General Discussion

General DiscussionIs TA still reliable in 6.84?

Is TA still reliable in 6.84? in General Discussion

    Against all the Lesh bs and winter wyvern pickers she is kinda fucked, lesh is beatable mid but he gets to a point where he can solo kill TA if she doesn't have bkb. Bs has that ult and the silence nuff said, WW that hero is silly in general omg!


      Yeah Lesh is annoying because after he takes off your refraction you can take heaps of damage. However he has quite low armor and quite squishy so you have to burst him down. Winter is annoying to play against because of his ice embrace thing so if you try to burst someone he can just use it on them. Bloodseeker is also quite annoying because he's just so fast.


        Yah basicly TA gets ripped apart this patch, I'am so sad she's my best hero ;(


          Haha yeah, she's my best hero too. I want a patch where she can work well again lol, 6.83 was a nightmare against Troll and Sniper.


            At least we have the 300 recipe cost on deso going!

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              She still owns.


                She raped me when I was playing tiny :( gonnA insta pick slark next time he is currently my best hero anyways .


                  The problem is, she doesn't do well against snowball lineups who 5 man from minute 10 and that's happening a lot this patch


                    Tiny isn't supposed to win a 1v1 against TA his combo can't even bring refraction down and he dies in 3 hits when she gets deso :)


                      ta is great as a last pick when they dont have heroes that can mess your refraction. if you get a min 12 deso, any hero is meld and 1 attack kill. imo, the purpose of this hero is fast finish. just wipe 2-3 enemies, then fast push. i go for deso/manta always, bkb when needed. by this time game is over. no blink at all.


                        The snowball princip forces a defensive/farming play. TA is just not doing shit against lesh unduying ww lineup. they will take tower after tower avanchely barracks with the tombstone and leshrak(a) stupid horse third spell.

                        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                          "all the Wyvern pickers"? Are you serious? :D

                          Wyvern is 86th in popularity this week, you are extremely lucky if you see one within 50 games.


                            I guess that mostly counts for 2-3k? But yeah iam a little overvalueing ww pick rate, it's still frustrating to lose a game where the enemy didn't do anything other than pushing towers..