General Discussion

General Discussionplease rate my dotabuff....

please rate my dotabuff.... in General Discussion
[insert name here]

    hi guys..

    fairly new player with just a few hours of gameplay.

    please rate my dotabuff and any pointers for me to get better will help alot!



      spam night stalker


        1: Have you tried getting glimmer cape on witch doctor before refresher? It makes you invisible while you channel your ulti.
        2: Don't buy dagon unless you are playing tinker or nyx.
        3: PA seems to be working out for you pretty well, maybe you should play her?


          i think were in the same place, so just what I can see from your games, your item choices supposed to be what you need so you need to know the interactions and not just get items since theyre suggested. Also try playing with other heroes, to learn how they function so you play better against them with your go to hero. Learn to play the game, not get all the points with one hero.

          Protato BBnoZAR

            At Nebulous,dagon on a support/roaming bounty can be really good.

            Mortimer Smith



                I'm not much better then you but this is the advice I'd give with witch doctor:

                - Mana boots isn't that important, rather build staff of wizadry and then point booster which both lead into Aghs and give you mana
                - Buy a wand ASAP early game as this does the job of mana boots + gives you stats
                - Rush Aghs! When you get this your team fight impact is insane

                - After Aghs, Get bkb, this gives you an immunity to stuns for a period of time etc which let you land your ult as long as possible (linkins stops 1 spell and then second stun makes you no more ult)

                - Always buy wards! It takes priortiy over any items. If riki is on the other team then spam sentries and just accept you will aghanims a while later. (I always find the extra kills you get from sentries make up for it anyway)

                - Buy support items just after you get an item. Eg: Get staff of wizardry, buy 3 observer wards, 4 sentries, dust and smoke and then only start building for point booster. This stops you buying less wards because you're so close to your next item and need to get it....

                -Refresher is pointless on witch doctor, if you get a good ult they're all dead, if you have a bad ult half the time you are dead. So to spend 5k + on the hope that your first ult will be bad, you won't have taken damage and they all come back for more is a lot of money. Also your cooldowns are relatively low

                -Always ult from behind a team or a hard to get to spot, timing and positioning or so important on witch doctor.

                - Get one point in healing ASAP, early game it could save you and carries life so easily. Not building it cuz of mana cost is stupid --> Clarity is 50 gold, use them.

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                  use google play games, see you next year

                  [DFG] Whale King

                    Are you having fun? Try heroes that can outplay opponents :) That's what I enjoy, snipe and troll spamming won't make improving easy


                      yeah you're playing boring heroes, go play some fun ones dude, they can be harder but way more rewarding


                        Oh yeah forgot about that, I tend not to get it due to the mana cost though.

                        [insert name here]

                          thanks dudes.

                          i have no problems getting wards. warding and dewarding all over the maps has been a hobby for me... the reason im spammin wd is because i think im good with him as a support. everybody wanna be carry... EVERYBODY... well atleast in my rank matches.

                          @Crudude - thanks for that tip. will try on that later on.

                          as for that shit/10 or use google play games, i guess you guys are pros and actually earning real money when you play dota....


                            You should take advise given, and not get linkens and refresher again as in your last match... plenty kills and assists, yet still lost...

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                            [insert name here]

                              yep.. wont be getting orb n linkens... last game... was a disaster.... void wasnt trying to get lh early game.. lc and invoker was toxic.....

                              YutaxTV on TTV

                       i also need help i dont know what i need to leave scrub level, and u should try more heroes o.O

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