General Discussion

General DiscussionSome players don't deserve their mmr

Some players don't deserve their mmr in General Discussion

    So most players i have met during my dota 2 experience tell me that they deserve a higher MMR. I always tell them that there are always areas where they can improve (static farming, efficient farming patterns, positioning,warding etc.) and i always get flamed back. Honestly i didn't know my mum slept with an angry 20 year old russian.

    Anyway lets get to the point. Just a few minutes ago i finished a game of dota where i played lich as a support. Early and mid game were intense as fuck. Though at the end game something caught my attention and made me wanna kill a bitch. Unlike a few games ago, instead getting mega creeps we have decided to just go mid and end it because we have already taken down the T3 mid tower. I suggested that we forget about the baracks and go straight for the towers and the throne. To my surprise Undying said that we have to get the middle baracks so we can damage the T4 towers.

    At this point i tried to tell him that once a T3 tower is taken down, a T4 tower is damagable. He went on and flamed at me telling me that i was a 1k scrublord and that i didnt understand dota. It goes without saying, we have lost. We had bad communication and our positioning could have been better.

    I ask you this people of the forum. Does a player who does not understand the fundamentals of dota 2 mechanics deserve a 3.6k MMR (and yes that is my mmr which i have been raising for about 200+ per week).
    I swear this game should come with a guide for dummies.

    Dedpul out!


      tldr but I just say whatever.

      Night 夜

        I love this Undying's item build. Haha. And he actually has a decent kda, god. Did he just steal all of Invoker's kills or why is that guy running around with 26 assists?

        The hell was that lotus orb for though?

        Anyway, I don't see how you guys would have been able to push 2 towers and throne for win in one go with that lineup and those items. Maybe if Rubick had nether blast. Otherwise it really doesn't seem like you had much push anyway. So getting at least mid rax would have probably been the better idea in the end.

        You would have had to go push the t4s, go back kill the spawning creepwave to keep your creeps alive, as they don't follow you past the rax and then push throne before they came back, right?
        That is if you managed to wipe them without buyback.

        Rubick was friggin' starved, Invoker would have been better off just getting a desolator, necrobook or AC to help push instead of farming an Aghs.
        Void no BKB...

        Yeah, I think item choices are mostly the reason you lost.


          Yea some people are very lucky at getting carried or are straight up account buyers.

          I mean im 4k and i dont consider myself very good but i know the basic, but im constanly getting carries who goes retarded outdated build like jugg aghs first item, battlefury void etc. Man these people i dont understand, even after you tell em not to go midas, they dont listen. After they blame the team because they couldnt get carried. I despise those idiots that cant think for themselves and follow dumb outdated builds.

          Also fucking solo support rushing aghs or midas when we have 0 wards the entire game.


            @nightmare Undying was a decent player, but got into an early fight wit invoker and from there they just played shit.
            The Lotus Orb was for the Void. I bought it because he got nuked down and bkb wasnt going to help against Bane's grip.
            Rubick was dced for 10 minutes, but we did not abandom the game.
            My early game item choices were bad, though I managed to bounce back to the point where the enemy started focusing me.


              @Arnie totally feel you. But in the end, you cannot control your team mates. All you can do as a support to insure the victory is get your carry farmed and hope he hits higher than the enemy.


                At 3600 you can expect that, even at my mmr which is 5000+ some people don`t knows basics as well.


                  @Strongmind MMR is broken as fuck. And yet they still blame smurfs for ruining it.


                    Some players surely are unclear of all the mechanics in the game, but if these are the people who are ranked around you, then it must be for a reason. OK I mean lets forget about smurfs or account buyer for a moment, but they might possess other abilities that made it possible for them to reach this far, like teamfight contribution, split pushing, supporting (lol), extraordinary farm and etc.

                    What might be the problem is that you might not always get to see the best of them, like a usually core player playing VS. What a player could do wrong is building it as carry when the game needs support, or just doesn't sacrifice for the said game's core.

                    Well when things just go plain wrong, remember there is always a report button.

                    milk that tastes like rea...

                      you don't need to know that barracks are optional to be 3.6k, this will only make a difference between a win and loss in what, 1 in 50 games?
                      yes, they can deserve a 3.6k mmr with only basic game knowledge, if they are good enough in other factors like mechanical skill
                      but in this guy's case... 46.73% winrate.. so no probably not him


                        some people might be decent players and just have a bad game

                        Livin' Real Good

                          You're totally rightttttttttttttttttttt, so many games we could of have won if everyone just listened to me when i said " fuckkkkkkkkkk the racksssssssss! Just get the tier 4's and throne!!!!!!!!!!!" They all decide to split up and push the other two lanes, then enemy team spawns, then everyone goes "back, back, get back" then late game farming phase happens again, the enemy takes rosh cause we have no wards (for some reason supports think that wards aren't needed late game <--- this is a good point actually) and they march mid and do mid for the win after wiping us.


                            ^I've also seen a few games where the team goes mid straight for the t4's & throne at 2-3 opportunies but they're not able to take it down and the other team comes back and win. Meanwhile in those games if we had got another set of racks which would have been easy at those opportunities, the game would be a different story.

                            Late game warding is just harder for a support because he goes anywhere alone he is almost 2 shot dead xD I always try ward but I find it hard especially if someone doesn't escort me or if there is no smokes --> Getting an escort is suprisingly hard late game at my mmr as carries would rather just farm or push, even if you ask really nicely :D

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              they should force new accounts to play thru the whole tutorials. from last hitting to pve game. Also force noobs to beat co-op vs. AI unfair before they can play ranked. There should be a vote noob option. If you get reported to be noob too much you have to repeat tutorial etc...


                                DOTA 2 has very complicated mechanics, it's ok to not know some of them.


                                  some players deserve higher, some lower, just play the game and stop complaining.


                                    you're in no position to assess other players overall skill.
                                    you can only see a tiny fraction of what dota is, if anything your team lost because of your obsession to go for throne instead of taking raxes and slowly BUT SURELY take the win.


                                      if anything, itsFASTER to go for rax and win that way than go throne and fail miserably you sad fck

                                      i love u butt

                                        the thing is i can play about 20 heroes with a 5k mmr rating, 60 with a 4k mmr rating and the other 30 i just throw games on

                                        so mmr isnt the most accurate