General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    please read it its really a great read


      my ping is higher than my fps LUL (my ping is 26)



        maybe buy a new pc

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          give me money and ill buy one LUL


            i'm dying

            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

              the point is the everytime my birthday / christmas comes something of my pc breaks (usually peripherals) or my monitor, so whenever either my bd or christmas comes i cant buy new pc parts

              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                dont kill urslef u cna do it

                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY



                    ofc my asshole stepfather decides to lie behind me on couch, turn on tv on max volume and watch some shitty quiz show while shouting answers and how dumb they are

                    ASSESS Product

                      Who still using window xp?


                        ^arin LUL

                        ASSESS Product

                          Mb your dad do that to you bcoz you forgot to turn off speaker everytime you open the pc Kappa

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                            ASSESS Product

                              Help me. How do I convice my friend so he can gift me lvl 50 comp that his friend gift to him with cheaper price? (his friend gift lvl 50 to him for free bcoz he got fv immo)

                              D the Superior
                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                  ubuntu? LUL i only use that to hack Elegiggle

                                  Yowai Mo

                                    Is arin = Stan ?

                                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                      lmao the gif is older than yoshi but the source is even more hilarious

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                                      me, government hooker

                                        princess GG

                                        me, government hooker

                                          at least i got $500 dota item apparetnyl so im cooler LUL

                                          ASSESS Product

                                            Jumping is too maisntream

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                            D the Superior
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                                              ASSESS Product

                                                Chuck Norris of India

                                                ASSESS Product

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                                                      and here i thought that electromagnetism is the worst topic

                                                      quantum mechanics dxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxDxX.dX_ew-amiúvobh)abhgžřčaéáhžz bÉGBHĚZ =ŽÍNJAČŽŠJASKDOLFASDFÚVKAVWDPOJHLPOAL ŮDKF

                                                      getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                        Guys, suppose you're taking a psychology test as a requirement to join a company. You semi-consciously answer the questions so that your employer won't see any issue in your mental state, but somehow you know in yourself that if you answer honestly, they can somehow conclude that you are at least mildly depressed. Is this acceptable and understandable behavior or are you running a risk of endangering yourself at your potential workplace?

                                                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                          why would that endanger you? i think its ok, i'd actually lie as well because im pretty sure they'd think im autistic or a psychopath or sth

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                          ASSESS Product

                                                            That actually depend on company though. But better with first option bcoz you never know.

                                                            getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                              I forgot to mention that the work environment is on a ship that's out at sea months at a time with the same people everyday on a 6-9 month contract, where shipping companies take mental health quite seriously or they run a risk of having a nutjob on board waiting to snap and kill himself and/or a few more others on the ship

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                                                                  me right now

                                                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                    @kotlguy so is it you who wants to get the job? ask yourself wether you want to work in this environment; do you like it? are u severely depressed? maybe you should see a psychotherapist anyway and talk to him about your fears/new job

                                                                    Yowai Mo

                                                                      Don't listen to this little boy, he is still going to school and has no work experience
                                                                      E: and he is 16 years old

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                      getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                                        Yeah but I feel like I'm caught on a catch-22 either way; I take the exam and answer the answers they optimally want to see but running that risk as stated earlier, or answer honestly and risk not getting the job(which seems to be my one and only life-option for me right now), or, idk.. I don't think I can even afford seeing a psychologist. I'm broke asf(life is hard in PH), I don't want to ask my parents for any more help(let alone tell them of my suspected condition) and basically the only chance I have at picking myself up financially is with that job at sea.

                                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                                          this link is trustable and i wanted to ask you to click on this so i get a free 10€ Paysafe card

                                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                                            i'll appreciate your effort

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven


                                                                              ASSESS Product

                                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                                  i just want those 10 € cuz im a greedy fuck


                                                                                    Greed is good

                                                                                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                      tbh if its actually your only chance its probably better to take it, no matter the risks (and tbh, i think your symptoms might get better once youre busy all day long or w/e, dunno what your job will be)

                                                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                        i'd take the job, but ye, take it with a grain of salt because i dont know you, how bad your depression is and actually im just a kid

                                                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                                                          just 1 click and 13 people left

                                                                                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                            ich habe geklickt, bekomme ich jetzt was?


                                                                                                ich bin von der Erde


                                                                                                  GUYS IT'S A LOT EASIER TO GET WEAPONS IN VIETNAM NOW!!!