General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion



      yesterday there was a thread about eternalenvy lp as well but i cant find it

      Nah, I'd win

        arin let's do some lp xD

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          we need more punishment for baddies


          the realm's delight

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              btw either i'm doing smth wrong or softlock doesn't rly work that well
              i got at least 2 russians in my team today, asked one of them if he was using vpn and he had no idea about the softlock or what was i talking about

              so either it doesn't work
              i am doing smth wrong
              or valve predicted there'd be smug shitters who'll just use vpn and records location upon logging in/when they notice a sudden ip change/they recorded it before rolling out the update

              tho seeing lp botting and sand are not fixed yet, i doubt it

              the realm's delight

                region thing was a meme guys


                  ye same, i still usually got 4 rujssians in my team


                    at night maybe @aimstrong

                    dookie daddy

                      4k zeus support seemsgood


                        my new favourite stand

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          if u're gonna play can u at least stream it fucker
                          thanks, xoxo


                            yea sure
                            i need to start learning mathalysis though, so expect it maybe around 11/12pm.

                            the realm's delight

                              XDDDDDDDDDDD LOLLLERMAN 5,7

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                ok i'm probably not gonna be rly free until that time anyway i'm munching on my cs exam questions
                                half the questions there weren't touched once by us during the whole semester seemsgood
                                thank god they're mostly non-specific and ez to find answers for


                                  can u still level with coop bot matches??

                                  dookie daddy

                                    Luls loller 5k in 2017

                                    the realm's delight

                                      ye i lost my slardar was not human


                                        allison are u here generally?

                                        the realm's delight

                                          what exactly does generally mean
                                          im here now but i g2g soon


                                            do u remember i told u twice we got games sheduled?

                                            the realm's delight

                                              i remember about a bo2 at 7 something pm


                                                that was not the only one


                                                  the first one is alrdy missed but it was cancelled cz of the other team issues in the last moment

                                                  dookie daddy

                                                    Wew lads, just got raged on by a 3k dusa.


                                                      ROFL i thought that qop was 4k WHOOPS




                                                        btw it s funny how on the reddit threads about low prio is downvote/upvote hidden because everyone downvotes comments like "stay there you toxic shit"
                                                        everyone actively posting on reddit should kill himself honestly


                                                          its just like alenari said

                                                          first they cry about lp sucking dick, "people not getting punished for ruining games" etc. now they made lp harder to get out of and easier to get into, and now that more people get into lp (as they previosuly wanted), they are now crying about how lp is broken


                                                            before that threads about lp got downvoted, and people saying "u deserve it cuz ure toxic" were upvoted

                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                              can i still bind keys to console commands via console/autoexec/whatever(never used that before so idk how it's done exactly)?
                                                              there was a macro fix that restricted binding in some way but i don't remember what it does so idk if that's still possible


                                                                i think u can still use autoexec, but i believe u can't bind multiple actions to 1 key anymore

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  yes that's what fix was about iirc
                                                                  i won't need that anyway i just want to bind disconnect+some phrases like "leave me solo" or "TP TO MY LANE IM BEING GANKED" and mb mute all chat

                                                                  also apparently u don't even need autoexec for that, i just blindly typed bind f11 disconnect into console not hoping for anything but it actually worked

                                                                  except that there's no reconnect button now xd

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    its 7 something pm btw


                                                                      //Net graph

                                                                      net_graph 1
                                                                      net_graphinsetright -40
                                                                      net_graphinsetbottom 450
                                                                      net_graphproportionalfont 0

                                                                      // Rates
                                                                      rate "100000"
                                                                      cl_updaterate "100"
                                                                      cl_cmdrate "100"
                                                                      cl_interp "0.0"
                                                                      cl_interp_ratio "1"
                                                                      cl_smooth "0"
                                                                      cl_smoothtime "0.01"
                                                                      cl_lagcompensation "1"

                                                                      // HUD
                                                                      dota_always_show_player_names "1"
                                                                      dota_camera_disable_zoom "1" // disable scroll wheel zoom
                                                                      dota_reset_camera_on_spawn "0"
                                                                      dota_disable_range_finder "0" // spell range
                                                                      dota_range_display "1"
                                                                      dota_health_per_vertical_marker "250"
                                                                      dota_screen_shake "0" // spell screen shake
                                                                      dota_damage_flash "0" // flash when enemies take damage from player
                                                                      dota_minimap_hero_size "900" // default 600
                                                                      dota_minimap_simple_colors "0"
                                                                      dota_unit_use_player_color "0" // individual or team colors

                                                                      dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max "0" // 0.8
                                                                      dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min "0" // 0.3
                                                                      dota_health_hurt_delay "0" // 0.1
                                                                      dota_pain_decay "0" // 0.8
                                                                      dota_pain_factor "0" // 3
                                                                      dota_pain_fade_rate "0" // 3
                                                                      dota_pain_multiplier "0" // 0.8
                                                                      dota_ability_quick_cast "1"
                                                                      dota_ability_self_cast_timeout "0.5"

                                                                      // binds

                                                                      bind g "quick_courier"

                                                                      con_enable "1"


                                                                      alias "quick_courier" "dota_courier_deliver; say_team Courier is coming to me! Please wait.;dota_select_courier;dota_ability_execute 5;+dota_camera_follow"

                                                                      my old autoexec, just change commands to whatever u need, syntax stays the same

                                                                      i guess ull figure it out

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        how do i bind key combinations tho, i tried + but it doesn't work

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          oh wait
                                                                          if i don't write this in autoexec it'll just reset when i quit right?
                                                                          well w/e i'll use it then


                                                                            cool I got 1 game to play after 2 abandons and I get teammates like this........ XD all 4 went afk and abandoned..... amazing....


                                                                              why do I get 4k's in my team and I have to play against 5k - 7k players in lp XD how is that balanced XD


                                                                                does autoexec actually exist anymore? i dont think im using one currently


                                                                                  it does

                                                                                    Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                                      HELLO?!?!?!? I HAD 1 LP GAME I WON IT AND ITS STILL 1 ?!?!?!?!?!? #VOLVO #DOTA 2


                                                                                        fuck this fucking fucked fucking game


                                                                                          Jay the Bird

                                                                                            is that you arin


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                                                                                                it's not me

                                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                  well this whole thing looks like a dorm so mb it's ur roommate?

                                                                                                  does anybody know the item purchase commands in console? i've tried everything with purchase or buy or item but nothing works and i'm pretty sure it exists because when i pressed o and p my hero purchased obs and sentry wards


                                                                                                    i dont know the guy in the photo jesus CHRIST