General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa theory crafting

Medusa theory crafting in General Discussion

    What do you guys think about this build on Medusa:
    - Items: Magic Wand > Phase > Drum > Radiance > Skady/BKB/Linken/Butterfly/MKB/DR/Bloodstone
    - Skills: 1 Mana Shield > Max Snake > 2 Mana Shield > 2 Split Shot > Max Mana Shield > Max Split Shot

    This build is going around Radiance. Wand + Drum + Mana Shield provide you good stats and tankiness. Radiance damage and AOE miss chance is super effective on Medusa who stands in prolonged team fight.

    Medusa has farming advantage over other heroes to get a fast radiance. The snake maxed and gaze are helpful to defend tower early game. Radiance after Phase Drum Wand before 30 mins shouldn't be a problem for her.

    The disadvantage of Radiance compared with Skady is that if team lacks disable, the enemy just run away.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    i love u butt

      sureee, good luck with that

        Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
        Miku Plays

          have fun farming radiance :D after that it would be ez




              Radiance is old-school, but still solid nonetheless. Radiance is the only damage item that does not mess up your split shot, i.e. provide more overall damage in theory.

              Timing is key as always with radiance rush. 30 min seems to be a bit late. You do not want to get it later than 26 mins preferably and immediately start to go death ball after that, so that you can put pressure on your enemies. It should be easy after that.

              You have to ban rat heroes as any lineup with medusa scream deathball and is not nimble enough in dealing with rats such as AM. A team lineup of undying/DP/lion/tide/medusa or mag/lina/lion/vs/medusa or BB/invoker/lion/tide/medusa seems reasonably solid for deathball.


                maybe if you are dealing with multiple melee carries as opponents.

                the 17% miss chance aoe from radiance is a good EHP boost for dusa's tankyness.


                  You're right. Medusa is more of a team fight hero; and generally Medusa herself is not really good against rat line up. In such circumstance, Medusa shouldn't have been picked at the first place.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    Stone Gaze gives your enemies 100% magic resistance which negates Radiance damage.


                      Most enemies are not dumb enough to face Medusa and get 3 seconds petrified to get that 100% magic resistance though.

                      plz do

                        can u dissamble radiance into divine in lategame?


                          Anyway, if Medusa is a teamfight hero (as you say), you should consider Guardian Greaves rush on her. This item gives much better teamfight.

                          i love u butt

                            wow the item suggestions are getting more retarded. whats next? dagon medusa?


                              Greaves is solid but it is primarily a defensive item. This is in the same vibe as why you dont't want to build linken and manta on her. And medusa can benefit from greaves regardless of who is building it.

                              For defensive item, I always think pure bulk is better than armor/active because it give you more room for error.

                              Stone gaze 100% magic resistance is just nitpicking when you consider the fact that there are a lot of proponents for maelstorm on medusa.


                                With mealstrom and Talisman of evasion u got more Dmg more evasion and 725 more Gold...

                                My Favorit build is Aquilla, treads, mealstrom, yasha u got good Dmg and mobility for early fights and still u farm very fast. without any cheaper items like radiance u will always be Abel to get this items

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  wont give any tankiness tho, which is dusas forte, any carry with similar farm will just go ham on you


                                    U got mana shield and ulti
                                    No Carry should get closer to your farm If u play dusa... I got the most lh in over 90 % of my dusa games

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      It is arguable whether mjolnir or radiance is better. However going for a relic rush give you the option to buy divine rapier instead of radiance.

                                      I think deep down everyone will agree with me that you need balls to play medusa, because rapier is by miles the best item build on her.


                                        ^Half of my games are with dusa and i got Balls of Steel man


                                          I think you are still not ball enough to go all out and buy rapier in your games.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            It sounds laughable but radiance might not be a bad 3rd item due to it's high attack dmg as well. How about boots, aquila, yasha, skadi, radiance?


                                              It isn't "bad". It is suboptimal. You can win games with it, 'cuz Medusa is OP when played correctly. But you don't want suboptimal items on a hero who is based around taking and dealing damage over a prolonged period of time.

                                              Radiance rush is plain bad. Medusa has terrible early-game. Rushing Radiance = prolonging that state.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Radiance is perfect for dealing damage over a prolonged period of time though. I'm going to try it my next medusa game after skadi. I almost always go mkb or daedulus after skadi, radiance won't be much harder to farm than those at that point of game.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  snake blows
                                                  radiance blows
                                                  drum blows


                                                    How can an item which deals 50 AoE dps be "perfect" in a hands of a hero, who get more AoE dps with any other damage item?

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven


                                                      phase > Helm of Dominator > Linkens > Divine > Skadi

                                                      Be sure to feed the divine just before the ancient falls.


                                                        ^^exactly. hows octarine coe on her btw? I make her tanky with skadi, bloodstone, butter, manta, o. core

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          Just played a game with this build. Played like a 1k scrub due to combination of late night gaming + ISP issue + I am not a medusa player. Anyway here are my thoughts:

                                                          1) I got phase/drum/wand/roa/radiance at 28min. Opponents played like scrubs. But I am also playing like scrubs dying alot to ganks/missing last hits etc. So I think this timing is definitely achievable at an earlier time.

                                                          2) Drum/ROA/Wand + maxed shield made you tanky enough. Even though I got ganked alot, I feel that they really took some time to kill me.

                                                          3) Be prepared to get flamed by teammates for going radiance. This is frankly the turn-off point for me that make me lose interest in the game and start to play more like a scrub.

                                                          4) Farming after radiance is a breeze. Radiance allow you to push at unbelievable pace. But you still lack the damage to take down tower fast enough.

                                                          5) No comments on skill build, I think this depends on game. But maxed shield seems to be the way to go if you are going old school radiance.

                                                          6) Medusa seems like a decent counter to slark.


                                                            Number 3 is quite interesting. Number 4 is not a surprise to me. At the point when you get Radiance, you should also have 2 points already in Split Shot. If the execution is right without missing last hit, I think you can get Radiance at < 22 minutes.

                                                            After Radiance, I could imagine that you got your Skady in almost no time. I think this can be a high rewarding build considering the fact that people would never expect you are rushing Radiance and pressure on you (like what they do with Spec).

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              I played poorly in that game (or for the whole of last night), so there is nothing much to analyze post radiance.

                                                              If you have enough lock-down/tanks in your line-up, I would recommend going for another dmg item before skadi. I always feel that damage is the way to go with medusa, i.e. divine rapier rush. This is why I mentioned that you need balls to play her the "right" way.

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                people dont get that radiance does give tankyness.

                                                                causes all enemies to miss 17% of the time against everything. Its like buying your entire team half a talisman

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  "How can an item which deals 50 AoE dps be "perfect" in a hands of a hero, who get more AoE dps with any other damage item?"

                                                                  Because it also has +65 dmg on it. Radiance deals more aoe dmg than daedulus with split shot. Of course daedulus crushes it for single target cus of the crit, but if you're going for team fight medusa the radiance packs a lot of dmg for the price. Though magic dmg has tradeoffs with bkbs, but it gets reduced a lot less due to most heroes stacking armor but not buying hoodies.


                                                                    What about Blink Dagger instead of Drum?


                                                                      What happened with Medusa? She feels so weak in ultra-late game...



                                                                        ^ first of all your medusa had over 700 last hit and hes still not 6 slotted which seems pretty bad, my guess is alot of buyback because he was bad anyway. Also she has only skadi, daedallus and mkb doesnt give tankyness, no bkb no butterfly?

                                                                        Techie carried you and yet medusa couldnt get strong.

                                                                        Also their team has better late overall.


                                                                          Umm pretty sure dusa wasn't 6 slotted due to dropping rapier


                                                                            ^ Oh yea i forgot to look for that, and 3. Damn dont buy rapier if you cant hold them.


                                                                              @Soultrap: at 1h22 min you only have 12k6 hero damage, you must be doing wrong. Once you get Radiance you stick with your team and all mid teamfight.

                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                ^Medusa not mine. I played against her. Game lasted that long only because of Techies.

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  Split shot was first skilled at 14. And that enemy lineup was v strong. Bh techie are not tower seiging heroes. Lack of initiation...simply put, they are outpicked alot.


                                                                                    Rapier is the most overrated item in the whole fucking game unless your vs Mega creeps or enemy Team is 50 kills ahead.

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      How can you judge medusa as a carry in a game in which someone abandoned? That's just ridiculous, the push was basically 3 on 5, since techies is so defensive, surprised the game even lasted that long. Plus no bkb or linkens on medusa vs that lineup is not smart. And no butterfly vs a team that wasn't going to build mkbs.

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