General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm going to spam antimage every game, any tips?

I'm going to spam antimage every game, any tips? in General Discussion
Mortimer Smith


    I can farm bf+manta on 20 min but on 20 min my team cant fight 4v5. And allways shit HD.

    On dire side u can farm ez the jungle + lane early on, but on radiant the big camp is so far, how i should play on radiant to get the same amount of lasthits.
    That is the last game that i played, if someone can watch it and tell me what is wrong with my am i will be glad :)


      You should have maxed your q when u get manta


        what's the skillbuild you are using? my db+ expired and I can't check it myself.

        bum farto

          You can still look at that without DB+


            aight, i didn't remember that, ty

            Pom Pom 🍕

              It's below in the overview tab too.

              Mortimer Smith

                My skillbuild is totally random, every game that i play is different, when but most of games i go max the blink and then stats.

                Mortimer Smith

                  well when i go mid vs qop or any intelligence hero, i max the q to let them without mana as fast as i can.

                  saving private RTZ

                    I suggest getting that Vlads right after treads and BF. Vlads gives you armor, more mana reg, and more important lifesteal aura so you can farm big stacks of ancients early on and do roshan yourself. + you can fight better after you got your manta. you should have this by 20-25 min maximum. After you can start fighting, soloing supports, and snowball from there. Also, Magina tends to starve his team sometimes, maybe you can try farm in the enemy jungle and push that lane so you can give some space to your team. A tip which i saw at Arteezy, he farms enemy jungle and when the creep spawns he blinks between T2 and T3 and cut the creep wave.
                    After that item build is situational, if you are doing good get a basher into abyssal, if you are getting locked down get a BKB or if the enemy carry is really destroying you(which i doubt he can at 25 min) go butterfly. Later on you can sell Vlads for heart/butter/bkb whatever you didnt buy earlier and you need now , doe 15% bonus damage is pretty nice in lategame too. Maybe you would want something like MKB, so you can swap it with battle fury. BUT DON'T SELL BFury, its still VERY GOOD at pushing. It really depends on the game, if you think that MKB would really help you manfight the enemy carry get it, if not start splitpushing. In late if you play good you shouldnt die due to your high mobility. If they have bkb-piercing,long duration, multiple lockdowns you are fucked. But you shouldnt pick Anti-Mage in that scenario anyway.

                    If you are behind, its gonna be a bit tricky to comeback. though you can farm really fast and still get that six slot, your team will fight 4vs5 and the enemy team will snowball. So you have to tell you teammates to play as safe as possible, and dont take any uselless fights until you got your items. Maybe they can try some smokeganks to regain some of the advantage. Anyway, its doable. even if you got a late BF+ manta , the game is still not lost. Here is an example, a game i just finished: Invoker got really fed, pudge couldnt land a single hook, SD and LC were decent, though LC farmed really slow in the begining, TB was farming fast etc.. they took 3 lane of raxes, somehow we comeback that game. probably if i got an BKB earlier it would've been easier to win, but still, a win is a win.

                    You shouldnt go mid really, especially vs nukers and ranged who can fuck you up. Also, about the skill build, i go 1-1-1 and then stats, and i put 1 point in Blink when i buy a piece of the battlefury. Example: i bought the regen ring- 1 point, then i buy Void stone, so i put another 1 point, then 1 point at broadsword, and the final at claymore. This way you have Blink maxed by the time you got your Battlefury

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                    Mortimer Smith

                      I wasnt going to buy vlads, but then i seen the ony way to get durable vs lycan was get Vlads.

                      Well my 2 last games are lost before min 10.


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                      saving private RTZ

                        You cant really pick AM everytime cuz he got a really bad laning. Altough, when the enemy has a jungler, or when we got stronger laning AM is my 1st carry choice


                          Am right click is no joke early , if u got a support with decent disable you can get some kills in lane . Am has trouble with a contested lane but I find I can really punish a solo offlaner with am if u got a baby sitter.


                            An early PMS is really good on AM , +6 feel so good . sorry if this advice is dumb

                            Mortimer Smith

                              What i usually play is am solo safelane or with onely one support. No one want support and antimage.

                              saving private RTZ

                                Well than you should not pick him. He needs babysit. if he is against duo lane. If not, i guess its okay

                                Mortimer Smith

                                  I do shit lasthits on lane, so i relly dont care mch if i have supports or not.

                                  If i have support i finish pt+bf in 12-13 min if i dont i have it on 20 min.


                                    Starting items are very important on AM.

                                    If you are against a dark seer take salve and double tango to be able to deny all the creeps while taking damage from ion shell, trust me, it's worth it. Against some ranged heroes, getting fast ring of protection and PMS is very good.

                                    A lot of lower level players get heart on AM, I really think that item is shit (vlads +bkb is more suitable). Get heart only when they got mostly nukes and no real right click or disables (or when the drags long enough and u usually sell your boots).

                                    I guess you already heard the usual item + skill build. Max blink as you build up your battlefury (get stats in between), mana break as you get your manta (if you get vlads before manta you can add some more to stats).

                                    Some situational items on AM are hex and refresher. Let me explain why you would get these:
                                    - hex is really good in combination with abysal, having 5.5s of CC makes you able to kill anyone (6 slotted troll, etc..)
                                    - refresher is good because you can double mana void, which in the very late stages of the game can turn a fight around so bad, also refreshing bkb/abysal/manta is so strong

                                    My adice is never go 1st pick AM. Just tell your team safelane farm and wait for the 4th/5th pick.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      why would you not max mana break with manta? That's like half your dmg output. Illusions do shit dmg without it.


                                        make the ring of regen (from headress) before finishing your bf, (if you intend to build bf) that will really skyrocket your sustain in laning phase.


                                          Thank you for advice boys tried it and succeeded
                                          (got vlads after battlefury but sold it later for abyssal)

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            Is am mid viable atm? I saw rtz do it ( maybe its bc hes rtz tho) vs heavy magic dealer mid like lesh, instead of putting pts in stata hw maxed magic resist early. With pms bottle and ring of regen i dont see lesh capable of any threat. Maybe its only good vs him. Lina qop perhaps.


                                              Hmm I think I am going to try out vlads after bfury , I always go straight manta after Bfiry not building vlads but did some research on the web / watched some pro videos I think ima try it out.

                                              Miku Plays

                                                Am cant win the lane against legion

                                                Mortimer Smith

                                                  well i tryed am mid sometimes and i think its viable, i also tested am mid with vanguard, SndY, mjollnir and we fucken lost.

                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                    All those guys like Slahser who go for that early fighting build, its pretty troll build for a scrub like me. Although AM got pretty decent right click with Q maxed, the whole point of AM is to outfarm the enemy and finish game at 40 min. Why to build him for early-mid game, when there are more better heroes for that. lol
                                                    Glad you found Vlads after bfury useful, i always go for it, it sustains me so much, i never go back to regen. + i solo rosh, and big stacks of ancients very early + fighting :D

                                                    Also i dont agree with spamming Anti- mage(you shouldnt spam hard carries anyway), as the meta is now pretty snowbally its not that good in Solo q. I usually pick him when they got few to none lockdowns, and its usually a free win. He becomes brain dead simple when they cant catch you

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                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      matrice I don't know, how will 5 HP reg to 7 change that much?

                                                      Mortimer Smith

                                                        I get back 100 mmr by not picking him, yeah i think i will play AM just in the new client unranked.

                                                        BUT antimage on the normal client hits harder: When u are lvl 3 + having QB on the normal client for killing a range creep u need 2 tower hits and 1 of your hits, but on the on the new client u need 1 of your hits 2 of the tower hits and another of your hits


                                                          ^^ is last hitting different on the new client? if so, what changed for it to be different?

                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                            lol no. With one point in Q and a QB i deal the same damage as a Tower to range creeps. So i need 2 hits from tower and 1 from me. I am sure about this

                                                            Saint Lucifer

                                                              Just saying..
                                                              Heroes, tower and creep do not deal the exact same damage every hit
                                                              If I'm not wrong, 1st tower deal 100-120 damage every hit,
                                                              So, sometimes it takes 3hit of tower and 1 hit of your hero to kill a range creep

                                                              CAN'T WIN

                                                                Tower allways deal the same dmg, u can have more or less armor. But creeps allways have the same.

                                                                Dexter try client lvl 3 am with QB, tower hits 2 times the range creep u try to kill him with 1 right click aaand the creep needs 1 more hit.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  It's true tower damage is a range 100-120 but a ranged creep only has 300 hp and no armor so it will always die in 3 hits until 8 minutes when they get hp buffs and even then it's only 10 hp and still likely to die.

                                                                  Misery Wizard

                                                                    Don't build BF and Vlads, either one or the other. The gold from Vlads can easily go towards the early manta > bkb > basher.


                                                                      >Any tips
                                                                      just k ill yourself

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                      Mortimer Smith

                                                                        im not playing dota for 1 month, i dont need more tips, thank you all ;)

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          LOOK AT UR LANE MATCHUP AND BUILD ACCORDINGLY ie against weaver go stout 2x tango and rush pms

                                                                          against cw or something similar you can probably get away with getting a qb before pms

                                                                          if you have treads roh pms ror ur hero is not squishy and can jungle and switch lanes whenever he wants, plus has amazing trading and shit if you get it early enough

                                                                          all this shit is built with small easy components and makes ur life easier as opposed to farming up 1000 gold in lane and saving it for DAT BROADSWORD

                                                                          going straight bfury or brown boots bfury is usually a fucking terrible idea, u basically get similar farming rates except a massively gimped lane presence and are a lot easier to kill

                                                                          and ya vlads is worth it 9/10 games, am cant kill ancients without them unless you have a heart or are willing to pop manta every time you want to kill them and vlads is actually quite useful in fights

                                                                          i mean by the time u have to sell vlads ur either basically rolling in ducats and the game is over or you have already lost because you got raped and had to slowly recover for 50 min -> am gets outcarried

                                                                          Optimus Drip

                                                                            ok just read a person who said 1-1-1 on am then stats. I am 90% for sure that is not a good idea. I don't even play am that much but my god max blink at least.

                                                                            GOD'S COMPLEX

                                                                              when u are in lane stage i dont think have a blink every 4 seconds is what u want.

                                                                              When u get every bf item u up one point on blink ;)

                                                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                Blink level 1 is good enough for laning since you mostly only use it to escape behind your tower and if you use it aggressively you won't normally have use of more than one blink because they'll be under their own tower. You want blink maxed before you've finished both treads and battlefury, but that's not gonna happen at level 7-8 unless your enemy really feeds early and your two supports leech a lot of xp.