There is one good way to play in situations where game after game you seem to get worst team ever.
When ppl believe in smth they always look for "facts" that confirm their belief. If you get the "I am in hidden pool/I will lose -25 pts this game" mantra in your head your perception will be skewed towards noticing the bad and not noticing the good. It all goes as a downward spiral and you keep losting and every loss "confirms" that you are cursed to lose.
You think that when you carry the game your enemies think "wow this guy is so good"? "FUCKING RETARDED SHIT CARRY/MID/SUPPORTS/GABEN/VOLVO" is what they think.
If you feel depressed, don't believe in you having impact on how the game goes. Playing when tilted is just as bad as feeding, picking doublemid(tho I always do when some kid tries to take it when I asked for it ) or whatever forms of gameruin you can come up with. Mentality is a part of your skill, all those "he is legit 7k but rages and feeds couriers/goes doublemid so he is only 6k" is 100% bullshit, mentality wins games and mentality loses them, if you can't control yourself to not get in your victory's way, you don't deserve to win.
Like imagine if it's TI Grand Finals, Miracle or some other ultra-hs player got tilted after a loss, fed hard and lost the game by himself and would be like "HeyGuys, i could ezily rek those kids, I'm legit TI chamion, but I was tilted and couldn't win xDDDD ;))))))0000 amirite boyz)))))"
I dunno, I'm not the nice guy type of player, I almost never flame first, but always ready to pour some shit on 4k dogs who open their mouths and I almost always go 2x mid/safleane if someone tries to force me out of it. I almost never talk to my team and insta-mute any player who is a potential flamer("-25/4 retards" types of nicknames), irritates me or even pings on me/comments on my misplay - real or imaginary. I also think they mostly are a bunch of arrogant and ignorant dogs. But I believe that my team is as good as the enemy team and it works - my team more often than not often plays really well and I was even carried hard last 3 games I played. Premium pool is real guise
Sry for the long 4k post, I just had this on my mind for a long time already and I'm kinda confused why people talk about mechanical skill or game sense while almost completely ignoring mentality which is super important IMO. Whatever, nobody's gonna read this anyway
I dunno, I'm not the nice guy type of player, I almost never flame first, but always ready to pour some shit on 4k dogs who open their mouths and I almost always go 2x mid/safleane if someone tries to force me out of it.
^ POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE!!! think about sunstrikes and duels. Who cares about laning stage heh heh. But u actually must be retarded to pick it that early.
or im just tilting again
one doesn't tilt after losing like 3 games or w/e. Just get over it and change ur attitude
I wish I could get motivation to play and grind, but I have none xd
ez party mmr
Why is Pupan afk in the middle of team fight?
that's like my solo mmr journey atm xd
i'm able to tilt after losing a rightclicking battle to some ass with faerie fires
you underestimate me
I tilt if I don't get Obs literally the same second we spawn in fountain when I'm playing offlaner.
you'd 100% tilt with me since sometimes i need like 30 seconds before i'm able to move after clicking on play
= Triple Clown (no space)
If I don't get Obs in 3 seconds I buy my own.
@0.0 so old, so gold. Loved that video.
lel i've been away for like a year and this thread is still alive
Praise Hans Krebs
"Praise Almighty Krebs, in all his skrubbiness and 4k boosting, and all that"
so whats up ma dudes? kek
There is one good way to play in situations where game after game you seem to get worst team ever.
When ppl believe in smth they always look for "facts" that confirm their belief. If you get the "I am in hidden pool/I will lose -25 pts this game" mantra in your head your perception will be skewed towards noticing the bad and not noticing the good. It all goes as a downward spiral and you keep losting and every loss "confirms" that you are cursed to lose.
You think that when you carry the game your enemies think "wow this guy is so good"? "FUCKING RETARDED SHIT CARRY/MID/SUPPORTS/GABEN/VOLVO" is what they think.
If you feel depressed, don't believe in you having impact on how the game goes. Playing when tilted is just as bad as feeding, picking doublemid(tho I always do when some kid tries to take it when I asked for it ) or whatever forms of gameruin you can come up with. Mentality is a part of your skill, all those "he is legit 7k but rages and feeds couriers/goes doublemid so he is only 6k" is 100% bullshit, mentality wins games and mentality loses them, if you can't control yourself to not get in your victory's way, you don't deserve to win.
Like imagine if it's TI Grand Finals, Miracle or some other ultra-hs player got tilted after a loss, fed hard and lost the game by himself and would be like "HeyGuys, i could ezily rek those kids, I'm legit TI chamion, but I was tilted and couldn't win xDDDD ;))))))0000 amirite boyz)))))"
I dunno, I'm not the nice guy type of player, I almost never flame first, but always ready to pour some shit on 4k dogs who open their mouths and I almost always go 2x mid/safleane if someone tries to force me out of it. I almost never talk to my team and insta-mute any player who is a potential flamer("-25/4 retards" types of nicknames), irritates me or even pings on me/comments on my misplay - real or imaginary. I also think they mostly are a bunch of arrogant and ignorant dogs. But I believe that my team is as good as the enemy team and it works - my team more often than not often plays really well and I was even carried hard last 3 games I played. Premium pool is real guise
Sry for the long 4k post, I just had this on my mind for a long time already and I'm kinda confused why people talk about mechanical skill or game sense while almost completely ignoring mentality which is super important IMO. Whatever, nobody's gonna read this anyway
im confused
why does my bh have a lens
why doesnt zeus have veil at 30 mins
why does spectre have 1 item at 30 mins
^ty for writing that down so now i can copy pasta it everytime arin talks about mm 4Head
so nothing changed EleGiggle
btw, is 4k bracket still boostable by 1k trash?
sounds like me lol
^ POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE!!! think about sunstrikes and duels. Who cares about laning stage heh heh. But u actually must be retarded to pick it that early.
...and dis doge dude is here too.
Now all we miss to resemble of what I remember db to be is blunt lel.
blunt is dead m8, he tried to inject morphine cause he thought it would make him better in game, but he didn't hit the vein
he tried to inject morphine cuz he thought that it will make him a better morphling
he may be the worst morphling ever.
and I may be the best 1k trash here.
.....only because i am a probably a only 1k trash here.
yeah, im 2k scrub
HEY GUYS Check out my new camera!! ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ (._.) ( l: ) ( .-. ) ( :l ) (._.) Oh wait!! this isn't a camera. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the guy in the middle WutFace
He is my ése
he is my essay
he is my ass'ey
Er ist mein ése
он мой есе
il est mon ése
is this thread is mods-free? that wota-posted-a-porn didnt get banned yet. and the pic still there,
ive check it throughlyNo, mods check this thread, LUL and decide if posts should get deleted after that they disappear for weeks
Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The Ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent.