General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    Blood calls! You've perfectly chosen the targets for killing in the last match. It coincided with our recommendations for 55%!


      ayy lmao = not dead???? 1 page in 2 days??






            1690 took a week to fill up

            me, government hooker

              never page 2k


                easy, easy!


                  page 2k in according to my analysis good sir!


                    IMPRESSIVe mathematics done by the man


                      remember that bomb looking thing? it doesn't work anymore


                        😅 👉 ❌ 💣


                          F U N


                            its ok boyz we got this not writing gg playing till the end! ) chinks gonna throw any time now miracle rampage LETS GO LIQUID



                                what are those handshakes
                                that reminds me of when our class learned that REAL MEN greet each other with handshakes and then proceeded to do "handshakes" like these every morning in school and it felt incredibly awkward every time



                                    wait what


                                      i like how euro soyboy beta cuck gets offended and pulls up the polar opposite, as if u either literally never give up or give up whenever u feel like it with no third option


                                        pretty sure vp are just "trolling" everyone by now since they have guaranteed ti invite


                                          euro soyboy beta cuck

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            thats ur anus when trump got elected ;)


                                              no cares


                                                soyboy is one of the most retarded terms i have ever heard. its literally proven that the estrogen in soy does have 0.00 impact on your hormones, unless you eat a whole truck of tofu a day...sinceits you know, plants and plant hormones.

                                                It mostly gets thrown around by very dumb people (alex jones fans, lizad government people etc) that usually find paleo-diets and or eating giant amounts of meat ''manly''. which ironically is proven to mess with your hormones (no, eating 20 steaks and a pan of bacon every day doesnt increase your testosterone, the opposite). Until at 40 they cant get a hard on anymore because their ateries are so clogged up. Or drinking milk is manly, literally freaking cow hormones.

                                                Alex jones came up with this term, according to him, soy products make you susceptible to ''media brainwash'' and weaken you to destroy society. Make you into a weakling that turn into a white knight that needs safespaces

                                                any person using this word...i dont know. has to be really dumb.
                                                coming from a person that finds mabye 50% of the content from people like PJW interesting, and i kind of agree with some political stuff.


                                                  what happen to vp on that game? any messengers? i'm curious


                                                    wad is dis soy stuff


                                                      ok sry


                                                        soyboy is one of the most retarded terms i have ever heard. its literally proven that the estrogen in soy does have 0.00 impact on your hormones, unless you eat a whole truck of tofu a day...sinceits you know, plants and plant hormones.

                                                        It mostly gets thrown around by very dumb people (alex jones fans, lizad government people etc) that usually find paleo-diets and or eating giant amounts of meat ''manly''. which ironically is proven to mess with your hormones (no, eating 20 steaks and a pan of bacon every day doesnt increase your testosterone, the opposite). Until at 40 they cant get a hard on anymore because their ateries are so clogged up. Or drinking milk is manly, literally freaking cow hormones.

                                                        Alex jones came up with this term, according to him, soy products make you susceptible to ''media brainwash'' and weaken you to destroy society. Make you into a weakling that turn into a white knight that needs safespaces

                                                        any person using this word...i dont know. has to be really dumb.
                                                        coming from a person that finds mabye 50% of the content from people like PJW interesting, and i kind of agree with some political stuff.


                                                          u definitely have issues if you start using r9k terms on dotabuff forums


                                                            dude iM SORRY ok?
                                                            please stop bullying me


                                                              alenari teac h me to be cool


                                                                u cant teach this ure either cool from birth or u are not



                                                                  yo girl knows i got the sauce


                                                                    Calling someone a beta cuck in 2018


                                                                      on the contrary if u dont like soy sauce ur gay


                                                                        whatever makes u sleep at night
                                                                        we all know the truth though



                                                                          me, government hooker



                                                                              im done with that shit and it works, preach

                                                                              except that i had to send the code to one of my classmate whose bomb-looking-thingy worked so i never saw it actually working in front of my own eyes, that would be probably nice feeling but w/e


                                                                                vhdl lol

                                                                                remidns me that i failed an exam feelsbadman (vhdl+assembly+microprogramming)


                                                                                  reminds me that i failed assembly mid-terms so i have to repeat the subject next year


                                                                                    ye i have to repeat too

                                                                                    assembly is fuckin gay tbh, its not hard to understand what an assembly program does etc but writing a complex program urself during an exam is aids

                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                      yea exactly, we were supposed to write a program on the spot as well and i'm utterly horrible at that
                                                                                      i need a solid amount of self-persuading to start programming something and it's difficult for me to focus on it at least 90% of time so it takes me a while


                                                                                        why are u studying such low level shit u won't even need it unless u will specifially work in that field and its not crucial to general understanding im pretty sure


                                                                                          because it's compulsory subject
                                                                                          i haven't attended any subject of our choosing except advanced C language which i kinda fell behind at and gave up before even attempting to write first project


                                                                                            ye its not rly crucial, still nice to know

                                                                                            also we learnt some other useful stuff (that i personally didnt know much about), i.e. how to calculate in binary, hex, logic etc pp

                                                                                            vhdl was quite interesting actually, the only part where i got full points in the exam. when u ahve to write a full assembly program in 30 minutes that translates a rgb screen into black-and-white, thats super cancerous and ye i dont understand what thats for


                                                                                              i thought it would be me studying useless shit since russia has a reputation of lagging behind such things(still teaching freshmen pascal in 2018))), but we actually get very practical assignments this semester

                                                                                              for my next oop lab we need to set up version control software and use it to write a graphical app with Qt(WutFace+MonkaS)

                                                                                              and for my fpl assignment i have to write a program that will scan ur reddit acc and analyze ur wordcloud/subreddit post count/etc and it has to actually work and its gotta be in haskell (DansGame + monkaGIGA)


                                                                                                haskell lmao Good luck ahve fun

                                                                                                my uni teaches OCaml =)


                                                                                                  how to calculate in binary, hex, logic etc pp

                                                                                                  that is basics that u kinda have to know(u can still program well without it i guess but its like not learning math in school after 5th grade because "i wont need it 4Head")

                                                                                                  programming mircocontrollers is not basic general knowledge

                                                                                                  maybe its specifics of ur course but im pretty sure u didnt specificly chose low level programming (?)


                                                                                                    im not too worried about haskell assignment, our teacher is pretty helpful and says the assignments are way easier than they sound

                                                                                                    oop assignments on the other hand, our oop teacher is of no help at all and u pretty much have to do everything on ur own(google+stackoverflow)

                                                                                                    which was fine while the labs went like "write a class A, derive classes B and C and write 50 lines of code in each"
                                                                                                    but now i have to set all this shit up myself with 0 pomoshi? get me out
                                                                                                    at least its the last lab not counting the roguelike assignment but i got through the difficult part so its ok i guess


                                                                                                      besides this i have to write annoying labs for 2 more subjects and after that there are 4 exams for 2 of which ill actually have to study and 1 of them is hard as balls and the other is philosophy(????) and i was afk in philosophy classes all semester

                                                                                                      theres no way the next semester is gonna be tougher than this, i'd kill myself