General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do 7k players do

What do 7k players do in General Discussion
5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

    Suppose I have a hero like storm spirit and I need to farm the jungle to complete my bloodstone. Oh wait, someone on my team is afk in woods all game long and doesn't do anything. I can't farm mid safely cuz their lion/disruptor/silencer is waiting to use their spells, so I have to play safely and not push past the river.

    I mean, I can download any random replay in the past week and I can assure you there is someone (not me) afk in woods 70%+ of the time on my team from minute 0-30, and by then jungle resources don't matter that much and it's more about taking the right fights. But getting there is a real challenge with shitty teammates who don't do anything useful.

    What the fuck am I even supposed to do in that case?

    casual gamer

      what a sad story

      i cried

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          ^ yeah pretty much this, i mean most of the time the 7k player is by far the highest one in the game, if his team didnt fuck him up he would win every single game

          Space creator

            you don t win those games, just make sure you win every single game that's possible to win


              I'm far from 7k but this happens to my 4-4.5k MMR tier some of the time.

              You would have to think out of the box and improvise.

              what I do if I can't farm my own jungle either because of my ally in it or if there's too much gankinh pressure from enemy - I pop a smoke solo, go to their jungle and farm there instead.

              Typically, people who put too much ganking or lane pressure are not farming optimally since "they are ready to fight"

              Make them react, split push 1 creep wave in a very dangerous no ward far end of the lane and then hide or TaI'm far from 7k but this happens to my 4-4.5k MMR tier some of the time.

              You would have to think out of the box and improvise.

              what I do if I can't farm my own jungle either because of my ally in it or if there's too much gankinh pressure from enemy - I pop a smoke solo, go to their jungle and farm there instead.

              Typically, people who put too much ganking or lane pressure are not farming optimally since "they are ready to fight"

              Make them react, split push 1 creep wave in a very dangerous no ward far end of the lane and then hide or TP back. Make them think. Don't confront and display where they at.

              Now the other blunt way to handle this is to spam chat and voice :)p back. Make them think. Don't confront and display where they at.

              Now the other blunt way to handle this is to spam chat and voice :)

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                farm the other teams jungle with out showing your self, move around the map and farm where ever you can. if the other teams support(s) are camping mid back off into the fog TP to a different lane and kill who ever is showing on the map and doesn't likely have 2 supports waiting behind them to jump you.

                also you can just get XP and not feed, if some tard on your team is AFK farming and the other team is trying to kill you all day eventually the tard will come out of the jungle with some items and carry the game. unlike a 7k you don't have a 4k team playing against a 5k team, so the moron farming in the jungle is no worse then the 5 morons on the other team. that "afk in woods" guy some how managed to get to the same rank as you by going afk in woods.

                all that said 100% of losses are due to junglers. kappa

                CAN'T WIN

                  Thats why i hate have junglers in my teem


                    Yea, I just had an NP pick after a naga pick on my team. Both players just wanted to farm all game yet neither were 6 slotted after almost 60 minutes. I don't mind a single jungler as long as they come out when you need them to, but having 2 jungle dependant heroes is so frustrating


                      wow, that KDA is high lol

                      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                        here's the thing: in a lot of games where i play, something bad might have happened early game. i probably got ganked mid like 3x, my team is complete trash and doesn't stack camps for me so i have to do it myself, or i ditch mid to put pressure on safelane cuz none of the supports ever use TP and letting their AM or Medusa free farm is not the best idea

                        i'm like "ok fine, i just need to farm my first major item then try and make plays"

                        there's no point running around 11 minutes in with just a phase/bottle/wand/half a major item finished. so you'd think "yea just go farm" but there's nowhere to farm. i've had so many games where some retard TP's mid not to help, but to farm. i'm lthinking "are these people srs? lmao"

                        a jungler is not necessarily bad, but u HAVE to do something by minutes 7-9. if an enigma can farm a mek and then pressure safelane then that's great, but most of the ppl on my team who pick junglers are complete trash.

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                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                          also sano what's ur main? i'll just add you through my steam client cuz apparently u don't log into that account through steam

                          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                            @ the number 12

                            sure, you can farm their jungle, but only in safe areas. suppose i'm radiant and i see 3 enemies on the minimap, i might be able to farm the 2 camps closest to my offlane tier 1. you're not seriously advocating extending all the way to enemy jungle camps closest to their base, because you'll probably get spotted and killed if the enemy team has a collective IQ > 300

                              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                Junglers are bad but there's no worse jungler than the NP cliff-jungler one, you just know the guy will be afk on facebook most of the game or is mentally challenged.

                                i love u butt

                                  junglers are not bad, it is the bad players that give them the poor reputation.

                                  A good jungler always keeps an eye out for an opportunity for an assist - aka lane winning move

                                  Problem comes when your jungle afk farms in the jungle for 15 mins when all lanes are losing. That is why people hate junglers. It is like 4v5 when the guy doesn't contribute. By 15 mins he has a midas and threads, so he needs another 5 mins to get a core item and by then the damage has been done. Game is hard.