General Discussion

General DiscussionIs sniper still viable?

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Is sniper still viable? in General Discussion

    If you think about it sniper should be quite good cuz he can kill heroes like lesh & gyro if he sits back and just auto attacks. Also he can slow pushes quite a bit. Mb im missing out on smth idk


      he cant do shit against 5-man push at 15th-20th minute, cz hes a lategame hero without any early potential except his ult. furthermore, massive early raotation (which is typical for this patch) doesnt let him farm at all.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        Sniper is viable support.


          @Triple I haven't played him in this patch but at least in 6.83 it was near imposible to push into 3 shrapnel charges & if you give him some kind of escape (Swap probably best) he should at least in my opinion be able to defend towers quite good. But i agree on the rotation thing, haven't thought about that


            can't do shit against 5man push at 15th minute? Where did all that "Shrapnel too op in the early-game" hype go? He's not strong but definitely okish pick. still better than terrorblade and antimage


              He would be still viable after nerf if it was a farming/cumback meta like 6.83. I think hes one of the weakest carry right now, he gets rekt in lane and just never catch up.


                shrapnel's nerf looks not that serious, but practice shows it was very important. now this spell is far from op.


                  @beat the autism
                  hes strong in hg def in mid-late game, not very early. and now the fact that he can def hg doesnt give you much - you still lose space and ur enemy outfarms you when you are defing. it was cool in the era of comebacks of 6.83, but now being able to waste more time defing hg is way less important.
                  and shrapnel is weaker now, as alrdy said above.


                    Yes I know the nerf is pretty harsh, but it's not big enough to say that sniper can't do shit early. Still annoying.


                      well, and i dont say hes complete garbage. he can do smthng, but not that often. id say he's currently a bit weaker than average, despite bing on the very top a month ago.

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                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                        He for sure is not a hero to send mid is this at least a good starting point


                          @Triple: Again, didn't take that under consideration. You are right.

                          @Last picking : Ya, i guess Troll and Sniper will just remain shit (or at least pretty close) for a while