early is good.




                    SF, Slark..


                      Im running this in the safe lane btw and i normally will have a defensive tri lane, so getting free farm till 20 mins is not a problem most of the time


                        If i play 5 man Stack with my 1k mates supporting me the enemys offlaner usually get more lh than i do... Thats a real challange lh with 2 1k Supports on lane. Still i win like 70 % with medusa Gyrokopter or spectre

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                        Livin' Real Good

                          Use a hero that can have an impact at all points of the game, like Slark for example, he rapes 1, 2, 3KMMR easily, so does Riki, it's pretty sad how even players in 3K can't deal with him still, you'd think they would have learned in pubs. :L Goodluck

                          Protato BBnoZAR



                              Slark does work, i havent tried riki to be honest, that is a good shout and sometimes the fights will be like 3vs5 because my team get picked of alot.


                                But slark is so fucking boring

                                KGBlue Lives Matter

                                  Honestly going Mid and just raping is better tahn relying on pun supports because my god are they bad. If you insist on going safelane then something that scales a bit better and doesnt have to rice in jungle or free lanes as much. If its hard carries though out of all of them Spectre is the best since she can recover from a shitty lane due to haunt pickoffs as long as go the difffusal build.

                                  Night 夜

                                    Weird nobody said jugg yet. Winning games with Omnislash alone is so easy on scrub level.

                                    Wraith King. Just Hailrake it. Still works.

                                    Tiny. Treads, Drums, Aghs; WRECK. Don't even need Blink most of the time.

                                    PA. Just get early medaillon and crit everyone to bits. Who needs teammates when you 2shot everyone.

                                    But then again, you said the supports do well enough to give you space to farm. So maybe try Spectre.
                                    She's always mistaken for being super useless early game, but if you just get a few small items like orb of venom, treads and urn you can get kills as soon as you have your ult.
                                    Which is nice, cause in lower skill levels, people will be running around on their own, a lot. So you just ult, kill a loner, tp back to lane. Rinse and repeat.

                                    Or try and do Shadowblade Slardar..
                                    There are so many way and options to just get some farm on a hero and start balling in lower skill brackets.


                                      phantom lancer, manfight everything to death


                                        adding to the above options, luna seems to work well for me in low mmr, eclipse is rly fuckin strong if the mid decides to gank u under ur tower and qs pretty good for securing kills, also after laning you're a monster farmer/pusher depending on the game, and even if you're under farmed, luna can still pull some weight purely by eclipse dmg, my ideal pub carry

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                                          If u get space to farm am can rape, I like to aim for pms, treads , and bf by 18 mins if lane is contested hard earlier if not , yasha at 21 mins , manta 25 mins and u ready to fight or push hard with manta, basher at like 29 mins , abyssal at 34 mins and at that point at lower mmr enemy carry will get shit on vs am with treads, abyssal , pms , manta , bury at 34 mins, gaurenteed rax. Gold from team wipe / rax = heart / eagle horn at like 39 mins , butterfly at like 41 mins ur fully 6 slotted at 41 mins = rampage= Throne. I am starting to love am since yesterday.

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                                            Btw u can prolly do this faster vs 2k people I doing it vs 3k


                                              LC <-- :)


                                                Back when i was 2k, I played carries that just easily take towers (a-m, luna, tb, lycan etc.) and PA


                                                  Check my most recent sniper game. I was playing with my 500MMR friend. In low skill all you need is shadowblade and BKB and you are untouchable.


                                                    Carries with escape/stun and that can deal damage even without so much farm. So pa, pl, riki, drow, clinkz, slark, tiny, wk.


                                                      storm spirit mid first pick


                                                        slark kun and unagi chan


                                                          more like slark sama