General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    If you don't leave early, I can play all night.




        except if my cat is about to die again then no


          btw the last time i paused our silt trial, it was cz of my cat vomitting all over the place, so i went to clean it all up
          cats sure dont work well with silt

          i have 3 or 4 zones not 3-starred yet (sponge, robots, ghosts, gates after the labirinth). all of them seem to be rather simple tbh.
          ah, and the boss.

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          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            I will check the replay of a 33 star run some guys did. They used Troll, Sven, Treant and Weaver it seems.


              my cat vomitted and apparently vomitted that much that some came through her nose

              she was foaming, couldnt breathe anymore, had a blue tongue and was running around like crazy SeemsGood


                holy shit xd

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  my cat vomits on the floor every now and then and it always looks like she just took a shit except its not shit its... fur i guess?

                  D the Superior
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                    D the Superior
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                      D the Superior
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                          quality matchmaking. i have the slight feeling im getting matched with rotten potatos next 2 matches.




                              5.463 Kommentar-Karma

                              road to 6k



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                                  Yowai Mo


                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      I feel so much pain looking at the noodles being defiled.

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        Btw where the fuck are the Indian memes?

                                        me, government hooker

                                          cookie has made a guide? for which he wants ppl to give him money to see?
                                          adn there i was thinking he couldnt get more retarded



                                            Cringe warning btw

                                            me, government hooker

                                              goodness gracious


                                                arent u a bit late?


                                                  80%+ wr winstreak :thinking: hmmm

                                                  Yowai Mo

                                                    is it time to awaken your inner 5k?

                                                    end my life already lmao

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                                                    Yowai Mo



                                                        THIS HAS TO END SOMEDAY


                                                          I'm 8-2-9 blood seeker more networth than the whole enemy team combined and my internet dc's I come back I got abandon, I fucking love this timing.

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                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            When can you guys play Slit? I will come online accordingly.


                                                              4 mid is the BEST


                                                                any time


                                                                  otehrs can also play any time


                                                                    for the boys


                                                                      dude just quit dota. you have this aura that just attracts all players to gank your lane nonstop, you are hanted (kappa), cursed by cookies bosnian tribal witchcraft, your destiny is to be trilaned mid for eternity.

                                                                      its actually hillarious this happens every game i ever played with you, i play slardar and theres just an ogre and pudge sitting mid nonstop and im like ''cya later your on ur own"

                                                                      Similiar to what NATO will say to lithuania when the russkies are coming

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                                                                        That sfm video has bleach voicelines no?




                                                                            yeah where did yo uget this lul. how can you know that? like how can you know , ' if rain is created by clouds, it will fall down into earth? how can you know that? waht kind of genius are you ? jsut cause you not named tripple retard doesnt mean you genius brah lol.


                                                                              hey mr fancypants here's some lyrics for u

                                                                              Hey Ya, Hey Ya
                                                                              Hey Ya, I See You Walking Through The Door
                                                                              Hey Ya, You Look
                                                                              Hey Ya, I Got To Tell You How I Feel
                                                                              Hey Ya, O Baby You Are The Only One For Me
                                                                              Hey Ya, I Wanna Get Closer To You
                                                                              Hey Ya, I Need To Be Closer To You
                                                                              Hey Ya, I Got To Tell You How I Feel
                                                                              Hey Ya, O Baby You Are The Only One For Me
                                                                              Tumhe Kaise Main Bataau Kya Main Paa Gaya Hoon
                                                                              Tum Jo Mere Saath Ho
                                                                              Mujhako Duniya Mil Gayi Hai, Jindagi Badal Gayi Hai
                                                                              Tum Jo Mere Saath Ho
                                                                              Hey Ya, I Wanna Get Closer To You
                                                                              Hey Ya, I Need To Be Closer To You
                                                                              Hey Ya, I Got To Tell You How I Feel
                                                                              Hey Ya, O Baby You Are The Only One For Me
                                                                              Tumhe Kaise Main Bataau Kya Main Paa Gaya Hoon
                                                                              Tum Jo Mere Saath Ho
                                                                              Mujhako Duniya Mil Gayi Hai, Jindagi Badal Gayi Hai
                                                                              Tum Jo Mere Saath Ho
                                                                              Hey Ya, Hey Ya
                                                                              Haseen Haseen Hai Yeh Safar, Saji Saji Yeh Raahein
                                                                              Jhuki Jhuki Hai Yeh Najar, Khuli Khuli Yeh Baahein
                                                                              Meri Palakon Palakon Sapane Jaaye, Haule Haule Dil Yeh Gaayein
                                                                              Mujhako Duniya Mil Gayi Hai, Jindagi Badal Gayi Hai
                                                                              Tum Jo Mere Saath Ho
                                                                              Hey Ya, Hey Ya
                                                                              Kahin Kahin Toh Dhup Hai Kahin Kahin Hai Saayein
                                                                              Jara Jara Tum Ho Mere Jara Jara Paraaye
                                                                              Main Paagal Paagal Sa Rehata Hoon
                                                                              Har Pal Har Pal Yeh Kehata Hoon
                                                                              Mujhako Duniya Mil Gayi Hai, Jindagi Badal Gayi Hai
                                                                              Tum Jo Mere Saath Ho
                                                                              Hey Ya, I Wanna Get Closer To You
                                                                              Hey Ya, I Need To Be Closer To You
                                                                              Hey Ya, I Got To Tell You How I Feel
                                                                              Hey Ya, O Baby You Are The Only One For Me
                                                                              O Baby, Hey Ya
                                                                              You Are The Only One For Me, Hey Ya.





                                                                                  Yowai Mo

                                                                                    rip alison




                                                                                          guys i revenged us all....ok never use youtubes stabilization feature it fucks up your video horribly

                                                                                          also feel free to check out my ultra dank ps4 dark souls pvp vidoes from 2015 :salty:

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                                                                                            Jay the Bird

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                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                haha i escecially liked the dolan meme xD
                                                                                                tfw atusitic down syndrome unvalid drug addict autist kchild slvae shoots and rapes up a school and then eats it alive xD

                                                                                                meteor hammer

                                                                                                  6-8 heroes mid by 10 mins every game, so fuckign trash

                                                                                                  just MAKE SIDELANE CREEPS GIVE MORE GOLD OR SOME SHIT THIS IS STUPID THETEAM THAT WINS MID IS SO FUCKING FAR AHEAD

                                                                                                  Jay the Bird

                                                                                                    hey alenari please delight us with your superior taste in memes

                                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                      mb i will if im in the mood for it