General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior
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    casual gamer

      okay thats enough terraria for today

      time to hoik into the golem room i see xd

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        The Katz



          D the Superior
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              So everyone will get kicked from school ))) right aricchi good one


                So everyone will get kicked from school ))) right aricchi good one

                no, everyone that need to go on 5th out of 5 possible terms to take the exam, a.k.a. the last one
                around 250 people already passed during the 3 terms, i failed on 3rd one (my first attempt) and i can't go on 4th for certain reasons

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                casual gamer

                  done fishing

                  D the Superior
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                    D the Superior
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                      D the Superior
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                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          how many crates is that

                          i had about 150 total and was just a bit short(~40 adm ore) to make all i needed

                          casual gamer

                            250 normal, 75 iron, 28 sky, 10 gold

                            casual gamer

                              btw if u wanna get into the jungle temple u just gotta wire actuators into the blockage to open it up

                              then u can even just pop the shrine out using an actuator where it is resting, and go put it in ur normal arena if u like

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                              D the Superior
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                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  yeah i know
                                  im not gonna fight golem right now anyway though the stone would be mega useful

                                  me, government hooker

                                    what a cringefest

                                    me, government hooker


                                        DansGame explain

                                        D the Superior
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                                            This comment was removed by a moderator 7 minutes ago

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              What's the reason for this account suicide?



                                                one syllable anglo-saxon


                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    thats a permaban btw

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      No, he asked Skim to delete all his posts from here like with Mek.

                                                      me, government hooker

                                                        all of his posts seem to have been deleted so mighjt be

                                                        me, government hooker

                                                          but my other acc is perma banned too and posts are still up
                                                          or maybe its just muted

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                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            i remember when kitrak was permad all his posts were gone so i assume mangus is permad too


                                                              when i got permad my posts got deleted too i think

                                                              NO CAres anyway gay furry pics are done FeelsGoodMan

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                soe is the best (and the only good) thing about OWL actually. one guy is removed from playing and fined like 2k dollars for making a gay joke.

                                                                Tu tayta

                                                                  Deleted furry content.

                                                                  Thanks mods.


                                                                    kitrak was ever perma'd?

                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                      Pretty sure he asked for his comments to be deleted too. He wanted to go pro, and thought that associating with us plebs would hurt his chances.


                                                                        yeah that's what skim said on discord




                                                                              what about drums agh on invoker since you dont buy midas anymore


                                                                                also is ember still awful or did anything change

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  VERY cool video and realistic potrayal of asians too xD


                                                                                    [Allies] Ezio: ah sorry
                                                                                    [Allies] Ezio: you are divine
                                                                                    [Allies] Ezio: you take mid bro
                                                                                    [Allies] Ezio: i didnt see your mmr sorry
                                                                                    [Allies] Be special - go feed: i can support
                                                                                    [Allies] Ezio: thanks brother
                                                                                    [Allies] Ezio: much apreciate ot
                                                                                    [Allies] Ezio: yellow want double mid man it;s oiver before it began
                                                                                    [Allies] Be special - go feed: just play
                                                                                    [Allies] Be special - go feed: maybe they have ruiner too
                                                                                    [Allies] Ezio: we ahve divine playher mid
                                                                                    [Allies] Ezio: why dont give him mid
                                                                                    [Allies] Ezio: he is divine because he plays good ffs


                                                                                      [Allies] Be special - go feed: dota now is feeders against feeders
                                                                                      [Allies] Ezio: too bad yes
                                                                                      [Allies] Ezio: i never fed in my life man
                                                                                      [Allies] Ezio: 3000 games

                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        man wheres the fucking update AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

                                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                          sick of sf every game
                                                                                          sick of fatass every game
                                                                                          sick of purple teleporting nerd every game


                                                                                            nice blue star!


                                                                                              EXPLAIN? i just wanna paly mid wtf

                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                there will probably be rank 5ks by march


                                                                                                  nice blue star!

                                                                                                  do i quit dota now?
                                                                                                  i faintly remember some kind of bet about who gets blue star first
                                                                                                  congratulations anw


                                                                                                    tbh i'm pretty close to killing myself when looking at my recent matches so i would gladly uninstall dota on the spot if you'd tell me to

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