5k hero dmg with ancient creeps xd and they hit for 60 dmg or some shit just imagine how annoying it is when someone comes to ur lane and starts auto attacking u and nobody can do shit xD
SingSing can I mod your chat? I graduated top of my class in the US Navy kappa’s, I’ve been involved in numerous raids on many other twitch chats with over 300 confirmed bans. I’m trained in copy pasta warfare and I’m the top mod on Twitch.
aw is similar to techies cz he's making the whole match's style different to normal, but hes nowhere near to techies in terms of how boring it was to play back then
i do t even mean the 5v4, just... the style of the game changes. you are very, very limited in your moves. this scenario has its own kind of fun, i suppose, but not for me.
le 5k hero damage
Fuck this, I'm gonna pick Meepo now
5k hero dmg with ancient creeps xd and they hit for 60 dmg or some shit just imagine how annoying it is when someone comes to ur lane and starts auto attacking u and nobody can do shit xD
you should be able to do much more if you can possess a dragon
bitch where u when i was walkin
Now I run the game got the whole world talkin, King Kunta
If you're gonna do ancients then at least get radiance.
Fuck that, abyssal was just so much better against them, I can just pop out of a dragon and fuck someone up xd
Also MY LUCKY DAY!! gril!
Lucky week
Shame that you weren't the MVP that game.
^ I was 5Heads
i once got to play with a cute girl streamer in my team
"12:18 nuulsbot: afeect's dick is 39 cm long WutFace"
PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
babushka HAHAHAHHAHA u mad bro? hahaha
SingSing can I mod your chat? I graduated top of my class in the US Navy kappa’s, I’ve been involved in numerous raids on many other twitch chats with over 300 confirmed bans. I’m trained in copy pasta warfare and I’m the top mod on Twitch.
5,7k avg game xd xd

Arc is the new Techies, if you get the advantage then you can't lose anymore
naix is fun! but pick bane anyways.
aw is similar to techies cz he's making the whole match's style different to normal, but hes nowhere near to techies in terms of how boring it was to play back then
i dont play any of those, i was talking about playing WITH techies or AW in either team.
ye, i sincerely believe AW is literally top1 hero to grind mmr if u know to play it, and it doesnt require much of mechanical skill
idc about winning, its just B-O-R-I-N-G
i do t even mean the 5v4, just... the style of the game changes. you are very, very limited in your moves. this scenario has its own kind of fun, i suppose, but not for me.
if u want to watch high skill voker replay watch this
hes 6,6k
pretty high skill game too
he owned
kebab removed
wow, you actually won that match? thanks fam
yeah, i'm sorry. i'll try to not do that again
eyy Havoc Badger, do you have an Active Directory installation guide? We need to make a document but I'm really against work right now
less a guide, more a documented installation
I didn't leave, I'm still here just don't have the time/motivation for dotes anymore
sum music 4 allison
no one respons to my snaps FeelsBadMan
my crush responded
mfw she asks me who I am

What is snapchat? Do you just share pics with other people?
Yes and videos, you can add effects aswell