I think it has something to do with the far too short cast range of his W. AKA, his one and only tool to be a good laner.
the fact that you out cs your mid opponent won't help you to become useful in early teamfights, cz at that moment od is trash.
OD is pretty bad against int heroes. Astral doesn't work as it used to. People are exploiting it to harass you with their spells. It's really a frustrating experience to play that hero.
His ulti is just bad. It has a gigantic CD for a spell that only does unreliable damage and needs you to be very far ahead. It's not about the astral range being low I think though, it's just that winning your lane doesn't win you the game.
Some I wonder more about are DP and Shadow Shaman. Now that pushing is more favoured why are these elite tower destroyers that used to be really popular still unheard of this patch? (DP even got an early game buff to her ultimate, and her last nerf was basically nothing).
Octarine Core and glimmer cape also favour DP. When ulting she can use glimmer cape to make herself a lot tankier while her ult does work, and everything octarine core gives is good for her (more health and mana, lifesteal from aoe nuke and spirits, lower cd on a spammable aoe nuke, silence and her long cd ultimate). Usually people would say no to bloodstone because she gets enough mana regen with eul, but octarine core gives a lot of other things instead that are good for her (only thing missing is armour).
We might have a repeat of before with Death Profit, same thing happened a few patches ago i heard, all the pro's caught on super late that she was free towers, all of the online warriors (aka us) (FGC term) found out about her glory before they did, then next thing you know they start using her, and she start getting banned and stuff, then the eventual nerfs.
1. They nerfed the range of Astral Imprisonment. You can never get it off on them, and trying to get it off on them resutls in taking damage.
2. It no longer "mana burns" like it used to 2 years ago. That means they spam on you then let themselves be astral'd to get their mana back, then do it all over again.
3. OD takes too long to come online and does not help out until later, whereas most mids come online at level 6 and rapes people.
I usually try to run OD offlane in a dual lane or as a carry. Most other mid heroes got buffed, and OD has only been nerfed.
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Current meta favors int mids: lesch, qop, ss, wr, lina, zeus... both in pubs and pro games.
Why arent they countered by OD?! I see he is picked only in 4.27% of games, witch makes him one of least played heroes. I know its hard to keep his farm high and be safe at same time after lane stage, but he is good late game and he crush int heroes 1vs1 mid. Is there any good reason he isnt picked or everybody simply forgot about him.