General Discussion

General DiscussionGood Counters to QOP?

Good Counters to QOP? in General Discussion

    I feel like Queen of Pain is a little strong this patch, so I was wondering what kind of counters there are to her. Any help would be appreciated (and yes I'm salty because I keep losing against QOP).

    i love u butt

      u are mid bs?

      as long as u dont overextend, you cant die


        Yup last game I was a mid BS, however I found it hard to lane as every time I went to last hit she would use her Q or E on me, which meant that I pretty much lost the lane.

        i love u butt

          then you gotta work on your aggro control and timing of your blood rage.

          to be honest, bloodseeker is one of the few heroes that crushes qop mid at the higher levels
          the better you last hit, the more broken bloodseeker seems


            Thanks for the advice

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Skywrath Mage counters her pretty hard both in lane and till she has a BKB. Though he is not really an optimal mid.


                if meepo is viable for the lineup meepo absolutely crushes her.


                  Windrunner does fine if you dont mess up the first 2-3 levels. Once you have your bottle boots and wand she cant solo kill you and lvl 3 powershot deals enough damage to keep her down.


                    Also remember that 2 pooled tangoes isn't enough vs qop most of the time


                      ^^^ how can meepo survive her in lane? she'll just spam Q everytime he comes near. and yes, sky absolutely crushes her.


                        I remember Xan saying that qop does nothing to Meepo too if that helps xd


                          silencer trashes on her so bad

                          Mortimer Smith


                            bloodcyka (the strongest one)



                            Dune, the Desert Planet


                              paid actors enjoyer



                                  ^agree. Lina rekt her up at middle lane


                                    viper and lina are the most stable i feel.


                                      qop's harass does jack shit against seeker since he will just keep healing constantly
                                      her burst wont kill you either if you get treads bracer

                                      Quick maffs

                                        I actually lost with BS to lesh mid, first hero i ever lose the lane against with BS.

                                        I believe i fucked it up, but his lightning spam didnt let me get anywhere close to the lane, i coudnt go to the jungle to recover hp either cause i had a furion jungling.

                                        Quick maffs

                                          but yeah BS shits on QoP


                                            Meepo can win any mid

                                            i won mid against any hero with meepo
                                            best meepo player (w33) vs one of the best mid players and qop players ( wangamama )

                                            replay expired but you can find it on youtube

                                            w33 won even when pa Abandoned waga was just spaming good game well-played

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                            Pom Pom 🍕

                                              Meepo has both root to stop her blink and high burst damage with poof. He needs level 3 before he starts getting scary though.



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                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  viper's quite good too, if she insists on dagger spam just skill a few in skin and she'll take more dmg than you do.