How do you avoid noob teammates?
On my other account i played alche with 1.3k gpm and 12 kda but then i find match omg i got paired up with this void who doesnt know how to play.
maybe stop creating smurfs and trying to abuse the system
and get good
i'm pretty sure that if anyone here who's 5k above would look on ANY of your replays, he'd notice that there won't be a 10 second interval where you didn't do something retarded
you deal with losing the way that you blame yourself for the losses and try to improve. not everyone else. just yourself.
All i ever wanted is to be placed in VHS on my first match and hopefully calibrate at 4.5k +
Have a good kda on each hero , get paired with proper teammates and improve in teamplay
All i ever wanted was people in my team playing accordingly to their rating, trying to win the game... hope dies last boys, i still believe it will happen more often.
that's the wrong approach which will make you waste time and not improve
like yeah, you'd probably win some games if you'd calibrate at 4.5k+
but that's because you'd be carried
if you can't make impact and win in your bracket, then you'll be only deadweight who will be able to win only when your teammates give you ideal conditions (and not even in 100% cases, because you will do retarded shit and lose even theoretically unloseable games)
you get good by not having those conditions. you're not trying to improve right now. you're just waiting for teammates that will be perfect so you can actually have impact on the game and call yourself a good player. but that's not how it fucking works
even a braindead ape would be able to win if you had 0 problems during a game because your teammates did everything
did you pick spectre and you lost your lane because your support did nothing?
did you get sf mid but you're getting ganked by bara and bounty hunter because of 0 vision?
were you forced to first pick a core hero but entire enemy team decided to counter you with all 5 heroes?
either you win these games even with shitty conditions because you are better than other 9 people
or you will cry about of teammates and lose over and over because you can't deal with even a single problem that occurs and you're unable to find farm/kill people/do anything in the game
you don't
you should focus on your own skills, not teamplay
you don't need fucking teamplay to win if you're not in 5k bracket
fuck teammates. mute allchat. ignore them. make your own decisions. even if your decisions are wrong, you'll learn from that and improve. stop caring about the other 4 people in the team. don't expect anything from them. are they good? great. are they feeding? what can i do, time to think of something i can do that will stop them.
page bug
getting it fam
^ tha fuk is dis game?
are you a real human being ?
No I'm a sex machine
its WoW
wow it's wow, I've never played wow, but I heard about wow oh wow so much wow I'm not even wow.
dont bother to play it
Wow this comment so wow I rate wow/wow for this wow
^ this comment gave me wow.
I broke my earthshaker losing curse wooo 8 games in a row, I forgot how green color looks like when I play that hero xd
Aug 28 since they greenlight this
Community aldy show'd interest still no announced release date.
I thought greenlighted games will only take less than a week
But those kids are just fucking around ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mods pls no ban, ty
^ omfg i was looking for this video earlier and now you posted it tysvm
LMAO you retards, made my day xD
whos going to paly today and when
How do you avoid noob teammates?
On my other account i played alche with 1.3k gpm and 12 kda but then i find match omg i got paired up with this void who doesnt know how to play.
i play party ranked in 5ks
I mean in NMM.
imagine a newly created account stacked with VHS players and making the game VHS bracket.
Is that possible?
i dont play NMM
If so
Will games be in VHS bracket after that.
Triplesteal is the old man in the song
no, it wont affect ur hidden solo mmr. party and solo are separate in NMM.
one punch man episode 9
So one punch man is not = Tusk? xDDDDDD
How do you deal with losing.
I really hate losing specially when its not my fault
i really need to get VHS first match on newly created account.
Watch the video I posted above to discover how
maybe stop creating smurfs and trying to abuse the system
and get good
i'm pretty sure that if anyone here who's 5k above would look on ANY of your replays, he'd notice that there won't be a 10 second interval where you didn't do something retarded
you deal with losing the way that you blame yourself for the losses and try to improve. not everyone else. just yourself.
All i ever wanted is to be placed in VHS on my first match and hopefully calibrate at 4.5k +
Have a good kda on each hero , get paired with proper teammates and improve in teamplay
All i ever wanted was people in my team playing accordingly to their rating, trying to win the game... hope dies last boys, i still believe it will happen more often.
that's the wrong approach which will make you waste time and not improve
like yeah, you'd probably win some games if you'd calibrate at 4.5k+
but that's because you'd be carried
if you can't make impact and win in your bracket, then you'll be only deadweight who will be able to win only when your teammates give you ideal conditions (and not even in 100% cases, because you will do retarded shit and lose even theoretically unloseable games)
you get good by not having those conditions. you're not trying to improve right now. you're just waiting for teammates that will be perfect so you can actually have impact on the game and call yourself a good player. but that's not how it fucking works
even a braindead ape would be able to win if you had 0 problems during a game because your teammates did everything
did you pick spectre and you lost your lane because your support did nothing?
did you get sf mid but you're getting ganked by bara and bounty hunter because of 0 vision?
were you forced to first pick a core hero but entire enemy team decided to counter you with all 5 heroes?
either you win these games even with shitty conditions because you are better than other 9 people
or you will cry about of teammates and lose over and over because you can't deal with even a single problem that occurs and you're unable to find farm/kill people/do anything in the game
choice is yours
all I ever wanted is for all of you to watch the video and leave a nice comment
Every game here in SEA is so fvcked up despite being in VHS.
How do you improve Teamplay if your team doesnt wanna participate and cooperate.
nc video mate.
you don't
you should focus on your own skills, not teamplay
you don't need fucking teamplay to win if you're not in 5k bracket
fuck teammates. mute allchat. ignore them. make your own decisions. even if your decisions are wrong, you'll learn from that and improve. stop caring about the other 4 people in the team. don't expect anything from them. are they good? great. are they feeding? what can i do, time to think of something i can do that will stop them.
Game ruiner and account buyer.
U just earned my respect and gratitude.
are you talking to me?
the song is actually pretty good
@Triple song is golden :D
godspeed to you mate
good luck
go check out the album on egoraptors channel
guys i thought i was gonna be your only beloved peenoise retard on dbuff who is this freak^