General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    we had a similar rule back in the days but then i missed several pages and forgot about it afterwards.



      D the Superior
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          How come SEA players are rare here in dotabuff?


            < +1 SEA shitstain

            Miku Plays

              help i lost 200 mmrr wooo awesome



                  lm ao

                    Hi guys

                    Whats up

                    lm ao

                      When I log in back to the forums I always feel like I've missed a day full of dank memes

                      Timezones *sigh*

                      lm ao

                        And I was like online 24 hours ago

                        lm ao

                          I'm obviously unneeded here.

                          lm ao

                            I'm so sad

                            lm ao

                              Putang ina nyo lahat


                                ILoveUndertale, basing on two major facts I knew about you in your steam profile (you are Russian and lvoe Undertale), I found a waifu for ya.

                                lm ao

                                  weird pic


                                    extremely weird
                                    from what i knew from its description, right one is cosplaying some Undertale character

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                                        lm ao

                                          Holy shit

                                          lm ao

                                            I almost thought it was genuine


                                              thats more fake than ur gf's boobs

                                              lm ao

                                                Faker than your Tinder account


                                                  honestly the head rip off machine is yet better than the machine in the and that sucks out your guts

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    waku waku

                                                      i'm more attracted to hot anime girls and girls that cosplay hot anime girls though

                                                      they have all their most attractive features exaggerated and presented as hard as possible

                                                      < blank >

                                                        Ty for those G lines

                                                        < blank >

                                                          Looking for entertaining videos while I'm eating pls help

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                                                              200 pages of bullshit lmao


                                                                did u abandon that game, too?


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                                                                  D the Superior
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                                                                      sin sobaki?



                                                                        waku waku


                                                                          D the Superior
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                                                                            < blank >


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                                                                                what the fuck Aimstronk. This shit is worse then your Invoker xD

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                                                                                D the Superior
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                                                                                    i feel like saitama during math exams



                                                                                      lm ao

                                                                                        Wow I actually think One Punch Man is good, considering its anime

                                                                                        Holy shit

                                                                                        D the Superior
                                                                                          Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                                                                          lm ao

                                                                                            Talking to Arin on Steam he confessed to me all the bullshit he've done that he stilll can't get over and I want to say that Arin, by the way you speak about things, I think I get the gist of what you are feeling now.

                                                                                            Obviously you think a lot about how stupid youve acted before and how unworthy you are to to deserve the affection and love of real friends, so you just want to fade silently from other people's memories, hoping they'd forget as well of what a miser you think you are - just as what your dream describes it - but taking all what youve said to me I want to say that its stupid as well to think that this life youve led before you is worth a yank of a noose around your neck.

                                                                                            People make mistakes. People who are made by their mistakes are not necessarily strong; I'd like to call them people who are brave enough to have the balls to tell themselves that they shat brix but are able to forgive themselves for doing so.

                                                                                            I know your childhood was hard on you as you described it to me 4 months ago. Your dad died when you were young, you used to live in dingy flats, your stepdad is a con man or whatever dogshit he actually is. But why hesitate to move forward for being so caught up in the past? Move on. Accept that after you read my message on your PC, much later in your life you will never always stop yourself from shitting on other people. You are human, so am I. We are always confronted with the decision to do what is lawful good or what is benificial to our individuality and dignity. But we will always be shit. What you need to do in those time when you realize, 'Aw shit damn I fucked up hard' is forgive yourself.

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                                                                                            lm ao

                                                                                              wowzer I just wsted 42 minutes concocting this crap I was supposed to be queueing for Overthrow

                                                                                              D the Superior
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                                                                                                D the Superior
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                                                                                                  D the Superior
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